Game of Thrones Season 7


You can't win an argument just by being right!
LMAO I've never heard that before.

Of all my pensions for fandom be it my old history with comics, flirts with anime, cult classics, and cinematic greats, Game of Thrones is a show I hold very dear to my heart. I wait very patiently for it to return. Until then I am starting to rewatch the show from start to finish. I just finished Episode 4 of season 1. I have a little less then 60 days to complete 60 episodes. One episode a day plus a few multi episode viewings should keep me satisfied until mid July.

Is Dani Jon's aunt? I guess that rules them marrying and ruling the 7 kingdoms together? That makes both of them descendents of the Mad King (Dani is a daughter and Jon a grandson). Not a good blood line to have, I would think.

It also makes him a first cousin to the Starks.

Is Dani Jon's aunt? I guess that rules them marrying and ruling the 7 kingdoms together? That makes both of them descendents of the Mad King (Dani is a daughter and Jon a grandson). Not a good blood line to have, I would think.

It also makes him a first cousin to the Starks.
Yes Dani is Jon's Aunt. Then again blood lines never stopped the Targaryens before. lol Brothers and sisters routinely got hitched to keep the blood lines pure.

That being said any Dani and Jon ships are kinda creepy.

Yes Dani is Jon's Aunt. Then again blood lines never stopped the Targaryens before. lol Brothers and sisters routinely got hitched to keep the blood lines pure.

That being said any Dani and Jon ships are kinda creepy.
I thought Jon and Dani was where the story was always headed but with this revelation....maybe not though, as you say incest is not unheard of in GoT. Still, to make such a relationship official would be creepy. OTOH, Jon and Sansa are also very closely related though plenty of first cousins marry but they were brought up as brother and sister so kind of creepy too. So,who,else can Jon team up with? Cersei, lol? I doubt she'll give up Jaime and besides, her childbearing years are probably behind her? Arya? Same problem as with Sansa and even more of a big brother/little sister relationship.

Of all the pretenders to the the Iron Throne, Dani seems to me to have the most advantage... mainly in the form of 3 dragons which effectively give her an Air Force - something no one else has.

Is there a Targaryan family tree somewhere that explains the Targaryan bloodlines? I always thought their history was fascinating and wish there was more to read about them.

I thought Jon and Dani was where the story was always headed but with this revelation....maybe not though, as you say incest is not unheard of in GoT. Still, to make such a relationship official would be creepy. OTOH, Jon and Sansa are also very closely related though plenty of first cousins marry but they were brought up as brother and sister so kind of creepy too. So,who,else can Jon team up with? Cersei, lol? I doubt she'll give up Jaime and besides, her childbearing years are probably behind her? Arya? Same problem as with Sansa and even more of a big brother/little sister relationship.

Of all the pretenders to the the Iron Throne, Dani seems to me to have the most advantage... mainly in the form of 3 dragons which effectively give her an Air Force - something no one else has.

Is there a Targaryan family tree somewhere that explains the Targaryan bloodlines? I always thought their history was fascinating and wish there was more to read about them.
I use this for additional info. This site focuses on the books, but they give a lot more detail into the Targaryen blood lines and has a complete family tree from Aegon the Conqueror to the Mad King and his children. May contain book spoilers.

I use this for additional info. This site focuses on the books, but they give a lot more detail into the Targaryen blood lines and has a complete family tree from Aegon the Conqueror to the Mad King and his children. May contain book spoilers.

Thanks for the link. I'll have a look.

Who will stop the burgle?
So...Anybody else think Bran is gonna warg into one of the dragons?

*puts finger to your lip*
Shhhhhhhh. You know you wanna see it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
In honour of the upcoming season I've decided to post my top ten favourite GOT quotes, in no particular order.

Lord Umber addresses the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.

WARNING: "." spoilers below
"Your father was a c*nt"

Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark

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"Lots of people name their swords", Hound: "Lots of C*nts"

Bronn muses about King Joffrey

WARNING: "." spoilers below
"There's no cure for being a c*nt"

King Robert and The Hand of the King

WARNING: "." spoilers below
"Bow you sh*ts"

Sandor Clegane and Arya enjoy a meal at an Inn

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I understand that if anymore words come pouring out your c*nt mouth I'm gonna have to eat every f*cking chicken in this room"

King Stannis addresses his new Hand

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"I expect you'll be the first Crabber's son to wear the badge"

Sandor Clegane addresses King Joffrey and Tyrion Lannister

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"F*ck the Kingsguard, F*ck the City, F*ck the King"

Lord Tyrion and Lord Janos Slynt

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"I'm not questioning your honour, I'm denying it's existence"

Prince Joffrey trains with a sword on the King's Road

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"I'll gut you, you little C*nt"

Sandor Clegane and Arya Stark

WARNING: "." spoilers below
"I bet his hair's greasier than Joffrey's c*nt" followed by "The greatest swordsman who ever lived killed by Meryn f*cking Trant", and "The greatest swordsman who ever lived didn't have a sword"

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Just broke the "C*nt-O-Meter".
Funny thing is that I don't really notice the c bombs in this. I mean I hear them but the actors all seem natural with the delivery so the word doesn't stick out like dogs balls

I'm gettin that bad feeling that like maybe a few of my favorite people on the show might get chopped this season. Hope not, but some heavy regulars are gonna die this year I reckon. Prepare yourselves folks.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm gettin that bad feeling that like maybe a few of my favorite people on the show might get chopped this season. Hope not, but some heavy regulars are gonna die this year I reckon. Prepare yourselves folks.
There's probably only one I'm scared will die this season that will make me cry and I'm screaming internally. I dont mind usually when faves get knocked off but just one that I'm way too attached to.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I double rep your guess. I like all the leads but Tyrion hs something special.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yeah, I hope he makes it to the end. We'll see.
Peter Dinklage is amazing, and my sister will scream if he gets knocked off - she's madly in love with him. Well, more like lust.

Game of Thrones Season 7: #WinterIsHere Trailer #2

Not sure if Winterishere should be the title. Looks like Lotsofwalkin would also work, but hey! We're getting close!