Best Use of Color


Can't believe nobody has mentioned Sin City or Unbreakable...

Unbreakable is much more subtle but uses colour to label and identify various characters in the third act.
Then there's Jackson's character in Unbreakable too. Jackson being all purple again.

Sin City is brilliantly stylish with colour though.

Most of the above are among the best color films, heres a few more.

Singin In The Rain
Sinbad The Sailor-1947 version
Curse of the Golden Flower
The Haunting
The King Maker-Stupid movie, but fantastic color photography

Recently I've seen a Russian movie called 'Euphoria'. Just let me post a photo:

And a piece of soundtrack:

Traffic (2000, Soderbergh)
The Draughtman's Contract (1982, Greenaway)

1. Dog Star Man (Stan Brakhage, 1964)
2. The Mirror (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1975)
3. Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome (Kenneth Anger, 1954)
4. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (Sergei Parajanov, 1964)
5. Fallen Angels (Wong Kar Wai, 1995)
6. Three Crowns of the Sailor (Raul Ruiz, 1983)
7. Kwaidan (Masaki Kobayashi, 1964)
8. Blood and Black Lace (Mario Bava, 1964)
9. The Double Life of Veronique (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1991)
10. Suspiria (Dario Argento, 1977)

Honorable mention: The Conformist, Barry Lyndon, Days of Heaven, Apocalypse Now, Vertigo, Fantasia

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
You guys should check out Reverse Shot's take four, where they use one use of color in a film as a synecdoche for the entire film. Very interesting, along with their other takes.