Mofo Nominees: 1963


Trouble with a capital "T"
What? no Spencer's Mountain Did anybody even watch it? Or considerate it?

I'm not surprise about #1. I'm surprised that #2 is so high. I'm shocked that number #8 made the list.

(I'm not complaining I like those films!)

I have actually seen 6, but i cant really remember From Russia With Love from the other Bond films.

The other 5 i have seen is Contempt, 8½, The Birds, The Great Escape and The Haunting. I have High and Low lying around so i should probably see that at one point.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
We actually picked the winner next in the other three years no matter what any set of earlier rules said.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
What? no Spencer's Mountain Did anybody even watch it? Or considerate it?

I'm not surprise about #1. I'm surprised that #2 is so high. I'm shocked that number #8 made the list.

(I'm not complaining I like those films!)

I watched Spencer's Mountain a while back. As I recall, the scenery in the film was beautiful, but the movie was only okay. I'm not surprised that it didn't make the list.

That's pretty close to what I expected to see on the list.

The only three movies that I haven't seen on the list are High and Low, 8-1/2, and Contempt. My guess is that they're all foreign (non-english) films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have actually seen 6, but i cant really remember From Russia With Love from the other Bond films.
Me neither. I know I liked Russia with Love but can't remember the details.

I've seen:
1. Hud
2. The Birds
3. Charade
4. The Great Escape
5. From Russia With Love
8. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World
9. The Haunting

Trouble with a capital "T"
...The only three movies that I haven't seen on the list are High and Low, 8-1/2, and Contempt. My guess is that they're all foreign (non-english) films.
Those are the same 3 that I haven't seen. Yes they are foreign language films, I'm sure there great films, I've heard of 8-1/2 before.

Fortunately I've seen all 10 so I just voted. My top 7 made the final 10. The other 3 I voted for were The Silence, This Sporting Life, and Shock Corridor.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When is the deadline for the final list?

Cricket, I've never heard of The Silence, This Sporting Life, and Shock Corridor. I should look them up.

Most of my choices made it, but not all. 101 Hello, Can we reveal our first list now?

I figured that delaying one more week is kinda pointless as I already know the winner from the nominees list, I'm just going to reveal and allow the 60s tournament to continue.

The Winner is (with a 42 point total)....