Directors Whose First Movie Was a Bad Indicator Of Their Future


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For better or worse...
(Let's skip shorts and just get on with their first Feature Film)

I'd answer first like usual, but I don't want to 'influence' anything. I'm sure someone will remind me of a better example, anyway.

M. Knight.

Umm, like most directors ever?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.


Ari Aster's Heriditary.
What is with Ari and people having their heads caved in. He did it again in Midsommar. That becomes all I remember from the film. And it puts me right off anything else he might do. I think he is a very interesting storyteller. But I don't want to experience trauma myself when I watch a movie.

If you can throw the title of the movie in case we don't know.... Thanks...
Praying with Anger (1992)

George Washington (2000)

Reservoir Dogs?? (1992)

Piranha II? or The Terminator? since he doesn't often acknowledge the former.

Spanking the Monkey (1994)

Kubrick's first film was rough.
Fear and Desire (1952)

Yep, Piranha II.

Yep, Piranha II.
Piranha II is pretty bad, but considering he wasn't even supposed to direct it, I tend to cut him some slack.

Oh fine I'm feeling balsy....Orson Welles.
If you mean that he made something so great that he wouldn't be able to surpass it, thus dooming his career to a perennial feeling of apparent failure for never topping that... then I agree

Piranha II is pretty bad, but considering he wasn't even supposed to direct it, I tend to cut him some slack.

Well, I am saying it was a BAD indicator of his future, so this cuts him maximal slack. He is King Midas of the Box Office, the billion dollar man.

Welles' first film was an ambitious monster that the world was hardly prepared for and that easily could have sunk his career from the get go

I think that is a pretty good indicator of his future films....except for the fact that his endless risk taking and bridge burning did eventually destroy him.

And as perfect as Kane is, I personally find the much less perfect movies that followed maybe even more fascinating.