23rd MoFo Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
THAT does not help

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

I'm REALLY horrible at this, but let's give it a shot:

Christiane F. ~ MovieGal

The Fisher King ~ ahwell

Gangs of New York ~ sarge

The Great Mouse Detective ~ Citizen Rules

Hunger Miss ~ vicky

Jojo Rabbit ~ CosmicRunaway

Late Spring ~ neiba

The Reflecting Skin ~ pahaK

Schindler's List ~ rauldc14

The Skin I Live In ~ cricket

Stand By Me ~ edarsenal
One of these is right.

Here are some poor guesses, though I know one of them is right:

Christiane F. - Cricket
The Fisher King - Ed
Gangs of New York - Satan Himself
Stand by Me - Raul
2 correct, and not Satan

This might help some of you with the guessing, since most of you are wrong.

I’ve previously seen seven of these.

Christiane F. - I had never even heard of this before it arrived in my inbox. This looks really grim and dirty.

The Fisher King - I’ve never seen this and comedies are often misses for me. It does have a good cast though so here’s hoping it’s an exception.

Gangs of New York - I see a few people guessing this was mine, but I actually didn’t like it the one time I saw it. I assume people are guessing me because of Leo? Or maybe because I was considering a Scorsese? I almost nommed a Scorsese but changed my mind when this got picked.

The Great Mouse Detective - I watched this once before (maybe for a movie tournament?) but didn’t like it. Maybe if I’d grown up with it I would’ve had a better experience, but it didn’t have nostalgia on its side.

Hunger - It looks like it could be good. I know a lot of people praise Fassbender and I think he’s a solid actor but he’s never blown me away. Maybe this will change that.

Jojo Rabbit - I watched this crazy ass movie a couple of months ago and thought it was very good, but didn’t love it. Maybe I’ll love it this time.

Late Spring - I watched this for a previous Hall of Fame and found it boring and thought the main character was annoying. I don’t expect that to change.

The Reflecting Skin - I typically only like vampire movies when they’re super homo-erotic and star Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Antonio Banderas so I don’t have high hopes for this.

Schindler's List - I love this movie. I think it’s absolutely essential viewing. However, it’s a really, really tough watch and it’s very long so I can’t say I’m really looking forward to seeing it again.

The Skin I Live In - I watched this for the Horror countdown and loved it. It’s super twisted and Banderas looks great in it.

Stand By Me - I don’t know if I ever saw this as a kid but I watched it several years ago and it just didn’t really resonate with me. I hope that changes this time around.

The Reflecting Skin - I typically only like vampire movies when they’re super homo-erotic and star Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Antonio Banderas so I don’t have high hopes for this.
I would not have guessed that this was a vampire film based on the poster. Now I'm interested.

The Skin I Live In - I watched this for the Horror countdown and loved it. It’s super twisted and Banderas looks great in it.
I was going to guess that this was your nomination, but I erased it because I thought you said you didn't like it during the Countdown. I guess my memory is even worse than I thought haha.

New Guesses
MV Skin I Live In
Sarge Gangs of New York
Ahwell Schindler's List
Phalak JoJo Rabbit
Raul Great Mouse Detective
Ed Stand By Me
Cosmic Reflecting Skin
MovieGal Hunger
Citizen Fisher King
Neiba Late Spring

Christiane F and The Skin I Live In, I watched with my friend in Argentina.. both are very interesting films. I recommended a film called Mandragora to the person who nominated Christiane F.

Great Mouse Detective, Stand By Me are from my childhood..

Schindler's List and Gangs of New York are from my young adulthood.

Hunger from my love of Ireland's fight for freedom and History, plus some of the content is very risque'

New Guesses
MV Skin I Live In
Sarge Gangs of New York
Ahwell Schindler's List
Phalak JoJo Rabbit
Raul Great Mouse Detective
Ed Stand By Me
Cosmic Reflecting Skin
MovieGal Hunger
Citizen Fisher King
Neiba Late Spring
2 correct

Revised (and final) guesses...

Miss Vicky - The Skin I Live In
Citizen Rules - The Great Mouse Detective
neiba - Schindler's List
rauldc14 - Late Spring
cricket - Christiane F.
ahwell - Stand By Me
edarsenal - The Fisher King
Sarge - Gangs Of New York
MovieGal - Hunger
CosmicRunaway - Jojo Rabbit
pahaK - The Reflecting Skin

My guess of guesses: 3 right lol

Cosmic Reflecting Skin
I've not seen this film before (I wasn't lying to throw people off haha), but looking up what it is now, this seems like a pretty good guess. I don't think I've said this anywhere on the forums before, but I love Viggo Mortensen.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A quickie guess before I go off to work:

Christiane F - Pahak
The Fisher King - Sarge
Gangs of New York - Miss Vicky (pretty sure of this)
The Great Mouse Detective - Ahwell
Hunger - MovieGal (pretty sure of this)
JoJoRabbit - CosmicRunaway
Schindler's List - edarsenal
Late Spring - Rauldc (pretty sure of this)
The Reflecting Skin - Cricket
The Skin I live in - Neiba (pretty sure of this)
Stand By Me - Wyldesyde

Something is wrong with my list! I think I have all the movies but too many people, either that or I didn't nominate a movie I'm way too tired to figure out where I goofed up.

Nice noms everyone! Me like