Survivor: Superheroes vs Supervillains gameplay and challenge thread


Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm going to post a challenge late Monday night that will be due Tuesday at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. This challenge will take very little time so that is more than ample time. Any member that doesn't complete the challenge on time will be hurting their tribes score, so I suggest everyone making sure they don't procrastinate about doing it so it doesn't get forgotten.

Ok - sorry I had not idea my message box was full. Got a lot cleared out now.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Tribe Challenge

It's time for your first tribal challenge. It's an easy one the first time out.

I had 6 people including myself rate the following superheroes and supervillains from 1 to 10. 10 being high 1 being low. I averaged all 6 scores and your challenge is to guess the average of each character. Any left over fraction will round the number up, so we are only dealing with whole numbers.

This is how scoring will work. Each player will be given 15 points. You will lose a point for every number you are off high or low. So if you guess the average score to be 6 and it's 8 you lose two points. If the average is 4 and you guess 7 you lose 3 points. The idea is to keep as many of your 15 points as possible.

Here are the characters:




Black Widow

Ghost Rider




Dr. Doom


There is also an extra credit to this challenge. For every character you get one guess as to what one of us rated it. You can choose from any of these people, Swan, Teeter-G, Jiraffejustin, Sexy Celebrity, Zotis or Godoggo and guess what we rated it. If you hit it on the nose, 2 points, one number away high or low, 1 points, but any further away than that you lose a point. It's up to you wether or not you do this part of the challenge and you can have one guess for as many or as few characters as you want.

This is due Tuesday 9:00 pm eastern time. It must be in by this time or it will count against the tribes final score.

Remember to think about your superpowers and when you want to use them.

I'll have your Survivor trading card to you before the challenge is completed.

Good luck, everyone!

Supergrover, out!

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I need to clarify the extra credit part. For each character you can have one guess as to what one of us rated it individually. For example, for Ghostrider you might pick Swan and guess that his individual rating was a four. For Hulk you could pick Teeter and guess that her individual rating was a 7.

I hope that's clearer. If you happen to be on Donnie's tribe and are confused he isn't so you can get with him.

I am so screwed in this game. I can handle the strategy side fine, but these challenges...if this were real Survivior the tribe would always want me sitting out.

Tribe Challenge

It's time for your first tribal challenge. It's an easy one the first time out.

I had 6 people including myself rate the following MOVIES from 1 to 10. 10 being high 1 being low. I averaged all 6 scores and your challenge is to guess the average of each movie. Any left over fraction will round the number up, so we are only dealing with whole numbers.

This is how scoring will work. Each player will be given 15 points. You will lose a point for every number you are off high or low. So if you guess the average score to be 6 and it's 8 you lose two points. If the average is 4 and you guess 7 you lose 3 points. The idea is to keep as many of your 15 points as possible.

Here are the movies:


everything you always wanted to know about sex but we're afraid to ask

La Dolce vita

Black sunday

Ghost writer

The dark knight

Duck soup

The godfather


lion king

There is also an extra credit to this challenge. For every movie you get one guess as to what one of us rated it. You can choose from any of these people, Swan, Teeter-G, Jiraffejustin, Sexy Celebrity, Zotis or Godoggo and guess what we rated it. If you hit it on the nose, 2 points, one number away high or low, 1 points, but any further away than that you lose a point. It's up to you wether or not you do this part of the challenge and you can have one guess for as many or as few movies as you want.

This is due Tuesday 9:00 pm eastern time. It must be in by this time or it will count against the tribes final score.

Remember to think about your superpowers and when you want to use them.

I'll have your Survivor trading card to you before the challenge is completed.

Good luck, everyone!

Supergrover, out!

You guys get it now?

Look at it as if IMDB was run by:

Swan, Teeter-G, Jiraffejustin, Sexy Celebrity, Zotis and Godoggo

And you have to guess their average ratings to the movies (or superheroes in this case)

Chappie doesn't like the real world

I am so screwed in this game. I can handle the strategy side fine, but these challenges...if this were real Survivior the tribe would always want me sitting out.
It's fine. Your not screwed. I don't mind explaining it more. All you really need to do is put a number next to the character. If you think Ghostrider is a pretty popular character put an 8 next to his name.

This is what it should look like

Hulk 6

Batman 4

Hellboy 7

Black Widow 4

Ghost Rider 9

Bane 7

Joker 8

Mystique 10

Dr. Doom 5

Rhino 5

Those are not the correct answers, but that should be a little clearer. Just guess something for each character.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
So if you break it into averages, superheros could be rated 1.5, 3 , 4.5, etc...?
Yes, but I rounded each fraction up to the next whole number.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I only received nine answers from the 16 who are supposedly playing. My thoughts now are either to discontinue the game or put everyone into one tribe and play the game individually.

I say just take the scores you have and award the team with the most points from what you've got. If they couldn't send in their scores in time, too bad.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Guys, Godoggo puts a lot of work into these games. They are not hard or very time consuming. If you signed up do her the courtesy of taking the few short minutes it takes for the challenges.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Thanks Seanc. I don't want anyone playing if they don't want to, but it would have been nice to get that info before the first challenge. I'm going to extend the challenge deadline until 8:am tomorrow morning. All assume that the people who didn't participate aren't playing and go from there.

Wow! Now I might actually finish further ahead.

This is the first game of this type Ive played here so I dont know how its gone along before. To be fair maybe one day probably isnt enough time. Not everyone posts everyday here, not even some old timers.