How many movies do you watch a day?


We've gone on holiday by mistake
On average I watch 3-4 movies a day. Unfortunately, 90% of the time they are movies I've already seen.
You have too much spare time Saruman. Delve into a task, like building an army worthy of Mordor, taking over the Rohan, getting the Hillmen to turn against their Horseriding brethren etc.

Sauron would be most displeased if he learnt you were lazing about watching movies all day.

300 lives of men I walked this Earth and never did I encounter such a lazy soul as yourself.

that depends, on weekdays around 3-4 movies which some I've already seen a few time. On weekends around 5-7 but there are times that i prefer watching tv series in marathon
I have had a lot of time to think it, think about what it is, that makes somebody a good parent, and it's about a constant scene, and it's about patience; and it's about listening; and it's about, and it's about pretending to listen, even when you can't listen anymore; and it's about a love like she said. - Sam

that depends, on weekdays around 3-4 movies which some I've already seen a few time. On weekends around 5-7 but there are times that i prefer watching tv series in marathon
Holy ****! Aren't you studying/working?

i try to watch two or three a week

I try at least one a day, but between a difficult major and Mass Effect / Skyrim I'm pressed for time haha. Also usually movies I've seen, but I enjoy that. I have very specific tastes and tend to watch movies many, many, many times but also prefer it that way.

It depends. Sometimes I will have movie marathons. Sometimes I will go a week without watching a movie. Movies are very time consuming. If I am up late I try to squeeze in a movie or two. And sometimes I rather watch a t.v show.
Going 18600 miles per second.

Maximum 1 one weekdays and minimum 4 on weekends.. It feels great seeing movies.

There are those who call me...Tim.
As soon as I move back to the city I'm sure I'll be going back to my 5 a day habit at the cinema.

Unlimited cards are wonderful things
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

I only have time to watch one before i sleep.... Wish i could watch more!

I average at least one a day but when I go on binges, who's to say?
Most I've seen is five in one day, but that fifth, for sure was an unworthy effort.
TV series take away from my overall movie watching. I like to watch the complete series without interruption. Then, I am like a rabid dog and can go more than 24 hours without sleeping. Fortunately for me, that doesn't happen that often or you wouldn't have the pleasure of my company.

I typically watch 1-2 a week.

2 or 3 a week if I get the chance

I average at least one a day but when I go on binges, who's to say?
Most I've seen is five in one day, but that fifth, for sure was an unworthy effort.
TV series take away from my overall movie watching. I like to watch the complete series without interruption. Then, I am like a rabid dog and can go more than 24 hours without sleeping. Fortunately for me, that doesn't happen that often or you wouldn't have the pleasure of my company.
This is the issue with the whole movement to HBO style seasons, it used to be that you could happily watch 2 series of Peep Show and it only eat up 6 hours of your day now 2 Seasons of Breaking Bad means not sleeping for 2 days.

But Peep Show is a UK programme, while Breaking Bad is a US programme. British series, usually, last 6-8 episodes, while a US season will be 12-13 or 20+, depending on whether it's a network show or not.
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One movie in the afternoon and two movies at night

I can watch 2 movies during weekdays and up to 5 during weekends.