The 29th Hall of Fame


Mads won with The Hunt so he can win again with my film!!
Mads is great, but it is time for a film directed by a woman to win! End the patriarchy!

I had a feeling this is the one you would nominate. Should be interesting.

By the way, I'll take links if people have them. Or let me know if they are on prime, Netflix, or criterion.
I tried to dm you, but I got a message which said you've exceeded your stored private message quota and have to clear some space.

Mads is great, but it is time for a film directed by a woman to win! End the patriarchy!
Have you watched any Anders Thomas Jensen films?

He has co-write films with Susanne Bier which she directed. Both are great directors.


I recently decided to start up the entire Bond franchise from the beginning, and cranked through the first 3 ( Dr No, From Russia with Love, and of course Goldfinger).

While I think Dr No is so far the best, Goldfinger is easily the second best of the 3, so far.

Goldfinger is where the franchise discovered it identity and never looked back. This was the film that introduced the gadgets, more quips, a opening scene with no connection to the plot itself, outlandish villains (Oddjob in particular and his, um, dangerous hat) and a Bond Girl with a ridiculous name.

The film has Bond on a mission to stops megalomaniacal mastermind, Auric Goldfinger, who loves gold. To go into details would spoil too much, but his plan actually makes sense. Hint: it involves gold.

Somehow it all works. At the center of all of this is Sean Connery, a steady presence who manages to prevent the film from becoming too silly with his portrayal. Bond doesn’t take himself too seriously but doesn’t shirk from his responsibilities. He knows what’s at stake, but also has a personal grudge against Goldfinger. As Bond, there was no one better than Connery. Although Daniel Craig comes the closest. Connery is able to convey just enough ability to prevent the film from becoming too silly. As Bond, Connery has that cool demeanor that only gets rattled at 2 points in the film. One is after discovering an acquaintance death, and the other is the infamous laser scene.

Ah, the laser scene. Here, I thought, is the famous scene I’ve seen parodied so many times. How would he escape here? I was surprised to see him at a near panic, desperately trying to figure out a way to escape his bonds. It is one of the few times I’ve seen Bond not in complete control of a situation, one where he had to scramble to think of a way out of certain doom. The means of his escape was not what I expected, and was a highlight of the film itself.

Highly influential, it is the bond film often remembered as the best in the franchise. The opening scene made me exclaim “Aha! That’s where True Lies got it from!” Parodied from the Simpson and the spy spoof Austin Powers in Goldmember, to inspiring countless spy films that lead to a boom from the US and Europe (the euro spy was born!), Goldfinger remains the standard.

Highly entertaining, and incredibly well directed. Good pick.
Sorry my Bond is Craig. I love him as Bond.

Vengeance Is Mine - Actually the first film from the Criterion Collection I ever saw. I remember liking it a good deal but wasn't really ready for it lol. If my memory serves me it may be a bit bleak for my tastes now.

Alambs Aebler - Have never heard of this, no idea what to expect

Stroszek - Been meaning to see this for awhile. I keep putting off Herzog.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers - I remember liking this a good deal

A Moment of Innocence - No idea but the poster looks nice

Das Boot - Not something I'd go out of my way to watch but I've only heard fantastic things about it

Tomboy - I recall seeing this on store shelves and know nothing else

Goldfinger - My least favourite Bond film other than GoldenEye

Anomalisa - I liked this at the time but never had the urge to revisit it

The Promise - looks promising

The Year My Voice Broke - Title and poster have me interested

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Are you sure you haven't heard of it? If you don't like it, you only have yourself to blame, hint hint.
Did we talk about it before? I don't think I have heard of your nom?

The trick is not minding
Sorry my Bond is Craig. I love him as Bond.
Craig is a very different Bond, one with a haunting quality who is unable to escape the demons of his past. It’s much more nuanced as a performance, but the portrayals are also a insight to the times as well. Both are quite good.

Have you watched any Anders Thomas Jensen films?

He has co-write films with Susanne Bier which she directed. Both are great directors.
No, I haven't yet seen any films directed by Anders Thomas Jensen.

Alright, you convinced me. I will try to check out some of his films soon.
Flickering Lights, Adams Apples, The Green Butchers, Of Men and Chicken, Riders of Justice. All starring Mads Mikkelsen.

My favorite 2 are Adams Apples and The Green Butchers.