The Share Your Dreams Thread


Nani sore imi wakannai

I promise tonight I will try hard to have the same dream again and this time I'll choose you, so that you don't feel sad and neglected!
fine, it was on tsundere mood

Still it amaze me i never ever thought this posibility - let alone dream over other personality. should i try with tonight too :3

Still it amaze me i never ever thought this posibility - let alone dream over other personality. should i try with tonight too :3
You're welcome to dream about me any time you want.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Still it amaze me i never ever thought this posibility - let alone dream over other personality. should i try with tonight too :3
You're welcome to dream about me any time you want.
i will while listening to this

Today I dreamed I was hugging Setsuko Hara. Then she turned into a girl I knew years ago. I didn't mind.

I had a very pleasant dream last night in which a girl I was talking to seemed to resemble Radha Mitchell.

You ready? You look ready.
i keep having dreams involving bats and it’s starting to freak me out 😰

started earlier this week when i had a dream that i had a really big walk up attic and when i went up there i found like hundreds of bats. but there was this one in particular that was perched on a stack of boxes like a bird. which was freaky enough, but it had these massive eyes that were just staring at me

Now I often have scary and disturbing dreams. Sometimes it's even scary to go to bed.
i feel you i have the same things aswell scary and alot of nightmares from everything that im going through

I have two recurrent dreams that I experience periodically. They unfold in different ways, but the end result is always the same.

One is where all my teeth begin to fall. I get even more stressed, & try to stop it with my hands, but they all come out, & I wake up.

The other is me walking hurriedly in a field that is lit up only by the light of the full moon, & I keep feeling that someone is gonna jump on me from the shadows. I eventually get scared & wake up.

I have lost the count of times I have had these two dreams in different ways, but always the same two things happening.

You ready? You look ready.
i quit smoking at the same time i moved into my house so i started having dreams again plus a whole new host of stimuli i didn't recongize. made for some wild dreams.

i had one dream where my attic was a walk up, and almost as big as the whole house, and there were bats up there. and anyone who knows bats knows they hang upside down. they don't perch. well, in this dream i had a bat perched on a stack of boxes staring at me whilst the rest hung from the rafters. ahhhh!!!

by far the worst one, tho, was when i dreamed i had a huge house with a bunch of strangers squatting in it. and one of them asked, with bucket in hand, "where do i poop?" if that doesn't make you wake up drenched in sweat i don't know what will.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I haven't had a dream in a super long this a good or bad thing?

I think it's good, on the very rare occasion I don't have super long dreams or no recollection of them I feel blessed

I had a dream last night I had killed someone, I have had similar dreams before but they are quite rare. The murder itself is never seen but I know I have done it and feel damned.

So in this recent one I was living in a shared house and there was this new housemate, I had killed him (I don't know how)

My "cleaning up" method was simply to dump his body out the window directly in the back garden 😂 oh yep I'm careful.

Then I'm walking around with this sense of doom waiting for the inevitable moment my housemates find it. For some reason nobody is finding it.

I take the dog for a walk, go for a coffee with a housemate, time goes past.

Next thing I remember is my housemates and I being asked questions by a police inspector in a room. I don't really remember much at all about that.

Then it gets really freaky.

I look out window in garden and the guy, the guy I had killed was riding on a motorcycle up and down the garden (wtf!) and then comes in the house, his eyes are black, pure black and there's a knowing smile on his face.

I need to get away, run away but instead I take dog for a walk.. 🙄

I'm taking him through long grass, a couple approach, the next thing I know the dog jumps at them but it's obscured through the long grass, I get to them and the man is dead on the floor, the dog killed him

The end