Nosferatu - 2024


This has been in the news for like 2 years already.
Longer than that.

Eggers is the only contemporary American filmmaker who could pull it off.
Eggers < Flanagan

I haven't seen a single Flanagan movie but I can already tell Eggers is miles better.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I haven't seen a single Flanagan movie but I can already tell Eggers is miles better.
Oh, I assure you, the content of his films are greater than their covers.

Oh, I assure you, the content of his films are greater than their covers.
Just talked to a friend who saw some of his films. He defines them as the very definition of mediocrity. Figures my hunch was right. It usually is.

Just talked to a friend who saw some of his films. He defines them as the very definition of mediocrity. Figures my hunch was right. It usually is.
Ask your friend if it's okay for you to watch one anyway.

Ask your friend if it's okay for you to watch one anyway.
A hard pass from me either way. There's too much good stuff and good bad stuff still left to watch to waste my time on second-rate horror flicks.

Flanagan's Gerald's Game and Hush range from pretty good to really good, but Eggers is definitely the better filmmaker. But then again, you shouldn't knock his films until you actually watch them.

Flanagan's Gerald's Game and Hush range from pretty good to really good
There are some scenes in Hush that just feel like Nosferatu. I have no doubt that Flanagan would be able to deliver a proper remake of the original (my favorite). And I have no doubt that Eggers is going to deliver a proper remake of Herzog's remake. I'm more interested in the former than the latter, but I'll show up and support it.