Recommend me superhero series that don't suck


You know PMMM is technically a superhero show? (and perhaps the best thing the genre ever produced) Pretty much all magical girl shows in the influence of Sailor Moon are superhero shows. The reason is the Sailor Moon is essentially power rangers for girls. Well, Mob Psycho 100 and One Punch Man fit better the American understanding of superhero being about (mostly) males with supernatural powers. The two are some of the most entertaining stuff I ever watched.
magical girl could be said superhero show as well but like you said it's not an usual concept for western show

There are some good live action Japanese super hero shows as well like Kamen Raider and Ultraman (the last one is very popular among middle aged Brazilians).This is a list of 14 favorite Kamen Rider series of some guy on the internet:
There are also franchises like metal heroes(jiban, gaban, metalder, janperson) and super sentai (aka power ranger in the west).
Problem imo for unfamiliar mature audiences(even for anime-associated with shonen), lot of it was catered toward young audiences so probably there some unusual tropes or clumsy thing like extensive use of "toy" , low rendered cgi eventho' its still maintain the practical effect trademark.
I'll say kamen rider heisei era first from Kuuga-Agito-Ryuki-Faiz-Blade was pretty bit dark psychologically for kids show and was good starting point. Kabuto was mixed on that and hibiki I have no idea. Unfortunately Post kamen rider Den O onward I feel its more light and more kid friendly in comparison .
There exception like special reboot kamen rider amazons, that turn to be more violence and gritty by it root, only the story and execution was always stay true on b-movie level grade

My Top Ten Super Hero Shows(that you can watch in a weekend)....

10 The Maxx

09. Spawn

08. Aeon Flux

07. Agent Carter

06. The Flash
05. Dark Angel

04. Preacher

03. Jessica Jones
02. Daredevil
01. iZombie

there were also some anime in last decade outside of common shonen/teenage boys anime tropes, some with more mature character, or dark themes~content

Darker Than Black

Kyoushoku Soukou Guyver



Tiger and bunny

Whoa whoa whoa WHOA!

There is a superhero series which is Marvel, has character development, great acting, actual pacing to the storylines, and is ongoing.

JiraffeJustin my friend, I am glad to be giving you this news

Netflix Daredevil. Its gone on 2 seasons, and is mag-nif-e-cent!

No more impulsive action, hell he didnt even start wearing a costume till the season 1 final. Charlie Cox (played Owen on Boardwalk Empire) plays Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Vincent D'Onofrio plays the Kingpin, Deborah Ann Wohl is Karen Page, Jon Bernthal is The Punisher, and Rosario Dawson appears occasionally. Shes the nurse that has to fix him up, as DD isnt like alot of superheroes. He takes a beating, alot. When the fight scenes do come, theyre built up properly, and are top tier choreography.
Quoted for hell yeah! Great adaptation!

Let the night air cool you off
I just watched the webseries Judge Dredd: Superfiend; for the purposes of this thread, it will be considered a tv series. It was like something you would see on MTV in the 90's. It very much had that Liquid Television vibe. Having never read any Judge Dredd comics, I can't say how closely related to the books this was, but I can say that it makes me want to start reading them. Since seeing Dredd I've been intrigued by the character and the world, but like most things I get interested in, I just never explored it further. After seeing this short series, I really hope that I do read the books. Hopefully they will be similar to this series, because I enjoyed it a lot.

P.S. You can watch it on Youtube. It's only 28 minutes long.

Let the night air cool you off
I watched five episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast today. It's not a traditional superhero show, but it qualifies because Space Ghost is clearly a superhero. And because I make my own rules. I really enjoyed those episodes. I didn't realize how funny the show was.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Gatchaman/Battle of the Planets

Bio Armor Jushin Liger (the pro wrestler Jushin Thunder Liger got his name from this cartoon)

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (adapted in the United States as Ronin Warriors)

Hurricane Polymar (a live action movie version is coming to Japanese theaters in May)
It's All About the Movies

Also, I forgot this one:

Samurai Flamenco

Satire of superheros like the movies KickAss and Super. I thought it was a smart but felt very inconsistent in terms of tone. Main character is a 25 year old who is a hardcore fan of shows like power rangers and decides to go fight crime. Eventually he becomes a "real superhero" and the show becomes really insane.

Let the night air cool you off
Have any of y'all seen Toxic Crusaders? It's an animated series about The Toxic Avenger. I need to know if: a) it's as crazy as it sounds, b) it's worth watching.

Let the night air cool you off
Some updates:

I've watched five more episodes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The humor in this show has continued to surprise me with how good it is. I never paid any real attention to this show before now, unfairly looking down on it and dismissing it as a "weird" show. It is weird, of course, but I was dumb for not liking weird stuff beforehand. The "interviews" are funny nearly every time, Zorak is hilarious (my favorite character), and Space Ghost's frequent lulls that include his internal monologues crack me up. These parts all work so well because the show is very sharply written. It's becoming a new favorite for me.

I also watched a couple more episodes of Batman (sixties version) in the last couple days. I can't think of another show with this much charm. Love may cover over a multitude of sins, but charm covers nearly that many sins in this series. It's a campy, cheesy good time that's also quite funny. One of the episodes I watched was a Mr. Freeze episode. In Freeze's lair to indicate when one portion of the room was warm and the other portion was cold (50 below!) there would just be blue tint or red tint. And Batman tricked Mr. Freeze by wearing thermal underwear. Not making that up. Somehow his exposed facial parts were protected by this. I love this show.

and this is what frozen Batman and Robin look like:

Then tonight, I somehow found an episode of El Chapulín Colorado with subs on youtube. I watched it right away, and I wasn't disappointed. It's very much an old-school sitcom with the old-school sitcom types of jokes. The thing is, they are pretty dadgum funny. I know they aren't for everybody, but I've always liked those type of jokes. An example of those jokes would be: during the early part of the episode I watched, a woman is trying to ask a man how he makes his living, but her question was similar to "how do you eat?" to which he responds "with my mouth", so then she alters her question to "how do you support yourself?" to which he says "with my legs". It's silly and not for everybody, but I am really bummed that I can't find more episodes with subtitles.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I love the old "Batman" TV show with Adam West. I grew up watching it, so I like Batman when he's campy like that. There's also a Batman movie from that TV series. It has four villains, The Joker, The Penguin, The Riddler, and Catwoman. It's just as campy as the TV show, and it's so much better than the Batman movies from 1989 through the recent Nolan films.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Let the night air cool you off
Oh yeah, I know it well. I had it on dvd when I was younger, and I probably watched it 30 times. Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
For ***** and gigles, check Jojo's Bizarre adventure. That stuff is hilarious, specially the second season.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Remind me of some good old days



Biker mice from mars


Batman the animated series

X men the animated series

Phantom 2040

Dragon Flyz

The zeta project

Batman beyond

The real adventure of jonny quest

Jackie chan adventure

Legion is really good so far. The guy that made Fargo 4 tv is behind it and it's great. And weird.