My Favorite Non-Human Movie characters


Lot of great suggestions here...watched Wall-E yesterday and he will definitely be making my list, not sure where though...will be watching Cherry 2000 today.


Polynesia, Doctor Dolittle (1967)

Polynesia was the pet parrot of the good doctor (Rex Harrison) who was the doctor's liaison into the animal world when he finally decided to stop treating people and only treat animals. Polynesia eventually ended up being Dr. Dolittle's receptionist.


DC, That Darn Cat (1965)

DC was an independent-minded siamese who belongs to a teenage drama queen (Hayley Mills) and ends up helping the FBI solve a kidnapping.

Movie Forums Extra
Kung Fu Panda


Georgette, Oliver and Company

Georgette is a sophisticated poodle (voiced by Bette Midler) who's afraid her luxurious lifestyle might be usurped by an orphaned kitten named Oliver (voiced by Joe Lawrence).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The Terminator and T-1000. The computer from Wargames.


Rodney, Dr. Dolittle (1998)

Rodney is an obnoxious guinea pig (voiced by Chris Rock) who belongs to Dr. Dolittle's daughter, but connects with the doctor (Eddie Murphy) once he learns that they can actually communicate.


Marley, Marley & Me

22 different dogs were used in creating this character of a little yellow lab who turns life upside down for a young couple (Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson).


Robby, Forbidden Planet

Robby was a major character in this space age re-thinking of Shakespeare's The Tempest...Robby later joined the cast of the CBS series Lost in Space.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Polynesia, Doctor Dolittle (1967)

Polynesia was the pet parrot of the good doctor (Rex Harrison) who was the doctor's liaison into the animal world when he finally decided to stop treating people and only treat animals. Polynesia eventually ended up being Dr. Dolittle's receptionist.
It's been a long time since I saw the original Doctor Dolittle, but it was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. It may be time for a rewatch.


Rodney, Dr. Dolittle (1998)

Rodney is an obnoxious guinea pig (voiced by Chris Rock) who belongs to Dr. Dolittle's daughter, but connects with the doctor (Eddie Murphy) once he learns that they can actually communicate.
I haven't seen the remake of Doctor Dolittle yet because the trailer didn't make it look interesting, but that guinea pig is adorable.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Herbie, The Love Bug

Herbie is a 1964 Volkswagon with a mind of his own who was at the center of the 1968 Disney classic The Love Bug

I completely forgot about Herbie, but he's a great choice for this list!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

Robby, Forbidden Planet

Robby was a major character in this space age re-thinking of Shakespeare's The Tempest...Robby later joined the cast of the CBS series Lost in Space.

Robby the Robot wasn't the same robot that starred as The Robot in "Lost in Space", but he did appear in a few episodes.

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Is that Twiki from "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"? Wasn't that a TV show, or did it also have a movie?
It most certainly is and it was actually initially a theatrical released fillum that then spawned the tv series.


Jolly, Kiss Me Goodbye

Some may debate as to whether or not a ghost is human but those I say, make your own list. Jolly (James Caan) was the ghost of a deceased Broadway director/choreographer who decides to haunt his widow (Sally Field) when he learns that she's getting remarried.