The Shawshank Redemption vs. The Green Mile


Which one is better/which one do you like more?
43 votes
The Shawshank Redemption
6 votes
The Green Mile
49 votes. You may not vote on this poll

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
It's funny that I like those films because I sure don't like King as a writer.
Another funny thing is that most of King's books that are turned into films are usually flopps, or just not as popular when they make the crossover, these two for some reason, just spark interest throughout. I know when I first watched Shawshank and saw "Based on Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King", I nearly flipped.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

It's funny that I like those films because I sure don't like King as a writer.
King always seemed to be a hit and miss with me. I either really enjoy his film or down right hate the fact I wasted money or time on it.

The last one of his I enjoyed that he was associated with was 1408.

The last one I regretted seeing was Desperation. Up till the 3/4 mark it just fell flat on it's face.

I would have to go for The Shawshank Redemption (Darabont, 1994) which i found had a much more engrossing story, and more likeable characters. The Green Mile (Darabont, 1999) was a very enjoyable film but i found that the length of it tarnished the movie experience somewhat. The film was at least half an hour too long. With some snappier editing it would have been much better.

I don't like either one. But The Green Mile is unwatchable, so I'll give a default nod to Shawshank. But frankly I'd rather stare at the ceiling than watch either one.
Damn that is one helluva entertaining ceiling then.

This topic just caught my eye off the Shawshank film page because people reacting to movies on Youtube always seem to cluster these two films back to back. They get recommended them because of Darabont I suppose. I can't resist watching someone discover Shawshank for the first time. But what is funny about watching all these reactors react to movies is it gives you a different perspective on some of these films. It does nothing to Shawshank because it's still the GOAT in my eyes and everyone on youtube gushes over it. What is interesting though is I never watch the Green Mile reactions. I use to really dig it but it hasn't aged as well too me. It's still a good movie but I've always thought it was too long and with the reactions you can feel it just go for the emotions in a heavy handed way. It has just lost some of it's luster to me.

As far as the question of the thread....It's Shawshank vs any movie
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Green Mile is just that bit too long.

By how much?

20 to 30 minutes long. Even when I really dug it I felt it was too long. Once you get over 3 hours you really push an audience. I haven't seen it in awhile so I couldn't tell you what parts to take out. It's by no means a bad movie but if I were going sit and watch it I would dread the 3 hour commitment.

20 to 30 minutes long. Even when I really dug it I felt it was too long. Once you get over 3 hours you really push an audience. I haven't seen it in awhile so I couldn't tell you what parts to take out. It's by no means a bad movie but if I were going sit and watch it I would dread the 3 hour commitment.

Perhaps it was an audience-involvement thing? After 3 hours you need you need to pee as badly as Paul Edgecomb and by the time the credits roll you feel as old as that mouse?

Yeah, I like it, but if I saw it on a random screen, I would not feel compelled to watch it. Shawshank, on the other hand, has better "hooks," it makes you want to watch it more.

Green Mile: the Magical Negro trope stretched out to fit an entire film, with unbearable sentimentalism and offputting attempts at tearjerking of the worst kind; a film that will only move the normie

Shawshank Redemption: a pretty nice Sunday watch movie; totally overrated by the normies and for some reason thought to be one of the best movies ever, but at least it's a genuinely fine film
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

gosh i loved them both, they are both amazing movies to be honest and the green mile is like one of my favorite 90s movies and its the saddest movies it made me cry

The real question is which one is the bigger prick, Boggs of Percy.
I think the more accurate question would be Hadley vs. Percy.

Hard to compare since Green Mile is a movie based in mysticism & the supernatural, while Shawshank is grounded in reality.

Saw an interesting video on YouTube a while back (don't know if it's still there) but it examined all the coincidences & lucky breaks that needed to happen for Andy's escape from Shawshank (a little too many for it to be feasible).

The one I liked was that the thunder had to be at the exact right time, date, loudness, intervals and duration for Andy to smash through a pipe without anyone hearing him (a pipe he had no idea about - for all he knew it might have taken a half hour with a jack hammer or days by poundings a rock on it).

One of my own questions was: how did he keep all those important documents dry? He was completely submerged at points (like when he drops out of the pipe into the river, no less when he's inside the pipe) and all he had was a plastic bag tied with a rope around his ankle. There'd be no way those documents wouldn't have been completely destroyed or at least severely water-damaged.