The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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Nice! Rushmore was #9 on my ballot and one of my favourite comedies. I have the Criterion blu ray. Vacation didn't make my ballot, but I do like it and rated it an 8/10. I have Vacation on dvd as part of a 20 film comedy box set.

Seen: 48/48 (100%)

National Lampoon's Vacation is a lot of fun but, unlike its holiday themed sequel, it's never been a big favorite of mine and didn't get my vote. I do love that theme song, though. The end-credits song is pretty awesome, too.

There is only one Wes Anderson movie that I like even a little and it's not Rushmore.

I forgot the opening line.
National Lampoon's Vacation came along at the start of the video era, so I saw it so many times because choice was limited, and the movie was okay - I could never have claimed to have loved it, but it did win a semi-place at the outside regions of my heart. The doggie bit - the aunt who dies (Aunt Edna?) and they tie onto their roof-rack (that was pretty hilarious) and the fact that Clark Griswald had a screw loose. Chevy Chase was pretty funny in my eyes back then, although all he had was a few looks he'd throw, and his crazy manic schtick. But, like I said - it came along at the start of the video era and just stuck around. It was this, Ghostbusters or Stripes. "Take your pick kid. We aint got all day. And remember to rewind this time!"

Rushmore! Made me look at my list - how the hell is that not on it? Anyway, I really love Rushmore and you've all done me a solid voting it into the mid-tier. I probably never thought of it, and I don't have any Wes Anderson on my list - I recognize his films as comedy, but they're just not the kind of comedy I was going with, because there's rarely an out-and-out joke in his films, it's a whole funny feeling, and that's especially true in Rushmore, which forever wedded Bill Murray to Wes, because boy, he had a great part in that film and really gelled with that character - a kid's nemesis, romantic rival and in a strange way equal. This might be my second or third favourite Wes Anderson film overall.

Seen 37/48
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I've seen bits and pieces of National Lampoon's Vacation, but I've yet to watch the full film. From what I've seen though, it looks good, so maybe I'll watch the full film someday. Haven't seen Rushmore, but I'll probably get to it sometime this month.

Two pretty decent films, I’d take Vacation over Rushmore .. not much thoughts on either
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

National Lampoon's Vacation, scripted by John Hughes and directed by Harold Ramis, holds up pretty well and has some darker edges than the subsequent Griswold flicks. The scene with Stacy Keach's highway patrol officer having to explain what happened to the dog is priceless. I prefer the gags and heart of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, but the original is close behind. Neither were anywhere near by ballot.

It should be no surprise to any longtime MoFos that Wes Anderson's Rushmore featured prominently on my list. It was my seventh choice, good for nineteen of its 107 points. It could have easily risen a few spots higher on another day. I saw Rushmore at one of its very first public screenings in October of 1997 at the Austin Heart of Film Festival. I instantly connected with it on a deep level and have been a megafan of it and Wes ever since. It also contains the first great performance from the second phase of Bill Murray's career and has informed most of his choices since. It was one of those movie experiences that so matched my own sense of humor, optimistic melancholy, and cinematic style and worldview that I wondered how Anderson had gotten into my head and heart. I saw it five more times theatrically when it was released in the spring of 1998. Even with all of Wes Anderson's subsequent triumphs Rushmore remains my favorite among favorites in his filmography.

That is only the second from my ballot to show, thus far.

Holden’s Ballot
7. Rushmore (#53)
15. One Two Three (#85)

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

thought for sure that vacation was the first film to appear from my list, but it appears i cut it at the last moment. either way, it's probably one of the movies i've seen the most despite only watching it all the way through maybe twice in my life, simply because it's always on tv and i'll always put it on. chevy chase was my favorite movie star when i was 10 and i still love his 80s stuff dearly despite him being a monster irl. i have two more of his movies on my list, one of which should definitely show up.

rushmore is also very good, but i'd need to rewatch it to determine if it's one of my favorite wes andersons or not. i have one pretty high up on my list.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I don't actually think I've seen National Lampoon's Vacation all the way through, just pieces here and there, probably because it was never on tv as often as Christmas Vacation was. Similarly, I've only seen part of Sherlock Jr., as a number of clips were shown to us in class once, but I never bothered to watch the whole thing on my own time.

I keep hearing good things about Rushmore, but I've been avoiding it because I find Wes Anderson's films to be completely insufferable. They typically look fantastic, but are extremely difficult to actually sit through. I've also never really been a fan of Ferris Bueller's Day Off either, though friends of mine really like it.

Seen: 30/48

My List: 3
04. Evil Dead II (1987) - #93
14. Clerks (1994) - #64
21. Tropic Thunder (2008) - #58

The og definitely has its moments but I still prefer Christmas Vacation. It always bugged me that in the original
WARNING: spoilers below
Clark was going to cheat on his wife, and only doesn’t because he gets caught. It made him a lot less sympathetic as the main character. At least in Christmas Vacation it’s more of a distant fantasy than something he was committed to doing.

I’m not the biggest Wes Anderson fan but Rushmore is one of his better ones for me.

The og definitely has its moments but I still prefer Christmas Vacation. It always bugged me that in the original
WARNING: spoilers below
Clark was going to cheat on his wife, and only doesn’t because he gets caught. It made him a lot less sympathetic as the main character. At least in Christmas Vacation it’s more of a distant fantasy than something he was committed to doing.
And you find that more troubling than the implied incestuous relationship between Randy Quaid and Jane Krakowski?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I find all the Vacation movies amusing but none were in any danger of making my list. I think European might be my fave but that’s probably just because I watched it a bunch as a teen. I’m sure this will be the last appearance of the VCU, unless mofo has a bunch of closeted Ed Helms fans.

Rushmore was my #2. Probably should have been my #1 since it’s in my all time top 10, but more on that later. I have gushed about my second favorite Anderson, who just happens to be my second favorite director, endlessly around here. His movies only get better, and funnier, each viewing for me. I just love the dryness. This is a weird thing to say about Wes, but I find his humor subtle as well. I think that’s why his movies get funnier each time. There’s a lot of meat on them bones, that you don’t get each time. His writing is dense as well, so always more to unpack in every single scene, sometimes in each line. I really adore Wes movies and Max is still my favorite Wes character. Wish this was a lot higher, but knew that was a pipe dream since so many mofos have no sense of humor.

Trouble with a capital "T"
National Lampoon's Vacation...Fun movie, I considered it for my overly crowded ballot. I'm not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase but he's good in the Vacation movies.

...I've not seen it yet but I like to. Maybe it will get nominated in an HoF one of these days.

I find all the Vacation movies amusing but none were in any danger of making my list. I think European might be my fave but that’s probably just because I watched it a bunch as a teen. I’m sure this will be the last appearance of the VCU, unless MoFo has a bunch of closeted Ed Helms fans.
But one more National Lampoon flick is coming. And it ain't gonna be Loaded Weapon 1 or Van Wilder.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
National Lampoon's Vacation...Fun movie, I considered it for my overly crowded ballot. I'm not the biggest fan of Chevy Chase but he's good in the Vacation movies.

...I've not seen it yet but I like to. Maybe it will get nominated in an HoF one of these days.
Got destroyed in the Hall I nominated it for

Victim of The Night
It restores some of my faith in humanity that Vacation appears here above its deformed progeny.
While it didn't quite make my 25, I do consider it a low-key Comedy Classic while, as I've already mentioned, I think CV is absolute shit.
Wooley smiles.