Whats the last great documentary you saw?


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Not sure if it's "great" but I find it fascinating. New 3 part documentary taking you inside the world of "Claridges", one of the most exclusive hotels in London.


In Search of The Trojan War

Again, not great but interesting enough:

This was alright too, even though we have Paradise Lost 1-3, this one still works fine on its own:
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I saw a bio on Marlene Dietrich. It was interesting, many beautiful songs, quite complete, much mentioned of her beginning days in Berlin, surprised there wasn't any mention of The Three Penny Opera, at least as being tied to the times, and also Lotte Lenya.

It wasn't the last one, but I've watched it so many times because I find it so entertaining...The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia

I think the last documentary I saw (on tv) was "Hollywood's Lost Screen Goddess: Clara Bow", as part of the BBC's screen Goddess season over Christmas. There was also a great documentary the other night looking back at World In Action, the ITV current affairs series.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

The most loathsome of all goblins

It's a documentary about the phenomena that started in Salt Lake City, when various companies were editing movies for adult content and renting/selling them, mostly to the local Mormon populace.

I expected a mildly interesting distraction, but what I got was one of the most enthralling, entertaining documentaries I've ever seen.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Watched "Catfish" the other day.

Love how it starts as one thing then turns into something else entirely.

Our TV was turned on to a documentary about the History of Italian Movies narrated by Martin Scorsese, something I have absolutely no interest at all in. No one was watching it, the wife and daughter were fixing dinner, grandkids were outside. I kind of glanced at it, and after watching it for a few minutes I was hooked. Scorsese's narration style was such that it was fascinating. He could make a really dull and boring subject come to life.

Every subject connected to movies is interesting. Haha. Almost every subject.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Watched "Catfish" the other day.

Love how it starts as one thing then turns into something else entirely.
That's a good one. If you like oddball documentaries, I'd also recommend Exit Through the Gift Shop.

Searching for Sugar Man.

If all this documentary did was introduce me to the music of Rodriguez that would be enough, but it's more than that.

Again, most of the documentaries I post in here aren't what I would call great, that's reserved for the top tier, but they're still good.

5 Broken Cameras