26th Hall of Fame


It's up to you as the host of course. I'm just saying I think it's a myth that people need so much time to watch a few movies...and most people say they've seen a number of the noms in HoFs so don't always watch them all, which is fine.

I've hosted a number of HoFs and almost always had 1 week per movie myself, just because that was the standard...But one time Cricket hosted the 12th HoF and he had 5 days per movie and that worked fined. I then tried 5 days per movie in the 15th HoF and that also went fine.
I suppose I could eliminate the couple extra weeks for the Twilight Zone HoF. I plan to do two episodes per week.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I suppose I could eliminate the couple extra weeks for the Twilight Zone HoF. I plan to do two episodes per week.
Totally up to you Speling. I was talking general and thinking more about future HoFs. I'm just glad you're doing The Twilight Zone HoF

Totally up to you Speling. I was talking general and thinking more about future HoFs. I'm just glad you're doing The Twilight Zone HoF
Thanks, I'm looking forward to it.

The trick is not minding
Sweet Smell of Success

J.J Hunsecker was a villain for the ages. The kind that controlled people lives with a well placed column. How well their careers shines depended on his good graces. To him, lives weren’t worth the paper his column was printed on.

His temper was only matched by his ego, and Lancaster plays him with a sinister, yet cool, charisma that slithers on screen like a snake. To be on his bad side didn’t get you a bad write up on his column. It got you none at all. And for many, no press was far worse than any press, good or bad. Such was the hold J.J. held, much like on one hold another throat in a fit of rage. The difference was his rage was focused. And if he focused it on you, woe to you for being unfortunate enough to get on his bad side.

Which brings us to the story. Poor Falco, a press agent who can’t get any press for his clients, finds himself on J.J.’s bad side for failing to dissuade a jazz musician from courting Hunseckers sister.

Going any further would spoil so much of it. It’s an experience you have to witness yourself. It flows with a wonderful script with some great lines

“My right isn’t known what my left hand does in years”
“The cats in the bag, and the bags in the river.”
Taken alone, they don’t mean much, but taken in the context of the film, they pack a wallop.

And Lancaster and Curtis are the amazing in this, both exuding a noxious performance that would make anyone sick. Such is their presence.

Great film. Fantastic gem. Wonderful pick.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Wyldesyde19 I'm glad to hear that you though well of Sweet Smell of Success. I know it won't win, but if someone really gets something out of one of my noms then it encourages me to keep joining these HoFs. Funny thing is I was just thinking about a nom for the 27th and came to the conclusion that it's really hard to pick a nom that pleases everyone! Anyway your review gave me some needed encouragement.

The trick is not minding
@Wyldesyde19 I'm glad to hear that you though well of Sweet Smell of Success. I know it won't win, but if someone really gets something out of one of my noms then it encourages me to keep joining these HoFs. Funny thing is I was just thinking about a nom for the 27th and came to the conclusion that it's really hard to pick a nom that pleases everyone! Anyway your review gave me some needed encouragement.
It was a really great film.
Noms are a tricky thing. You know not everyone will like it, but you hope enough will. In the past I went with lesser known films that few had probably seen (The Whisperers, Dust in the Wind, The Thief ) knowing it didn’t have much of a chance to succeed, but at least it introduced people to them. That’s all that matters to me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It was a really great film.
Noms are a tricky thing. You know not everyone will like it, but you hope enough will. In the past I went with lesser known films that few had probably seen (The Whisperers, Dust in the Wind, The Thief ) knowing it didn’t have much of a chance to succeed, but at least it introduced people to them. That’s all that matters to me.
I was one of the few who was completely impressed with The Whisperers. That film seemed to garner very different reactions. For me it was one of the highlights of that HoF...and something I'd never gotten to see if you had not nominated it. I enjoyed The Thief and Dust in the Wind, they didn't blow me away but once again it was a treat to watch them and I'd never even heard of them before...so glad you picked them.

Right now for the 27th I'm considering a really well known/well watched film that I love. I'm also considering a film everyone will probably hate, but I think it's a landmark in film making Seriously!

I rewatched Sweet Smell of Success (1959). Fantastically directed by Alexander Mackendrick, the film stars Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis. This is a really smart and entertaining film that packs a punch. Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis are both excellent and the dialogue really crackles. The score is great and the cinematography is really well done. I had seen this one before and loved it. The film is even better on rewatch. I've seen 3 films directed by Mackendrick and this is his best, in my opinion. It holds up really well and still has a lot to say to audiences today. Great nomination. My rating is

Trouble with a capital "T"
I rewatched Sweet Smell of Success (1959). Fantastically directed by Alexander Mackendrick, the film stars Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis. This is a really smart and entertaining film that packs a punch. Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis are both excellent and the dialogue really crackles. The score is great and the cinematography is really well done. I had seen this one before and loved it. The film is even better on rewatch. I've seen 3 films directed by Mackendrick and this is his best, in my opinion. It holds up really well and still has a lot to say to audiences today. Great nomination. My rating is
Glad you liked it Allaby. What were the other two films directed by Mackendrick that you watched? And were they good?

Glad you liked it Allaby. What were the other two films directed by Mackendrick that you watched? And were they good?
The other two were The Ladykillers (1955) and The Man in the White Suit (1951). The Ladykillers was very good, 8/10. The Man in the White Suit was alright,6/10. Both are worth watching though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The other two were The Ladykillers (1955) and The Man in the White Suit (1951). The Ladykillers was very good, 8/10. The Man in the White Suit was alright,6/10. Both are worth watching though.
I seen The Ladykillers (1955)and it's a well done movie, but not really my cup of tea. I hadn't heard of The Man in the White Suit before...but I'm not really much into British comedy, though the sci fi comedy part might be fun.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Boo Boo posted in this thread five days ago, so they may still be in.
I got 37 minutes left of that but I doubt they're in.

I'll try to get to Oz and finish this next week.