Movies That You Found Offensive


I like to think that I'm a fairly open-minded guy but I watched A Serbian Film some time ago and was appalled. Have you ever felt that way about a movie?

I found Funny Games to be offensive in an interesting "student film" fashion. It's offensive, but that's the point and it makes the point as a commentary on filmic violence.

Most things won't offend me but I was offended by Happiness (1998) went alittle far for me
I've seen that one. I see what you're saying.

It didn't offend me to the point of wanting the film to disappear, and I understand its technical and historical importance, but when I saw The Birth of a Nation, I wanted to throw things at the TV.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

It didn't offend me to the point of wanting the film to disappear, and I understand its technical and historical importance, but when I saw The Birth of a Nation, I wanted to throw things at the TV.
Meh. This is like cracking open Mein Kampf and protesting its anti-Semitism. You know exactly what you're getting into, so if you're not offended, then that would be grounds for offense. With Birth of a Nation it's right there, on the surface, no interpretation needed, and the correct evaluation needs no computation. That's EZ-Mac outrage. Or are you arguing that there's something more insidious afoot here?

Meh. This is like cracking open Mein Kampf and protesting its anti-Semitism. You know exactly what you're getting into, so if you're not offended, then that would be grounds for offense. With Birth of a Nation it's right there, on the surface, no interpretation needed, and the correct evaluation needs no computation. That's EZ-Mac outrage. Or are you arguing that there's something more insidious afoot here?
I wasn't protesting anything. I knew what to expect and what I was getting into, and like you said, to not be offended would be grounds for offense. Hence my mentioning it here.

I wasn't protesting anything. I knew what to expect and what I was getting into, and like you said, to not be offended would be grounds for offense. Hence my mentioning it here.
I suppose that it is good, if not unexpected, to find one is offended by that which one should be offended. I've never watched A Serbian Film, because I have the feeling that it would (obviously) be offensive to me without anything approaching sufficient compensation in terms of instrumental benefit (transformation via the moral of the story) or mixture with other goods (great camerawork). I am OK with being "slimed" by literature, but not merely for the sake of being slimed. I don't sense anything in BoaN that suggests the juice is worth the squeeze, but I guess good on you for giving it a shot.

Freddy Got Fingered

I expected a run of the mill Tom Green schtick vehicle, but I received a hidden deconstruction of 90's/gross out mid/late 90's American cinematic comedies.

I forgot one. It's called 'Kids' It's more of a movie that shows, not tells. Anyway, one dude dipping a tampon in juice and sucking on it was insulting to women and gross all around.

Victim of The Night
I'll tell you one I talk about a lot. And it was, amusingly, a real eye-opener for me.

Bad Moms.

I am a dude. Just kind of a regular dude (who is also a boundary-tester, sure, but a regular dude, mostly). That's somewhat important to the point.
So I go see Bad Moms because I like Mila Kunis and I like Kristen Bell a lot and I really like and have had a tremendous crush on Kathryn Hahn and I even have a soft-spot for Christina Applegate. And I always want to support women and other underdogs.
And I'm sitting through this movie and I start to get irritated. And then I start to get kinda pissy. And then I'm downright offended.
All the male characters are just one-dimensional stereotypes laid out to support the narrative and the feelings of the main characters, regardless of whether men actually act that way or not. Totally one-dimensional cardboard cut-outs of what the laziest of film-writing about a man could be, with no function but to justify the feelings and actions of the female leads, to the degree that, to me, it undermined the film itself because how could these women be as interesting as they're supposed to be if this is as deep as they ever get on the other half of the human race. Pitiful. And I was offended. Offended, as a dude, that this shallow, purely stereotype-based way of writing male characters was what they chose to go with. Equality, hmph.

WARNING: "For dramatic effect." spoilers below
And then it dawned on me.
"Oh, this is exactly how women have felt through almost every movie ever made. "
It was an instructive moment.
And, of all the movies, I learned more about the human race from Bad Moms than I have from dozens of "art films".

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The truth is in here
Freddy Got Fingered

I expected a run of the mill Tom Green schtick vehicle, but I received a hidden deconstruction of 90's/gross out mid/late 90's American cinematic comedies.
Freddy Got Fingered is funny. It nothing else you gotta love Rip Torn just going nuts in it!

I'm not easily offended. The only cases I'm tempted to use the term are the worst abuses of intellectual properties I love (like the latest Conan and Solomon Kane films). Other than those blatant cheats on the audience, nothing's sacred to me.

I don't like the modern woke culture, but I don't think dislike (or even hatred) is the same as taking offense.

Nonsense. It's hilarious.

Nonsense. It's hilarious.
Tell me what I'm allowed to find offensive, so I can do better in the future.

Victim of The Night
Ya know, that's a funny thing, by the way.
As an Atheist, I actually don't get offended by Religion the way so many religious people seem to get offended by any questioning, or even perceived questions or slights of, their religion.
The only thing I ever get offended about is people acting like my beliefs are not relevant or deserving of respect because I don't believe in something.
Yeah, I guess that actually does oftend me.
So I would probably find GND offensive as I have read it's incredibly dismissive to the beliefs of Atheists.

Tell me what I'm allowed to find offensive, so I can do better in the future.

Nonsense, I your outrage hilarious too.

I suppose that any film with problematic content is offensive, but if I know about it ahead of time, it's usually easier for me to handle.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I haven't watched God's Not Dead but I read about in the MoFo Hall of Infamy. It sounds bad, really bad. I'm sure it would infuriate me so much that I couldn't make it through the whole film. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like a propagandist movie to me.