Just how overrated is Dicaprio ? and his parallels with Chris Nolan


I think he would have been too american. Dicaprio has that kind of european look and people would think he is from any of the european or american countries. With McConaughey it would feel like the lead is from texas and so it wouldnt feel much more broader.

I think he would have been too american. Dicaprio has that kind of european look and people would think he is from any of the european or american countries.
The character was American, no?

With McConaughey it would feel like the lead is from texas and so it wouldnt feel much more broader.
So he'd have to employ his Acting.

The character was American, no?
thats the brilliance of james cameron....he wants american but that shouldnt feel too irish or too italian or too english or too Scandinavian....same way he wants alien blue people but the lead actress should have facial features that are deemed attractive to humans.The female navi lead in avatar has high cheek bones and strong jawline.
So he'd have to employ his Acting.
except mcconaughey doesnt have much range in terms of voice modulation...all he can do is that texas low pitched alright alright alright accent in all his movie...heck he even made space travelling astronaut sound like a rodeo.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Aron: He can't do even a southern accent or african accent.

I cant speak for his accent in Django Unchained but I wanted to comment on my bolding. You're kidding me? I thought we had discussed this already, or maybe it was with another poster who thought Africa was a country with one accent. Posters on imdb who are from the country Danny Archer is from said Leo's accent was spot on. I'm sure I've chatted to Cat about the Rhodesian accent as well. Maybe Cat could weigh in again because I've forgotten what we concluded.

I feel embarrassed that I've also forgotten how to tag a call name like that one. Forgive me

I also cant believe you brought up the CGI of the bear. Ofcourse it was CGI. What did you expect - the real deal?This really gave me a good chuckle. And you seem incapable of understanding that casting decisions are not made by one person. This team work didnt happen overnight. You really do seem to have a bug in your pantalones about this. Isnt there anything else interesting happening in the world that could both entertain and expand you knowledge? You risk getting bogged down, aron. Dont do it, matey; keep your horizons open.

DiCaprio did ok with the Rhodesian accent, but it was a bit too try-hard so it overshot the mark somewhat. But I give him credit - that accent, along with the various South African accents (there are a great many aceents within that country, depending on area and native language spoken. There are 11 official languages in South Africa) are incredibly hard to pull off. And so far, the best of the bunch who attempted that **** () are Tim Robbins, Thomas Jane, Deborah Kara Unger and Matt Damon. Both Damon and Robins had the extra difficult task of playing the Afrikaans speakers' South African English accents.

Update: Just watched Black Panther, and Andy Serkis nailed the Afrikaans accent. Looks like he had a lot of fun doing it, too. He was the best part of the movie.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
DiCaprio did ok with the Rhodesian accent, but it was a bit too try-hard so it overshot the mark somewhat. But I give him credit - that accent, along with the various South African accents (there are a great many aceents within that country, depending on area and native language spoken. There are 11 official languages in South Africa) are incredibly hard to pull off. And so far, the best of the bunch who attempted that **** () are Tim Robbins, Thomas Jane, Deborah Kara Unger and Matt Damon. Both Damon and Robins had the extra difficult task of playing the Afrikaans speakers' South African English accents.
Lol Cat! Was that an accident or did you do it on purpose? There are a lot of South African aussies in the hospital I go to. I love the aceent!!!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
This accent used to really irk me but after spending a couple of months surrounded by caring people it's amazing hw much my opinion changed. It's a beautiful accent.

Okay guys I think I need to find some other hobby other than comparing christian bale and Leonardo dicaprios career and being disappointed in christian bale's choices. So today I officially am quitting my hobby of judging Dicaprio for his career choices and his privilege in working on projects with only top directors and also being a fan of christian bale.

The breaking point for me is yesterday I came across a happy sad confused podcast where in they interviewed christian bale for hostiles and I can hear this guy speaking and I felt that there is no sense of competition in him and absolutely no sense of competing with Dicaprio and no sense of making himself commercially viable.

Moreover I heard him say that he looks at projects thinking "is this the one project that can end my career ?" or "what the f can i do that will ruin my career"..that was such a put off for me. I felt like I am fan of someone who is not as motivated a i thought in his career and is just playing each role he likes rather than roles that will be memorable.So, I quit guys.

You wont see me dissing Leonardo dicaprio or his movies and wont see me defending christian bale ever again in this community.

