VHS comedy era comedy Hall of fame III (1977-1989)


Well we're moving on to the late 70's and 80's a fifteen year period of time. The only films you can't pick from this era are Say Anthing and Better off Dead which won previous entries.


Anyways please do not reveal the films you nominated..we will save that till the end.

Ahwell 14/14 - ballot sent
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Citizen Rules 14/14- Ballot Sent
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes Trains and Automobiles
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Edarsenal 12/14
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

GBGoodies 14/14-Ballot Sent
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
The Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes Trains and Automobiles
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Hey Fredrick 14/14 - Ballot Sent

After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes Trains and Automobiles
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Siddon 14/14
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future

The Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Wyldesyde19 14/14 Ballot Sent
After Hours
Annie Hall
Back to the Future
Blues Brothers
Broadcast News
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
A Fish Called Wanda
The Jerk
Planes Trains and Automobiles
The Princess Bride
Real Genius
When Harry Met Sally
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

After Hours (1985) 1hr 38m dir Martin Scorsese

Annie Hall (1977) 1hr 33 m dir Woody Allen

Back to the Future (1985) 1hr 56m dir Robert Zemeckis

Blues Brothers(1980) runtime 2hr 28m dir John Landis

Broadcast News (1987) 2hr 13m dir James L. Brooks

Dirty Rotten Scounrels (1988) 1hr 50m dir Frank Oz

A Fish Called Wanda (1988) 1hr 49m dir Charles Crichton

The Jerk (1979) 1hr 44m dir Carl Reiner

Parenthood (1989) 2hr4m dir Ron Howard

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987) 1hr 33m dir John Hughes

The Princess Bride 1hr 38m dir Rob Reiner

Real Genius (1985) 1hr 46m dir Martha Coolidge

When Harry Met Sally (1989) 1hr 36m dir Rob Reiner

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) 1hr 44m dir Robert Zemeckis

reserved for later entries/vitals.

Ahwell Nomination received
Citizen Rules Nomination received
Ed Arsenal Nomination received
GBGoodies Nomination received
Hey Fredrick Nomination received
Siddon Nomination received
Wyldesyde19 Nomination received

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
a lot of great flicks to choose from, looking forward to seeing a number of favorites pop up in this
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I didn't realize that this HoF was starting so soon. I narrowed down my list to about a dozen comedy movies from 1977-1989 that I love, (none of which are probably good enough to win this HoF).

Give me a day or two to narrow it down to the two movies that I want to nominate, and I'll submit my noms.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I didn't realize that this HoF was starting so soon. I narrowed down my list to about a dozen comedy movies from 1977-1989 that I love, (none of which are probably good enough to win this HoF).

Give me a day or two to narrow it down to the two movies that I want to nominate, and I'll submit my noms.

If you need help feel free to PM me but awesome

I don't expect my noms to do well in this HoF, but I sent in my noms. (Is there a prize for having the bottom two movies in the HoF voting? )
@Citizen Rules already won that in Pre-30s I... even he voted his own noms last if I remember correctly.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't expect my noms to do well in this HoF, but I sent in my noms. (Is there a prize for having the bottom two movies in the HoF voting? )
I proudly hold the record for having my two noms finish last and second to last in the Pre 30s HoF I

And I have the proud distinction of being the only person to vote their own nom last place

Coming in Dead Last and making HoF history! is:

10th Place


8 points
Citizen Rules

Making HoF history as I'm the first person (as far as I know) to vote their own nom last!

I don't expect my noms to do well in this HoF, but I sent in my noms. (Is there a prize for having the bottom two movies in the HoF voting? )

I was thinking about not revealing who nominated who until the end, not going to happen now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was thinking about not revealing who nominated who until the end, not going to happen now.
You could still do that, she didn't say what her noms were, only that she didn't think they would do well. I think my noms will get mixed reactions. I like your idea to not reveal who nominated what, until during the reveal.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I would join but the double noms makes it too many films to watch for me since I have to finish 20rh and just started the Japanese one.

I would join but the double noms makes it too many films to watch for me since I have to finish 20rh and just started the Japanese one.

You can do a single nomination, most of these comedies are going to be short.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I was thinking about not revealing who nominated who until the end, not going to happen now.

You can still wait to reveal who nominated what until the end.

I was having a hard time narrowing it down to only two noms anyway, so I'm even willing to change my noms if you want me to. I'll even try to pick movies that might "blend in" more with the other noms this time. (I have whole list of favorite comedy movies that can easily lose this HoF. )