Who Will be Our Next President?


I don't really follow that reasoning. Nobody thinks that condemning a group is condemning everything anyone in that group has ever said or done. It's sufficient to object to some of the core tenets of that group. And it's not really analogous to judging people for things they can't control, like skin color. They can control which groups to associate with, and should expect people to think more or less of them based on those choices.
It's fine if you don't follow my reasoning because I don't always follow yours. Do you disagree with what I said? I'm not talking about judging people for their skin color by the way.

More to the point, if this is your standard, almost any group can clear it. White nationalism is less noxious than white supremacy, to my mind, but it's still pretty bad. More ignorance than hatred, perhaps, but still very ignorant.
Somebody said they were a white nationalist group. I can't confirm or deny that based on what I've seen. Maybe they are and maybe they aren't. I can only go by what I've seen and heard. But again, I don't care about the proud boys. I care about the original point I was making with her.

So then do you hate America or support ANTIFA? I’ve been told twice by an apparent authority that this is a reasonable question...
That is not only a reasonable question but also a fantastic question so thank you for asking. My answer is no.

All this back and forth aside, if you look back and actually read my post you’ll see that my actual point was that his behavior around this subject has contributed to division within the Republican Party. Do you disagree with that?
I really don't know.

And to the only point I care about and questioned; do you still believe Donald Trump does not condemn white supremacy?

And to the only point I care about and questioned; do you still believe Donald Trump does not condemn white supremacy?
So you’re entitled to answers about points you care about, but I’m not. Interesting.

I believe he has said that he condemns them but l also believe, based on his actions, that he doesn’t want to do anything to upset people who support him and that he views anyone who opposes him as his enemy.

I also believe that this is the last time I’m going to respond to you in this thread. Your repeated insistence that a question that is an obvious and thinly veiled accusation about hating America and supporting a hate group is “reasonable” when someone says something negative about a group that you admit you aren’t even sure of is beyond ridiculous and I’m done with it.

So you’re entitled to answers about points you care about, but I’m not. Interesting.
I questioned you about 1 single thing and you have refused to respond.

I believe he has said that he condemns them
Ok so finally the only thing I questioned you about you finally admit you were wrong. We're all wrong sometimes, no big deal. Thank you.

but l also believe, based on his actions, that he doesn’t want to do anything to upset people who support him and that he views anyone who opposes him as his enemy.
This is different but a fair thought. His actions have been to consistently condemn them, and I would assume that upsets them. I would say anybody that opposes him he views as a competitor. Enemy may be a little strong, yet suitable in some cases. I'm not him so I can't be sure. Interesting how no Democrat condemns antifa, the people who are burning, looting, killing, and destroying. This is not a Trump thread. It's a Trump/Biden thread. Fairness matters.

I also believe that this is the last time I’m going to respond to you in this thread. Your repeated insistence that a question that is an obvious and thinly veiled accusation about hating America and supporting a hate group is “reasonable” when someone says something negative about a group that you admit you aren’t even sure of is beyond ridiculous and I’m done with it.
The question was in no way an accusation and I apologize if you took it that way. As far as the proud boys, I never would have started talking about them and I wasn't the one to do so. I don't care anything about them and I won't bring them up again if nobody else does.

Then I fear the pineapples will win and (hu)mankind are all doomed in the long term

Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

Let the night air cool you off
It's pretty funny that nobody is excited about Biden being in office.

I wonder how much money Hunter will make now? (And will he still have to kick a percentage up to the Big Guy?)
A lot of money and a lot of crack.

”You know what this means, baby? We’ll be high for hours!”

Gotta feel sorry for the official provider of crayons to the Whitehouse as their business is gonna take a huge hit

Let the night air cool you off
Gotta feel sorry for the official provider of crayons to the Whitehouse as their business is gonna take a huge hit
Doubt it. Crayons are going to be how they keep Joe busy while Kamala runs the country.

There's gonna be an adult in the Whitehouse??
Whatever next
Perhaps Americans will vote in a woman president and, (as long as she had decent policies and ideas), what a friggen concept that would be!