Welcome to the human race...
Fair enough. It'd have to be a pretty bad movie to tank a fairly solid career like his (and he's certainly done a few by the looks of it), but I guess that's a concern that any actor can feel if they worry that their entire livelihood can hinge on making the right choice of role. He still seems motivated enough to put in the weight-gain effort for playing Dick Cheney, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Fair enough. It'd have to be a pretty bad movie to tank a fairly solid career like his (and he's certainly done a few by the looks of it), but I guess that's a concern that any actor can feel if they worry that their entire livelihood can hinge on making the right choice of role. He still seems motivated enough to put in the weight-gain effort for playing Dick Cheney, though.
i think his response was to a question which is more like "do you feel that you have to make studio 100 million dollars every few years so that you can make a movie with terrence malick for no money and which will be seen by no one ?"..it was really of putting to listen to his response. His choices are really "risky" in past few years.

Flowers of war - a Chinese movie at 100 million $ budget which no one in US cares about ? obviously it was gonna be a bomb. it made less than 500k in US on such a huge budget.

The promise - a movie about Armenian genocide which no one in US cares about or for the matter no one in the world except Armenians care about...obviously it will be a bomb. It made less than 10 million on a 90 million budget.

Hostiles - Christian bale already had a warning sign when out of the furnace with the same director bombed at box office. He should have known already that this director is a bad news. But for some reason he decided to make the movie independently at 40 million $ budget and it ended up being embarrassing for not just actors but the director because i remember that this movie went through all the film festivals and awards screenings and no studio wanted to buy it to give an awards run..so newbie entertainment studios bought it and gave it an awards run and since westerns are bankable it made a bit of money but not enough to make its bigger budget back with 0 oscar buzz or love.

I think he is missing what i call "calculated risk". Its better to not do a movie rather than do movies that fail.Every role he has expect the fighter and american psycho are ensemble pieces and no one actor is highlighted in the movie. Some thing like the big short will not give him exposure individually..he will be discussed among all the other stars in that movie.Same with american hustle .But some thing like wolf of wallstreet is dicaprios movie ..you cant really talk about it without mentioning dicaprio. Its those kinds of roles that will make for memorable roles decades down the line.So yeah I am done with defending christian bale.

His risk is more in failing while trying to make a independent movie not a commercial one...he can easily fail if made movies like nicholas cage for 2 years straight...i think he is referring to failing while making "awards" type movies.

Welcome to the human race...
This was what I was talking about earlier with the notion that taking risks is inherently a good thing when the reality tends to be more complicated than that. Even seemingly sure things can always backfire - it's not like every DiCaprio role got automatic praise either. Once again, it does seem like you've got some very particular standards at work here, especially given suddenly turning on Bale for not meeting those standards.

This was what I was talking about earlier with the notion that taking risks is inherently a good thing when the reality tends to be more complicated than that. Even seemingly sure things can always backfire - it's not like every DiCaprio role got automatic praise either. Once again, it does seem like you've got some very particular standards at work here, especially given suddenly turning on Bale for not meeting those standards.
i am not sure what standards you are talking about but for me when an actor takes on movies like flowers of war and the promise...especially the promise....which has 0 commercial viability...its hard to back up an actor....common sense suggests that the more people see your movie the more memorable and legendary your status becomes. Risk should be like revenant or wolf of wallstreet...have a calculation...if you are making something like the promise with a director like terry george who hasnt made a decent movie in over a decade, there is something seriously wrong with that director that prevented him from working so long.Why would you work with him ? just because you gained some goodwill from making the dark knight ? I also got a thing about working with Terrence malick...working with innaritu makes sense because his movies are like by most people and also the academy...but working with Terrence malick for no money is admirable if the movie is a critical hit...it almost felt to me like "ooh just because everyone says he is great..I am gonna work with him because i can" that to me is too misguided..you never see DiCaprio working with great director just for the sake of it...its better to work with even auteurs on projects those auteurs do the best....DiCaprio didn't work with Michael Mann so many times...he backed out of Alexander...because he knew that auteur in right project will make a masterpiece...auteurs are great because he knows what he is great at ...you are absolutely right...risks are great if they succeed...you never see Steven Spielberg taking on a project that doesnt fit him at all because no director is god.

Trouble with a capital "T"
....Flowers of War - a Chinese movie at 100 million $ budget which no one in US cares about ?...
I cared. I think highly of it. It was my nomination in the 11th Movie Hall of Fame thread. The members of that HOF all watched it and wrote their opinions of it. If you care to check out that thread, I linked it. Just scroll down the 1st Post until you see Flowers of War.