What is your favourite era of movies ?


About 1895 to 2021.
I see you're not partial to Eadweard Muybridge and the early works of Étienne-Jules Marey.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I did see the original trilogy in 70mm when these films were released. I did get to see Raider of the Lost Ark, ET, Blade Runner, The Terminator, The Thing, Dangerous Liaisons, A Fish Called Wanda, Star Trek II, The Princess Bride, etc., as new releases on clean prints on big screens.

I remember going to see Raiders of the Lost Ark. I didn't want to see it cause my friend had just put me through a stupid Superman movie. But I relented and boy was I glad. What a fun movie that was!

My favorite era is the late thirties and the forties. Crawford and Davis. Sumptuous movie scores. Wonderful musicals. Gorgeous black and white photography. The beginning of color.

I can't really pick a favorite era when it comes to American independent film or any other country's output, but if I'm just going by what Hollywood was putting out, I'd have to say that my favorite era in that regard has always been the New Hollywood movement of the mid-60's to the early 80's, since I feel it represents the best period in-between the overbearing studio control of the Classical era, and the overly franchise/blockbuster-driven releases of Modern Hollywood, since it was a time when filmmakers had some more freedom to just experiment and express themselves cinematically, you know?

I like to watch movies of 2000s, a lot of them are in top 100 lists.

A lot of my friends love 80s movies and always recommend a lot of them to me. But unlike every other era, where great films of aged well, a lot of 80s classics seem forever trapped in the 80s, with some acceptions such as Platoon or Raging Bull or The Last Temptation of Christ, or something like that.
You imply being trapped in the 80s is a bad thing