I am going to watch at least one film from each country in 2018...


Some of you will remember me from when I first joined this forum on this date, four years ago. For 2014 I set myself the challenge to watch at least one film everyday to expand my knowledge of cinema and I succeeded in this endeavour.

After watching a Vice documentary this morning, I came up with the idea to watch at least one film from every country in 2018 to further broaden my knowledge of world cinema.

Since joining this forum in 2014, I started my Film Studies course at Univeristy and graduated from this. I am now undertaking a Masters degree in Filmmaking at the same Univeristy and will be graduating with this degree in 2018 as long as all goes well.

This thread will document the films from around the world that I watch this year.

I do not know the complete logistics of this yet as I am sure that some countries may have never made features or such. In these cases I will see what is most fitting (shorts and docs perhaps?).

If you guys have any suggestions that would be great!

I am currently typing all this up on my phone as I am away from home at the moment so I will make sure to design these first posts as to display what I have been watching etc.


I do not know the complete logistics of this yet as I am sure that some countries may have never made features or such. In these cases I will see what is most fitting (shorts and docs perhaps?).
Dont be surprised but Switzerland has a horror film. Do you enjoy horror Rhys?

I do not know the complete logistics of this yet as I am sure that some countries may have never made features or such. In these cases I will see what is most fitting (shorts and docs perhaps?).
Dont be surprised but Switzerland has a horror film. Do you enjoy horror Rhys?
I sure do! Horror is a genre that I have definitley grown more fond of over the last four years as it was a genre I had avoided before.

That's a very good challenge, I was thinking about something similar.

Portugal made there most well know films during a dictatorship, but I don't think you would enjoy those kind of movies, because they are mostly musicals with a strange comedy.

I don't recommend Manoel de Oliveira, he was the oldest living director, died recently, his movies are mostly historical and theatrical.

What I think you would enjoy is probably a director, one of my personal favorites called João César Monteiro.

His most famous trilogy God's Comedy, Recollections of the Yellow House and The Spousals of God

He had a very particular style, some people call him crazy because, uhhh, he just didn't give a f-word. He direct and plays on every movie. They say he selected his actors on the street, he saw someone he though would be a good actor and he just asked.

One of his last movies was called Snow White, a very controversial film, because the movie is just a black screen and audio. He had the movie completely finished and at the last minute he had this idea of just playing the Snow White on a black screen. He had a sense of humor.

Snow White (Branca de Neve)

Will not be the best movies you will ever see, but I'm sure you will not see anything like it. If you want any help getting the movies I can provide.

I second Manoel de Oliveira and João César Monteiro recs. Two masters.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Or you could try an Irish movie about 'normal' folk....

Or you could try a proper Irish movie....

lol Chymunk, I only know IRA films from Ireland.. well I might know others but they dont just come to mind..

edit : And Daniel Day Lewis films... that are not IRA related.

lol Chymunk, I only know IRA films from Ireland.. well I might know others but they dont just come to mind..
S'ok MG, they're all good suggestions

very nice resolution! you got any particular order how you gonna watch it?
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

@MovieGal; - this isn't the greatest film by any means but it's ok and might interest you if you have an interest in the 'troubles'.....

Austria: Funny Games (1997)

Denmark: The Hunt (2012)

Iran: Persepolis (2007)

Spain: [REC] (2007)

Canada: Mommy (2014)

Italy: Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Japan: Perfect Blue (1997)

Soviet Union: Man With a Movie Camera (1929)

Germany: The Lives of Others (2005)/ Downfall (2004)

Indonesia: The Raid (2011)

Belgium: Man Bites Dog (1992)

Israel Waltz With Bashir (2008)

This might just do nobody any good.

Y Tu Mamá También

Or go weirder with Post Tenebras Lux (de Carlos Reygadas)