Things that annoy you...


The pervasive use of the term "shocked and saddened", and variations thereof, by those in the public eye in response to tragedies. It's become so inhuman and meaningless there might as well be a machine picking from 'Automatic Response 1–3'.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Right. Of course it’s not the employees fault. It must be awful to be a greeter, but their bosses force them to do it.
I don't know, some of them seen pretty happy and most people including myself smile and say hi. Unless the greeter says, 'Welcome to Walmart, BTW what are your planning on doing later today?'

Okay, but think about it. What is a clerk/cashier supposed to do, just sit there stone faced and bored? that’s not any better...
Well, think about this, Ahwell. Most people when they're out shopping for groceries or whatever, are pretty much stone-faced and bored, too. Look at the people in the line at check-outs.Unless they're idiots, they're not laughing and chatting gaily with everyone else in the line. Mostly they're inside themselves, thinking about where they have to go next, did they remember to get all the stuff they were going to get, will there be room in the fridge for all that food, etc etc etc..

They didn't go to the store to have a jolly little natter with the checkout person. That's the last thing on their mind. They're thinking. They couldn't care less if the checkout person looks bored, or stone-faced, or faraway, because that's exactly what they want in a checkout person when they're shopping. If the checkout person is behaving excited and chatty, they're not concentrating on the job.

Well, think about this, Ahwell. Most people when they're out shopping for groceries or whatever, are pretty much stone-faced and bored, too. Look at the people in the line at check-outs.Unless they're idiots, they're not laughing and chatting gaily with everyone else in the line. Mostly they're inside themselves, thinking about where they have to go next, did they remember to get all the stuff they were going to get, will there be room in the fridge for all that food, etc etc etc..

They didn't go to the store to have a jolly little natter with the checkout person. That's the last thing on their mind. They're thinking. They couldn't care less if the checkout person looks bored, or stone-faced, or faraway, because that's exactly what they want in a checkout person when they're shopping. If the checkout person is behaving excited and chatty, they're not concentrating on the job.
I wouldn't say that. Some people are bored, others are talkative, others are in between. Being at least positive, acknowledging them, saying hi, makes customer interaction less awkward and can even spark interesting conversations, I remember speaking with a cashier the other day about The Shawshank Redemption. No idea how it came up, but it did, and it was a nice connection.

As a relatively antisocial person who has to interact with the public as part of my job, I use self-check as much as possible when shopping. No human interaction required.

I wouldn't say that. Some people are bored, others are talkative, others are in between. Being at least positive, acknowledging them, saying hi, makes customer interaction less awkward and can even spark interesting conversations, I remember speaking with a cashier the other day about The Shawshank Redemption. No idea how it came up, but it did, and it was a nice connection.
No, nothing wrong with a "Hi", that's just good manners. But shopping is a customer/retailer relationship, not an excuse for a party. Beyond a simple courteous greeting, no conversation is required, or appropriate. And certainly no glib, memorised phrase is required.

If I was the customer next in line after you, I think I'd be annoyed that the clerk let himself be drawn into a chat with a customer about movies, when he's supposed to be doing his job.

I employ 5 guys and 1 woman, as long as they are pleasant with clients I'm happy, I'd never force them to say anything.

I wouldn't say that. Some people are bored, others are talkative, others are in between. Being at least positive, acknowledging them, saying hi, makes customer interaction less awkward and can even spark interesting conversations, I remember speaking with a cashier the other day about The Shawshank Redemption. No idea how it came up, but it did, and it was a nice connection.
No, nothing wrong with a "Hi", that's just good manners. But shopping is a customer/retailer relationship, not an excuse for a party. Beyond a simple courteous greeting, no conversation is required, or appropriate. And certainly no glib, memorised phrase is required.

If I was the customer next in line after you, I think I'd be annoyed that the clerk let himself be drawn into a chat with a customer about movies, when he's supposed to be doing his job.
That’s fair enough, especially considering memorized phrases that are insincere, those are annoying. But it’s really not too hard to do your job and have a conversation at the same time.

