Musical Artist Movie Hall of Fame


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If there is enough interest by anyone who was in this HoF, and if there is anyone who is interested in joining a second one (who didn't join the first one), then there will definitely be another one in the future.

I'd be interested in another one of these Musical HoFs. I enjoyed both of them.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

This was great fun, lots of good movies and hopefully you'll do another one.

Here's my voting list

1 Walk the Line
2 Amadeus
3 The Wall
4 The School of Rock
5 La Bamba
6 The Buddy Holly Story
7 Coal Miner’s Daughter
8 The Jazz Singer
9 Ray (Taylor Hackford, 2004)
10 Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
11 The Idolmaker
12 The Commitments
13 Sweet Dreams
14 Eddie and the Cruisers
I'm curious, Citizen, why was Sweet Dreams so low on your list?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Commitments was my number 1.
Great movie. I may be bias due to the music is a favorite genre of mine but I also enjoyed the characters and the story as well
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm curious, Citizen, why was Sweet Dreams so low on your list?
Well there were a lot of great films that I loved in this Hof, so no matter what some of film are going to end up at the end of the list. That's just the nature of ranking things from top to bottom. Here's what I said about it:

Sweet Dreams (1985)
I had high hopes for this bio pic about the legendary country singer Patsy Cline. Sadly any type of a moving story never materialized, thanks to a lack luster script. While the two leads, Jessica Lange and Ed Harris are up for the project, they are literally left high and dry by a script that doesn't know how to bring the characters to life and fails to take us along for the meteoric ride that was Patsy Cline's life.

Unlike the bio pic about Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daugher, a movie that stirred the emotions while making us feel we were watching a special person's career unfold before our eyes....Sweet Dreams...on the other hand doesn't do that. Largely the scenes are filler material that don't move the story forward or build the character into a three dimensional person. The scenes never give us deep insight into Patsy Cline. What we get is a bunch of rehashed fightin', boozin', singin' scenes that begin to blur after awhile.

I never felt like I was part of Patsy Cline's life story, I never really cared about her or her music...and yet she obviously had a dramatic life story that needed to be told...Patsy Cline was one of the great country singers...but I would never know that from this movie.
Your other nom, Ray was top notch.

I found it, here you go:

1) The Commitments
2) The Idolmaker
3) Coal Miner's Daughter
4) Amadeus
5) Sweet Dreams
6) School of Rock (This movie just gets better with every re-watch)
7) The Buddy Holly Story
8) Pink Floyd: The Wall
9) Ray
10) Walk the Line
11) La Bamba
12) The Jazz Singer
13) Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny
14) Eddie and the Cruisers