Worst decade for movies?


Worst Decade For Film?
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I'd say 1890's. Actuality plus Melies equals the worst deecade in film history? It's the first decade of cinema too, so it sounds funny, but yeah...
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

'80s for me as well. In the past, I've heard a lot of people say the '90s, which is something I always dispute. It was a quiet decade for huge blockbusters, but pretty awesome for all other films.

Geez pretty hard to say... I don't have a solid enough answer to warrant a vote but I'd probably say 80's or 40's.

80's because though it had a good amount of classics it seemed to lack those couple of films that are considered goats.

40's because of the reverse, it had a couple goats like CK and Casa but there doesn't seem to be too many more memorable classics outside of those 2.

Every decade has its share of amazing films though.

Ug, 80s? For real? Back to the Future, 2 Star Wars, Indiana Jones and half a dozen other Spielberg greats, The Shining, Blade Runner, The Thing, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, The Terminator, Full Metal Jacket, Aliens, Blue Velvet, freaking Die Hard(!!!), Lethal Weapon, Batman, The Goonies, Robocop, holy freaking ****, I can go on forever!

So can IMDB.

I voted 2000s just to see the results and because it felt like for every No Country for Old Men there was 3 or 4 Battlefield Earths, The Skulls, and Dude Where's my Cars...

Ug, 80s? For real? Back to the Future, 2 Star Wars, Indiana Jones and half a dozen other Spielberg greats, The Shining, Blade Runner, The Thing, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, The Terminator, Full Metal Jacket, Aliens, Blue Velvet, freaking Die Hard(!!!), Lethal Weapon, Batman, The Goonies, Robocop, holy freaking ****, I can go on forever!

So can IMDB.

I voted 2000s just to see the results and because it felt like for every No Country for Old Men there was 3 or 4 Battlefield Earths, The Skulls, and Dude Where's my Cars...
Though great films, that list isn't quite as strong as other decades. Can you say that Aliens was better than the first Alien in the 70's? Or Terminator over Terminator 2? Batman over Batman Returns? Both of those are widely considered to be sequels that were better than the originals.

It was definitely great for sci-fi though with the two Star Wars and Blade Runner, but not everyone is into Sci-Fi.

Ug, 80s? For real? Back to the Future, 2 Star Wars, Indiana Jones and half a dozen other Spielberg greats, The Shining, Blade Runner, The Thing, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, The Terminator, Full Metal Jacket, Aliens, Blue Velvet, freaking Die Hard(!!!), Lethal Weapon, Batman, The Goonies, Robocop, holy freaking ****, I can go on forever!

So can IMDB.

I voted 2000s just to see the results and because it felt like for every No Country for Old Men there was 3 or 4 Battlefield Earths, The Skulls, and Dude Where's my Cars...
TBH that's not a very compelling list to me. You mentioned a lot of box office hits, but certainly not very many that I would consider classics. The only ones on there that I love are The Shining and Blue Velvet. And even those don't compare to my favorites from just about every other decade.
'80s was huge for Hollywood blockbusters, but I struggle to think of very many great films from around the world that came out. Heh, that might just be me though. I'm strongly biased against Hollywood and a lot of American cinema.

EDIT: I'd also disagree about the 2000s. The proportion of great films to bad films is worse because of all the junk that came out circa internet, but I can think of plenty of great films. It's also harder to judge, though, because the films from this decade haven't had a lot of time to age. To me, one of the biggest characteristics of exceptional cinema is its ability to withstand the test of time. Some great films from the 2000s I can think of:

Let The Right One In
Still Walking
Pan's Labyrinth
In The Mood For Love
Spirited Away
There Will be Blood
The Wrestler

The 80s was probably the best tbh. Early 1990s was too.

That was when cinema hit a peak with originality and sheer imagination.

After 1996-1997 though, everything became all about sequels, remakes... and making copies of old movies, just under a new name.

Worst Decade? I'd say 1995-2015 is the worst 20 year period of film in History.

I guess that means the 10 years of 2001-2010 is the worst solid decade so far... but even so, this decade we're in right now is shaping up to be even worse if it carries on like this.

But, every decade had/has its Gold, even since 1995, and every decade had/has total garbage, even the 1980s. At least the garbage of yester-decades were original ideas.
The garbage that's been puked out since 1995 are just gash remakes, sequels... and copies of old movies, just under a new name.

