The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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I forgot the opening line.
32. Boyhood (one of my clever answers that are invariably wrong)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)


What we have here is a blockbuster that focuses on theme as heavily as it does on the effects. We have so many questions raised concerning the future, the human condition and family that this could've been an Andrey Tarkovsky film in another universe. And through the themes we get characters strong enough to drive the plot where it needs to be, delivering a more thorough and upfront modern-day answer to 2001. If I had to fault it for anything, I'd say that the incredible cinematography was still overshadowed by Cuaron's Gravity the year before, so there are things Nolan should've done and didn't. Still a little better than 2001, so 97/100.

Seen 41/68

Seen both of today's entries once and it was a few years ago. Thought Interstellar was great and didn't like Gravity, but the truth is I forgot either existed.

First of all, I want to thank @Sedai for sharing his very touching and personal story about how he connected with Gravity. I really enjoyed the film but haven't seen it since my initial viewing. Now I really want to see it again and take Sedai's review into account when I do.

I need to watch Interstellar all the way through. I watched about 30 minutes of the beginning but something in life happened that I had to quit watching and do something else. Don't ask me what, I don't remember. But I've wanted to see it ever since and will (drum roll) some day. No votes for either as I have another Sci-Fi film that I'm reasonably sure will show up fairly high (fingers crossed).

List so far:
#2. Moonrise Kingdom #37
#5. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri #44
#6. True Grit #40
#10. Hell or High Water #73
#11. Zero Dark Thirty #58
#15. Edge of Tomorrow #68
#24. Gone Girl #65
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Gravity is a great movie that I considered for my list, but it didn't make the final cuts. I liked both George Clooney and Sandra Bullock in it, and the intensity of this movie made it one that stuck with me long after watching it. I'm glad to see that it made the countdown without my help.

I saw Interstellar a few years ago, and I liked it, but I didn't love it as much as most people seemed to. It has a great cast, but I'm not a big fan of Matthew McConaughey, so that probably didn't help it for me.

As an aside, I love that these two movies showed up together on the countdown. They made a great pair.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I need to watch Interstellar all the way through. I watched about 30 minutes of the beginning but something in life happened that I had to quit watching and do something else. Don't ask me what, I don't remember.
Smacks of Booty Call that does.