24 Season Two



-Anamorphic widescreen video
-Dolby Digital 5.1 audio
-Forty-four deleted scenes
-Alternate ending with optional commentary
-Three featurettes (On the Button: The Destruction of CTU, The Making of an Episode: Production and The Making of an Episode: Post-Production)
- Two multi-angle scenes studies and audio commentary on six episodes (one per disc).
-Additionally, all of the deleted scenes and alternate endings will be optionally viewable during the episodes they're taken from via seamless branching. Here's the cover art...
Click image for larger version

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Thanks jrs… now I can catch the ones I missed… Have you heard anything about next season starting out several years after the ending of season two?
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Without giving away the ending to those who hadn’t seen it, it was an ending that made me go “AW WHAT…NOOO WAY”, I would of preferred another ending, but the show does go for the shock tactics and 9 times out of ten it works. I’ll be buying this boxed set as well as the previous seasons boxed set as well. I made a constant effort to see every single hour, I didn’t miss a minute, I taped and turned off the cell phone just so I wouldn’t miss it. I was slightly obsessive...Thanks for the heads up JR as usual.

PS whats your avatar of?

Originally Posted by Naisy
Without giving away the ending to those who hadn’t seen it, it was an ending that made me go “AW WHAT…NOOO WAY”, I would of preferred another ending, but the show does go for the shock tactics and 9 times out of ten it works. I’ll be buying this boxed set as well as the previous seasons boxed set as well. I made a constant effort to see every single hour, I didn’t miss a minute, I taped and turned off the cell phone just so I wouldn’t miss it. I was slightly obsessive...Thanks for the heads up JR as usual.

PS whats your avatar of?

Oooo… I know what you mean… I don‘t think I‘ve ever been this sucked into a tv show… Irritated the heck out of me when I missed a few of them… But I saw the last one… my mouth fell open… I was expecting something to happen but not the way they did it…

PS: jrs avatar is a pic of his sweetie…

Laugh and grow fat!
Thanks for the info! I'll be gettin' that since I missed most of season 2.

Thanks Caitlyn and Jr, now I feel slightly included in the goss thats been happening around here. Since I dont know what codes still work here and what doesnt (eg the "username joke" doesnt work, what a shock that was) Im warning you that below is a spolier of the second series so if you dont want to know (i kept it as brief as possible so i didnt reveal much) dont read past THIS POINT:

Possible Spolier
Its took me a while but i figured out who the final evil chick was! It was a survivor (escapee) of the first season, now how many people remembered that?

SHBWAH? another season, you cant be serious. Darn it, just when i thought the obsession was over. I wonder if President Palmer will be in this one HMMMMM