I am depressed, what should I watch?


the weekend is over!

I enjoyed watching these movies
the invasion of the barbarians
Mississippi gambler
the cooler

I do not allow depression to rule my life!

American Beauty

I also got depression in my life and this movie brings me back everytime.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The Twilight saga or that movie about kick the girls ass because you have a small penis... It's 50 shades of something. You will kill yourself before one of this movies ends.

I want to hear what he picked
I ended up doing some reading. Also rewatched few episodes of Scrubs. A Few episodes of Felicity.

The pilot episode of Nurse Jackie was good.

I didn't get to watch more than this.

Thanks to all for the concern and wondeful suggestions.

Into the Wild

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I ended up doing some reading. Also rewatched few episodes of Scrubs. A Few episodes of Felicity.

The pilot episode of Nurse Jackie was good.

I didn't get to watch more than this.

Thanks to all for the concern and wondeful suggestions.

I'm glad you came back to let us know that you're okay. I hope you're feeling better now.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I am having the worst life at the moment, wouldn't bother explaining.
Internet could care less for my problems.

Planning a nice lonely weekend, shutting myself away from the world.

What movies should I watch?

I explained my grief hoping you'll recommend wisely as to what works for you'll in times like these.

Thanks to all.
Depression? The best remedy are happy Miyazaki movies like Kiki, Spirited Away and of course, My Neighbor Totoro. I should also add Bashu: The Little Stranger, a great feel good movie as well.

Everything is Illuminated
Escape from Alcatraz
Evil Dead
Enemy at the Gates
Eddie The Eagle
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

Sorry you're feeling like this, GP. But it's great you found your way back here. You were a great member and someone i'd love to see around the place again.

BTW, the correct answers to your question were Jaws and Charlie's Angels.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Sorry you're feeling like this, GP. But it's great you found your way back here. You were a great member and someone i'd love to see around the place again.

BTW, the correct answers to your question were Jaws and Charlie's Angels.
Why Jaws?

Welcome to the human race...
any Woody Allen film
Based on the Allen films I've seen, that just sounds even more depressing.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Dark City. It's so gloomy and surreal that it makes almost any view of the real world and your own life look downright cheery.

Is the correct answer. Nothing beats Jaws. As a film that is.

Nothing will cheer you up like a film with this scene.

For posts like this there really should be a "double rep" feature

Honestly, I don't think movies are the best thing for you. I can't say that I know what you're going through, but I have been through serious bouts of this ****. You need to push yourself to remain active and social do your best not to spiral into activities that help you isolate. You also need to see a doctor. People (including me, initially) are often reluctant to get help with mental health **** because of the stigma that still exists/the lack of empathy from people who don't understand what you're going through or think that depressed just means "really sad". Like it's a weakness and not something physiological. I also thought that it would change who I was. That I was only so lost because I was awake and saw the world for what it really was, but that's not true. Meds work - not immediately, and it likely won't be the first brand you try that helps you - but it eventually will help lift the cloud that will let you be you again. Therapy also really helps, just make sure you're not talking to someone who makes you feel in any way uncomfortable.

PM me if you want to talk bud, you'll get through it.