MoFo Movie Roulette II (a movie watching participation event)


Trouble with a capital "T"

One Foot In Heaven (Irving Rapper 1941)

I'm a sucker for sentimental films, but this one just didn't do anything for me. It was a nice watch but nothing much happened that I cared about. I was hoping it would've had more heart like I Remember Mama, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn or The Bells of St Mary's. The story itself seemed worthy of a film but the movie just plodded along. I think the fault is in the director.

Frederick March was one of the all time great actors, but he didn't really get a chance to shine here. For shining, it's Beulah Bondi who hits a home run with her performance of a rich, snooty and controlling woman.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'll be watching one of the first two. I haven't decided which yet. I've already seen Fargo, but I have it on my Letterboxd watchlist because it's due for a rewatch.

And I don't mind anybody using my watchlist to choose something for me, but it's definitely not a requirement. You can go with anything.
Both The Chaser and Black Narcissus are very solid, excellent films for their genre so just run with whichever calls to you more and I hope you enjoy them.

@edarsenal sorry I took so long

1. Dark Waters

2. Black Orpheus

3. Elite Squad

So I looked at your checklist to see what I could do for you, so here are three non-English language films that will help with getting to ten of those. Black Orpheus is on your watchlist, plus I saw it due to the first round of this game. Dark Waters is an African film that would check off that part of the challenge, plus it is on Netflix (or at least it was last I checked). It has like six different titles, so I just went with the one on Netflix and Letterboxd. It has a young Omar Sharif. It's my favorite of the three I gave you. Elite Squad just came to me when I was trying to think of something different from the other two and more modern.
No worries about the time it took, being quite the procrastinator meself lol.
Quite the intriguing set of choices. Thank you for that. I do already have Black Orpheus nominated for me in The Personal Rec HoF, it wouldn't be fair to double up if I chose that one. Elite Squad is one I've never heard of but looks pretty intense and something I could definitely sink my teeth into. But, in the end, even though there was an initial glee at having assistance in a sorely needed filler in my Film Challenge there is something very, very beguiling about Dark Waters aka Siraa Fil-Mina. Though I may need assistance locating it since my initial search has come up a bit of a bust.

::EDIT:: Scratch that! The Movie Gods have smiled on me! It's on Netflix!!! WOO HOO
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
...something very, very beguiling about Dark Waters aka Siraa Fil-Mina. Though I may need assistance locating it since my initial search has come up a bit of a bust.

::EDIT:: Scratch that! The Movie Gods have smiled on me! It's on Netflix!!! WOO HOO
Very surprising that it's on Netflix, but very cool. Lucky you as I image it might be hard to find otherwise.

The trick is not minding
If you like Dark Waters, which stars a young Omar Sharif, definitely also check out a few other films by the same director, Youssef Chahine. Best thing going for Netflix.

Cairo Station
An Egyptian Tale
Alexandria, again and Forever

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Very surprising that it's on Netflix, but very cool. Lucky you as I image it might be hard to find otherwise.
VERY lucky indeed! Since the usual spot didn't have one with subs, though it WAS an excellent version otherwise.
If you like Dark Waters, which stars a young Omar Sharif, definitely also check out a few other films by the same director, Youssef Chahine. Best thing going for Netflix.

Cairo Station
An Egyptian Tale
Alexandria, again and Forever
SWEET, THANKS Wylde! I definitely will. One of the selling points was the opportunity to see a young Sharif. Should be pretty cool.
Yeah finding Chahine films on Netflix was weird but exciting when I started trying to check out Egyptian films
I have been VERY surprised on occasion with films that DO show up on Netflix. Though their algorithm for allegedly suggesting films that we'd like does seem to shut a lot of doors for possible excellent viewing for previously unknown sources. But, hey, I'll take what I can get when I get it.
Also, I have a feeling a preliminary Thank you is going to be very much in order

The trick is not minding
Yeah finding Chahine films on Netflix was weird but exciting when I started trying to check out Egyptian films
Yeah, I’ve gone through 11 of them, with only one more, Saladin, to watch. I aim to finish it up this weekend.

It’s been a mixed bag, of sorts, but there are genuinely 4 films that are definitely worth mentioning, with 2 or 3 more also worthwhile.

I hope Netflix considers this when they decide on other films to stream in the future

You’ve been putting in the work!

1,100 films already, holy ****!
Yeah, my free time has been consumed with adding films haha.

I'm probably about 80% through the films I've marked as seen here on Movie Forums. I'll definitely have those done by the time the next round starts. I'll still be missing things I've watched, but it should at least be pretty accurate.

What's not entirely accurate are my ratings, but that's an issue for another time.

I just finished watching A Face in the Crowd, as suggested by my good buddy, @CitizenRules. If I could sum up my experience watching this film in one word, it would be: WOW! A Face in the Crowd is a masterpiece and one of the greatest films of all time. Brilliantly directed by Elia Kazan, the films stars Andy Griffith in a fantastic, career best performance as Larry 'Lonesome' Rhodes, a drifter who rapidly ascends to become an influential radio and tv star. This film is more relevant now than when it first came out and has a lot of worthwhile things to say about the dangers of fame and power. The screenplay is exceptionally smart and sharply written. In addition to Griffith's powerhouse performance, Patricia Neal is great as the woman who first discovers Rhodes and falls under his spell. I really enjoyed the film. It was consistently entertaining, engaging and ranged from funny to sad to frightening and back again. I cared about the characters and was invested in what was happening. Even though Griffith's character acts like a jerk at times, I didn't completely hate him and even felt empathy towards him. I appreciated that he was written and portrayed as a complex, flawed character and he didn't come across as an over the top villain. A Face in The Crowd is without a doubt a must see film and I'm glad Mr. Rules suggested it for me.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Face in the Crowd is on my Watchlist and looking forward to eventually seeing it. Very glad to hear you enjoyed it as much as you did, allaby - very cool!

equally so, I am sad to hear, CR, it wasn't the same with One Foot in Heaven. It definitely sounded like it should have been right up your alley. That is a shame.

