The 29th Hall of Fame


Ok I'll ask another way. One person is knowingly involved in a plot to kill thousands including Bond. Bond forces a kiss on that person who then quickly reciprocates. Why would you be concerned with what happens to the first person? I mean it just seems like you're avoiding the obvious. The point is he could do much worse and nobody would care, or if I'm wrong about that feel free to say. I just don't understand the mindset when we're talking about a potential mass murderer.
why can't i just not like something bro

why can't i just not like something bro
You can, not trying to be critical towards you but it is generally confusing when someone is concerned with what happens to the bad guy, or girl in this case, and critical of a person's actions when those exact actions save not only himself, but also thousands of other innocent people.

You can, not trying to be critical towards you but it is generally confusing when someone is concerned with what happens to the bad guy, or girl in this case, and critical of a person's actions when those exact actions save not only himself, but also thousands of other innocent people.
i'm sorry my natural, visceral reaction to the scene doesn't make sense to you??

i'm sorry my natural, visceral reaction to the scene doesn't make sense to you??
I could see that, but after the fact when realizing what happened, are you still more sympathetic with what happens to a potential mass murder than to one of her potential victims who is trying to stop her?

I could see that, but after the fact when realizing what happened, are you still more sympathetic with what happens to a potential mass murder than to one of her potential victims who is trying to stop her?
i can't react to that as it wasn't in the film but james bond raping someone definitely causes me more viewer dissonance than an evil character doing an evil thing. literally could have just made the scene less rapey it wouldn't have been that hard. or written a better movie from the start. this scene doesn't even make me like the film much less, its just another scene i don't like in a movie i didn't like at any point.

i can't react to that as it wasn't in the film but james bond raping someone definitely causes me more viewer dissonance than an evil character doing an evil thing. literally could have just made the scene less rapey it wouldn't have been that hard. or written a better movie from the start. this scene doesn't even make me like the film much less, its just another scene i don't like in a movie i didn't like at any point.
Well it is in the film. She's involved in a plot to kill all these people including Bond, so doesn't that kind of make her fair game? And you're still saying rape but she reciprocates before it gets to that. Obviously forcibly kissing someone, while not the definition of rape, is normally 100% wrong, doesn't the circumstance of her planning his and other's deaths change things? I mean your visceral reaction is over, but after the fact you're still calling him a rapist, completely ignoring the fact that she's participating in a plot to kill him, and he knows it. I'm just wondering when we started blaming the victims.

You don't have to respond anymore. It's long past obvious that you're more concerned with an agenda than the reality of the circumstances. No big deal.

I forgot the opening line.
If I can add my 2 cents, and hopefully not become part of a barroom brawl, I always kind of went "ugh" when Sean Connery pinned Honor Blackman and seemingly forced himself on her, but it didn't bother me because I knew that in the film's logic, she finds Bond as irresistible as he is to every woman in the series. If I thought she was an unwilling participant after the initial play-fighting, I'd have been much more bothered. Also, this film really is a product of it's time, as is the novel. It might not be obvious in the film, but Pussy Galore is gay, and James Bond actually turns her into a heterosexual with his ungodly charm and good looks. I find that a little offensive - but again, it's James Bond, which is about as far away from real life as fiction can get.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

so i need to have the right view beaten into me then?
Even though you were responding it seemed like you were avoiding responding. I at least said that I understand your general sentiment, and that under normal circumstances forcing a kiss on someone is wrong, so I was trying to give your point of view the benefit of the doubt, even if it was in a Devil's advocate kind of way. I was hoping that what I was trying to say would just be understandable to you but I never got that impression, but that's all I was really hoping for.

Even though you were responding it seemed like you were avoiding responding. I at least said that I understand your general sentiment, and that under normal circumstances forcing a kiss on someone is wrong, so I was trying to give your point of view the benefit of the doubt, even if it was in a Devil's advocate kind of way. I was hoping that what I was trying to say would just be understandable to you but I never got that impression, but that's all I was really hoping for.
seems like both you and bond like forcing things on people. love having my feelings invalidated like this, very cool of you

seems like both you and bond like forcing things on people. love having my feelings invalidated like this, very cool of you
I'm not the best at explaining myself through text but I will try.

Solely because of the circumstances of the film and it's characters, I completely give Bond a pass for his actions with Pussy Galore. They are unusual circumstances.

You are on the extreme other side.

Due to you being on the extreme other side, I'm trying to get you to understand why I feel the way I do so that you don't think I'm a horrible person. So yes, I'm trying to hammer home my view as a way of defending myself.

Ueno, that’s not what’s happening here. Also, that’s a bit unfair to Cricket.
peace and love but this is like the third time this guy's jumped on me for a review he didn't like now and i've found it pretty demeaning every time.

I'm not the best at explaining myself through text but I will try.

Solely because of the circumstances of the film and it's characters, I completely give Bond a pass for his actions with Pussy Galore. They are unusual circumstances.

You are on the extreme other side.

Due to you being on the extreme other side, I'm trying to get you to understand why I feel the way I do so that you don't think I'm a horrible person. So yes, I'm trying to hammer home my view as a way of defending myself.
ok look, if we both felt like we were coming from defensive positions we should be able to simply drop this and move on.

I remember having an issue with the forced kiss scene as well and brought it up in my review, but I think cricket has convinced me of his argument. I'll probably keep the film at a 6/10 though as the other issues I brought up were the bulk of my criticisms towards the film. Anyways, I know this discussion got rather heated, but I hope we can all remain friends here.

movies can be okay...

Solely because of the circumstances of the film and it's characters, I completely give Bond a pass for his actions with Pussy Galore. They are unusual circumstances.
Wait, there's a character in Goldfinger called Pussy Galore?! Shit, can't wait to watch it now.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Goldfinger (Guy Hamilton, 1964)

About a year and a half ago I watched all the Bond movies. I had a distaste for this one at the time, especially compared to the wonderful From Russia with Love that precedes it and the actually fun Thunderball that came immediately after. I thought maybe watching it isolated from the "more to my taste" entries that surrounded it would help its case perhaps but I unfortunately enjoyed it even less this time around. Just about all the Bond films run a bit long for what they are but I think its really felt in this one particularly. A lot of scenes that feel much longer than necessary, whether its excessive exposition or bits running too long before they hit the punchline. I guess most people find that stuff engaging, and more power to you, but a lot of this just makes it drag for me. This film really needs a shot in the arm, there's just no energy even during the action and fight scenes. I know people love that Oddjob fight but its certainly not exciting. I think its shooting for tense but it doesn't really pull it off, at least I didn't feel it. It might be the weakest of this era visually as well, though probably not by a huge margin. Its also maybe the slimiest one of the bunch, most notably the bit where Bond just like rapes a girl into being one of the good guys?? which even if it wasn't vile would still be dumb and when he drops the line "I must have appealed to her maternal instincts" I want to vomit. This one doesn't really work for me on any level and I just don't get why this is the one.

Interesting that you gloss over the rape's in The Painted Bird and The Traveling Players but make a note in the more famous James Bond film

But it's once again another review that makes me doubt you actually watched the films.