The Cooking Thread


Any cooks around here? I've never been much of one but I am interested in getting better at it. My sister got me two cookbooks for Christmas - Cooking Comically by Tyler Capps, and 5 Spices, 50 Dishes by Ruta Kahate. Latter is, if you didn't catch, Indian food.

Tonight I made black-eyed peas with goan curry, but substituted garbanzo beans for the black-eyed peas.

Anyway... feel free to talk about cooking in here, and share any recipes you enjoy cooking.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That sounds good Swan, how did it taste?

I use to do a lot of cooking but the older I get the simpler I get. I do still brew beer, does that count as a food?

That sounds good Swan, how did it taste?

I use to do a lot of cooking but the older I get the simpler I get. I do still brew beer, does that count as a food?
I should have said making instead of made. Have yet to taste it! But it smells good.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I just made Mozzarella chicken caesar salad /w Parmesan garlic toast. I'm not the fanciest cook, but I can slay hunger.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Im very much a "home style cooking" person.. so Im not very creative when it comes to food... Also Im a picky eater.... but I can tell you a few things that work pretty good...

Here you go Citizen. It tastes very good!


Thanks Citz. It was good, but I feel more could have been added to it to make it a bit more interesting. Maybe chicken or something. The bread is called Naan bread, by the way.

I'm making jalapeno poppers right now. Picture forthwithcoming.

Hey guys I have this problem, that I want to learn to cook, but I don't know any recipe or meal, like nothing come up in my mind. So yeah, when I'm about to eat I forget the food there is in this world. I'm on my own, so I would prefer to cook rather than buying something, but I just don't know. I want to see if you guys could help me :c, like a really common dish you prepare so I look it up and try to do it :3. I'm trying to get 14 meals, so I can eat something 1 day and eat it again 1 week later. If you suggest me some meals I would appreaciate it

Hey guys I have this problem, that I want to learn to cook, but I don't know any recipe or meal, like nothing come up in my mind. So yeah, when I'm about to eat I forget the food there is in this world. I'm on my own, so I would prefer to cook rather than buying something, but I just don't know. I want to see if you guys could help me :c, like a really common dish you prepare so I look it up and try to do it :3. I'm trying to get 14 meals, so I can eat something 1 day and eat it again 1 week later. If you suggest me some meals I would appreaciate it
List some favorites. Some meats, veges, types of meals like Chinese food, Seafood, Country cooking, etc . . . Say if you like casseroles, stews, etc . . .

I'm one hell of a chef, dear, and I beat the hell out of anything Betty Crocker.

You act like being interested in things is a bad thing.
You act like acting interested is actually being interested.

c'mon I'm joking, it's cool to see that spirit and energy and interest in so many things. But I still find it kind of funny, not because it's wrong, but just because it's fun to see you have a thousand things going all at once.

A cooking thread! . I like baked potatoes with chicken, i hardly eat anything processed, i'm not a big meat eater but do like a cheeseburger, fish is ok too, i have a food allergy so gotta be careful. I cook stew,especially our most famous dish, scouse.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Any cooks around here? I've never been much of one but I am interested in getting better at it. My sister got me two cookbooks for Christmas - Cooking Comically by Tyler Capps, and 5 Spices, 50 Dishes by Ruta Kahate. Latter is, if you didn't catch, Indian food.

Tonight I made black-eyed peas with goan curry, but substituted garbanzo beans for the black-eyed peas.

Anyway... feel free to talk about cooking in here, and share any recipes you enjoy cooking.
Wow that was pretty ambitious for someone claiming to not be a good cook. Well done, Swany.

Nice bump by Dannii

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Southern boy here. Learned to cook by trial and error in some respects, and by my good ole' fat, blind grandma who taught me most of what I know. But this is nothing fancy. This is deep south country food. Corns, peas, dumplins', cornbread, beefs, potatoes, fried cornbread, etc. Fried things. Dense things. ...oily things. The kind of meal you nap after, having taken on such a heavy load. Paper plates abound, so you better stack two else find your food in the floor because one plate simply cannot support the weight. You get second-helpings the first time through the line so as not to lose an opportunity of tasting something wonderful that might actually not be there anymore on a second pass. That, and you'll be too belly-swollen to get up for a second go 'round. Because that's too much like exercise. And that gets in the way of the nap.