And Cosmic, a very cool surprise that you'd want to check out Raid. Mucho rep points for that! HUGE fan of that film. It's chock full of "HOLY SH#T!!" fight sequences in an almost video game scenario. Can't wait to see what you think of it.

As for me. . .

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
JJ has gifted me with not only a seriously needed filler on my Movie Challenge but a wonderful movie experience as well that allowed me to see a young Omar Shariff - FINALLY, with:

Dark Waters aka Siraa Fil-Mina (1956)

Twenty-five-year-old Ragab (Omar Shariff) returns home after three years at sea to his mother and his cousin, a girl when he left, now, an intoxicating young woman. Played with true fire by Faten Hamamah.
A volatile, quick to anger, jealous man, Ragab is easily manipulated by a local businessman looking to make a coup against another businessman. All of which plays out in a Shakespearean deception that reminded me of such plays as Othello and Much Ado About Nothing.

An Egyptian Soap Opera set on the piers of the local town, centering on its workers as the brewing storm is orchestrated with deceit and accusations of betrayal. Filmed with finesse, this was an engaging visit to a vibrant seacoast life.

And Cosmic, a very cool surprise that you'd want to check out Raid. Mucho rep points for that! HUGE fan of that film. It's chock full of "HOLY SH#T!!" fight sequences in an almost video game scenario. Can't wait to see what you think of it.
Yeah, a few of my friends have been telling me to watch it for years now. It was on Netflix here for a bit, and I did actually turn it on but it was only the dub so I quickly bailed out.

I was going to watch it this afternoon, but I spent too long on my letterboxd account. On the plus side I've added (and vaguely rated) everything I can think of at the moment. Just need to work on my watchlist now.

Here’s looking at you, kid.
Barton Fink
This film was amazing, I don’t know why I put it off for so long. This was the first Cohen Brothers film that started a beautiful relationship with Roger Deakins and boy did it pay off.

From the cinematography, to the acting, which were both done beautifully in a minimalist fashion by having simple sets that resembled legendary films like The Shining and setting shoes outside the rooms of the hotel to imply the hotel was full, even though you only ever saw the legendary actors that were casted that poured their heart and soul into their work. All while leaving reoccurring themes throughout the film making your mind race to connect the pieces all without giving you a direct answer, to sort out all the details and answer all the questions you have on your own accord.

I loved this film and would recommend it to anyone who likes The Cohen Brothers. I also intend giving this a rewatch to see if I can spot more of the subtle hidden treasures hidden throughout the film.

Thanks for the rec! @CosmicRunaway
@Citizen Rules

Trouble with a capital "T"
...A Face in the Crowd... If I could sum up my experience watching this film in one word, it would be: WOW! A Face in the Crowd is a masterpiece and one of the greatest films of all time. Brilliantly directed by Elia Kazan...
I say WOW too! So glad you liked it, that's important to me. I'm a huge fan of Elia Kazan, he's one of my favorite directors. Have you seen many of his films? He's got a lot of great ones.

@Allaby I'm going to watch your other recommendation for me The Marrying Kind tonight, just as a bonus watch. Looking forward to it.

Dark Waters aka Siraa Fil-Mina (1956)
...Filmed with finesse, this was an engaging visit to a vibrant seacoast life.
Wow again glad to see you had such a positive experience with it. I'd not heard of it before...that's what's good about this.

Barton Fink
This film was amazing, I don’t know why I put it off for so long.
I love that film too and think it's very special!

I say WOW too! So glad you liked it, that's important to me. I'm a huge fan of Elia Kazan, he's one of my favorite directors. Have you seen many of his films? He's got a lot of great ones.

@Allaby I'm going to watch your other recommendation for me The Marrying Kind tonight, just as a bonus watch. Looking forward to it.

Wow again glad to see you had such a positive experience with it. I'd not heard of it before...that's what's good about this.

I love that film too and think it's very special!
I've seen 7 of Kazan's films and they were all good to great. A Face in the Crowd is now my favourite of his. East of Eden, Gentlemen's Agreement and On the Waterfront are all great too. Panic in the Streets would be my least favourite of his films that I have seen, but it was still good (a 7/10).

Here’s looking at you, kid.
Glad you enjoyed it! Your review makes me want to watch it again haha.

Lmao, at the end I couldn’t stop thinking “What’s in the box, what’s in the box”
Thankfully Se7en showed us what was in the box.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
While not at the very top of my favorite Coen, it is the most cerebral of theirs which definitely says a lot for it. I have a review commenting on what I enjoyed about it in a HoF somewheres but too blah today to go a-searchin.
Regardless very awesome you enjoyed it, Boo-Boo. (LOVE the Jay and Silent Bob reference btw)