But it’s really not too hard to do your job and have a conversation at the same time.
It is if you're a brain surgeon, and you're in theatre; or a specimen-testing techie in an oncology lab; or a bomb defuser in the military...

My point is, if you don't give your full attention to any job you're doing, then you're not doing the job right. If you're not doing the job right, you're not entitled to get the wages for it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That’s fair enough, especially considering memorized phrases that are insincere, those are annoying. But it’s really not too hard to do your job and have a conversation at the same time.

Speaking of memorized phrases that are insincere, when I was in college, my friend worked at Radio Shack. They were told to answer the phone with the phrase "Radio Shack - Nobody Compares", but after a while, he hated that phrase so much that he started saying "Radio Shack - Nobody Cares" instead.

As far as we know, none of the customers ever noticed the difference in the phrase, (or at least nobody ever mentioned it to him), but one day the district manager called the store, and he was not happy when he heard the new greeting.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

It is if you're a brain surgeon, and you're in theatre; or a specimen-testing techie in an oncology lab; or a bomb defuser in the military...

My point is, if you don't give your full attention to any job you're doing, then you're not doing the job right. If you're not doing the job right, you're not entitled to get the wages for it.
Okay, brain surgeon is one thing, scanning and bagging groceries is not even the same ballpark.

But yeah, I see your point, and I don't entirely disagree. I just think it's better to be at least a little nice than to sit there glum.

Okay, brain surgeon is one thing, scanning and bagging groceries is not even the same ballpark.

But yeah, I see your point, and I don't entirely disagree. I just think it's better to be at least a little nice than to sit there glum.
People think it's nice when you do your job well. People think it's none of their business when you're glum.

As a relatively antisocial person who has to interact with the public as part of my job, I use self-check as much as possible when shopping. No human interaction required.
I will not go on a cashier line in a supermarket. Self-check all the way.

If I was the customer next in line after you, I think I'd be annoyed that the clerk let himself be drawn into a chat with a customer about movies, when he's supposed to be doing his job.
This doesn’t make much sense. So, say, a person works in a law firm or a hospital. That employee can’t chat to a client or a patient or a colleague about anything non-job-related? Shades of Big Brother if, in an 8-hour shift, there’s nothing more than the “job”.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Juliette Lewis.
Probably the single most annoying thing in the world (except for maybe in Nat'l Lampoon's Christmas Vacation)!
One heck of a funny film too!

Self check out all the way for me too. The number of times I've been on the normal checkout with a worker who has a cold and they wipe their nose with their fingers and carry on grabbing all your items... That's the main reason I don't go on normal checkouts.

And yes I realise lots have probably picked up the items on the shelf and put it back, and touched the screen at the self check out(I use my knuckles to touch the screen) but to me that's better than someone touching all your items and then me touching the items straight away to put in my bags.

Or they talk out loud, I was a bit hot one day from the weather and walking for hours and I was standing at the checkout and the woman on the checkout said, 'hot flushes, they are awful aren't they'... I'm not of an age where I am getting hot flushes yet! I smiled politely at her.

Plus, I don't really enjoy small talk with strangers.

So, for small shops I go on self checkout and for big supermarket shops online supermarket delivery is wonderful(although I do my food shop online because my nearest supermarket is quite rubbish and doesn't have most of the things I buy).

I can't stand online supermarket deliveries because you never know whether the picker or delivery person might be diseased and have been the last person to have handled your items.

Nah, not really, just messing, I've absolutely nothing against online food deliveries ....... just couldnae resist, sowwy.

*sits on naughty step

online supermarket delivery is wonderful
It’s a nice treat sometimes, but the cost can add up at least here in America. You have your service fee, your delivery fee, your tip (mandatory), plus the actual cost of the stuff, plus tax. Last time I used Instakart here was because they gave me a $45 coupon, which was rather good. I guess I’m cheap & prefer to go to the supermarket myself.

What an excellent day for an exorcism
I find it annoying some women's response when I ask them out for a date. Sometimes I wish I was the last man on Earth just see if those women were lying to me.