The 80's can't be the worst decade, because it was the slasher decade.

You can't really count the 1950s or before IMHO.

That was way back when cinema was in its infancy. Filmmakers were still learning this new fangled idea.
It's like comparing which is better between a Bugatti Veyron and a Model T.

Sure you can. Plenty of great cinema before the 50's. I'm actually finding out I really love FW Murnau's work, quickly becoming a favorite director of mine.

The 80s was probably the best tbh. Early 1990s was too.

That was when cinema hit a peak with originality and sheer imagination.

After 1996-1997 though, everything became all about sequels, remakes... and making copies of old movies, just under a new name.

Worst Decade? I'd say 1995-2015 is the worst 20 year period of film in History.

I guess that means the 10 years of 2001-2010 is the worst solid decade so far... but even so, this decade we're in right now is shaping up to be even worse if it carries on like this.

But, every decade had/has its Gold, even since 1995, and every decade had/has total garbage, even the 1980s. At least the garbage of yester-decades were original ideas.
The garbage that's been puked out since 1995 are just gash remakes, sequels... and copies of old movies, just under a new name.
Looks like this is about the same contention as bouncingbrick. But I'm not sure I'm convinced. I totally disagree on your point about the 2000s. I hear people complain often about there's nothing but sequels etc. But the people that say that that I've met are always the ones that only pay attention to the top of the box office. I've found that if I filter through the handful of sequels coming out every week, there really is no shortage of great movies.
I loved the 2000s for movies and the '10s are turning out even better.

The 80's can't be the worst decade, because it was the slasher decade.

I'm not just on about the top of the box office though.

If you look at the smaller films of today, the non-Blockbusters and B-Movies etc, they're of similar ilk to the decades gone by.
That area of cinema hasn't really changed a great deal. They're made by people who have a hunger for making films and make them for the enjoyment. They put their blood sweat and tears into those films.
I say they haven't changed a great deal, the changes are that modern lower budget movies still use olde ideas from this film and that film.

But then take the whole lot altogether: Smaller films and the top end of the biggest productions.
Movies today, over the entire range, from B-Movies to Blockbusters, are of a much lower standard in writing, originality and imagination.

The 80s was a peak.
Terminator, Predator, The Blues Brothers, the mini-creature feature like Gremlins and Critters, The Goonies, BTTF, The Evil Dead.
Original ideas.

Was there anything even remotely like Ghostbusters before Ghostbusters came along? Was there anything even remotely like BTTF before BTTF came along? The Goonies? Basket Case?

I'm not sure if I've actually seen or heard a genuinely original idea in any area of cinema, Blockbuster or not, since maybe Starship Troopers in 97.

My favorite movies comes from 90s. If I have to pick worst decade, then it must be 80s + 00s - with few exceptions of course.

Ug, 80s? For real? Back to the Future, 2 Star Wars, Indiana Jones and half a dozen other Spielberg greats, The Shining, Blade Runner, The Thing, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, The Terminator, Full Metal Jacket, Aliens, Blue Velvet, freaking Die Hard(!!!), Lethal Weapon, Batman, The Goonies, Robocop, holy freaking ****, I can go on forever!

So can IMDB.

I voted 2000s just to see the results and because it felt like for every No Country for Old Men there was 3 or 4 Battlefield Earths, The Skulls, and Dude Where's my Cars...
I voted on the 2010s because it is mostly remakes and sequels. Hell, a lot of the sequels are for movies from the 1980s.

Can we get some more seniors in here please, to set this thing right.

I had my children watch movies from every decade. I wanted them to give everything a try. My son is 26, and his favorite decade is the 80's. My daughter is about to turn 17, and when I just asked her what her favorite decade is, she said it is the 80's & 90's. Man, I love my children. :P

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Glad 30s aren't an option, because they shouldn't be, though leaving them out was probably just not considering them at all

You can't really count the 1950s or before IMHO.

That was way back when cinema was in its infancy. Filmmakers were still learning this new fangled idea.
It's like comparing which is better between a Bugatti Veyron and a Model T.
I think films like Sunrise, Metropolis, Battleship Potemkin, Rules of the Game, Earth, Modern Times are some of the most powerful films ever made...and not to forget, The Passion of Joan of Arc.
To Suggest Is To Create, To Name Is To Destroy