Things that annoy you...


They have two dogs that bark throughout the night, and the people don't do anything to try to stop them.
My worst nightmare - barking dogs. It’s against the law to let dogs bark like this. You can call the police & they will send animal control. Call them when the dogs are barking.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
- that I watched almost all films from a list that made me discover lots of masterpieces and personal favorites
- that so many people are normies
- that so little people understand me on a deeper level
- that I can't deal with my past in a satisfactory way, and every time I think I'm done with it and all good to go, it somehow still crawls back when I least expect it
- that I will most likely never realize all my dreams, and that even though I'm okay with it, I'm still salty!
- that every time I have an idea, or an aspiration to do something, I lack motivation and end up just watching a movie instead

But foremost:
- people uploading JAVs without specifying the ID (the punishment should be death)
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Did the blind/partially blind people choose their apartments, or where they placed in those apartments by the management?
I think they chose that apartment. There is a notice in the mailroom for "assistance" with getting the mail or taking out trash posted there. [/quote]

Maybe those people are already "settled in" to their apartments, and they just don't want to move. Are any of them complaining about it?
No, they just moved in October this year. I have been here since August last year. The neighbor before them had a woman with 3 children - 1 about 16, 1 about 13 and a toddler and a small dog. They were noisy too. And they had another older woman, and the older daughter's friend moves in with another dog. They were not on the lease and it was a 2 bedroom apartment. The woman used to have her boyfriend show up at night. He would stay until about 6am. I would always hear the shower running at 1am or 2am every day.

I think they were told to find another place to live. Too many in one small apartment. They aren't very big, about 900 sq feet.

I understand completely about your noisy neighbors. I have neighbors who don't care how much noise they make too. They have two dogs that bark throughout the night, and the people don't do anything to try to stop them. They have late-night parties outside on Friday and Saturday nights, (and the parties are directly below my window), and they stay out there until around 1 AM to 2 AM, talking, laughing, and playing music. And to top it off, this is a 30ish couple who fight a lot, and they get so loud, (and nasty), that they sound like they're going to come right through my wall sometimes.

Yeah, I would have a big problem with this. I'm just waiting to hit 55 years old. Then I will move into one of those renters over 55 years old place

- that I watched almost all films from a list that made me discover lots of masterpieces and personal favorites
- that so many people are normies
- that so little people understand me on a deeper level
- that I can't deal with my past in a satisfactory way, and every time I think I'm done with it and all good to go, it somehow still crawls back when I least expect it
- that I will most likely never realize all my dreams, and that even though I'm okay with it, I'm still salty!
- that every time I have an idea, or an aspiration to do something, I lack motivation and end up just watching a movie instead

But foremost:
- people uploading JAVs without specifying the ID (the punishment should be death)
are you back for good?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
My worst nightmare - barking dogs. It’s against the law to let dogs bark like this. You can call the police & they will send animal control. Call them when the dogs are barking.

I've thought about reporting them, (to the co-op office, not to the police), but I don't want to make a bad situation worse by having to watch my back around neighbors who might not take it very well.

I don't think they mistreat the dogs at all, so the dogs aren't in any danger. They're just loud and annoying, (like their owners).
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yeah, I would have a big problem with this. I'm just waiting to hit 55 years old. Then I will move into one of those renters over 55 years old place

My mother was living in a senior living community, and she loved it. They had a lot of community activities to meet people and make friends. They kept her active and happy.

Right f*cking now? Mother f*cker Donnell f*cking Rawlings.
I thought I was going to experience RZA spreading some wisdom around.
Nop, this mother f*cker screwed everything up, interrupting with his bullsh*t.
If you have a podcast talking about Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, you know it's a good one.

My school blocked this website along with just about everything under the sun including YouTube and Instagram, so I can only go on it on my phone!!! I can’t even go in it after school, since it’s technically a school chromebook.... ah well
Lists and Projects

I've thought about reporting them, (to the co-op office, not to the police), but I don't want to make a bad situation worse by having to watch my back around neighbors who might not take it very well.

I don't think they mistreat the dogs at all, so the dogs aren't in any danger. They're just loud and annoying, (like their owners).
You can call animal control direct. You can complain anonymously. Nobody would ever know it’s you.

People (mostly older women IMO) who start off their answering machine message with Helloooooooo! Immediately gives the impression that they are home & have picked up the call. When, in actual fact, they are not home & have not picked up the call.

English characters using overtly American phrases. They're currently showing Space 1999 again in the UK and I see bits and pieces. Recently an English character said "Boy are we glad to see you" and it sounded so unnatural. This also makes me think of John Hurt in Alien when he says "I dunno but it's like the God damn tropics in here!" Kane may have been around American colleagues for some time and could absorb some of the speech patterns, but I still think he'd be more likely to say "the bloody tropics" .

"New Duct Tape" I bought a roll of new white duct tape at Home Depot.

Most people know how duct tape sticks to almost anything and is very versatile in it's usage.

I was doing some outdoor Christmas lights for one of my elder clients and needed to tape an electric wire down in front of her steps, running it through a crack in the concrete between the walkway and step. Did this last year for her with no problem.

First thing I noticed about the tape was it was thinner width-wise (no big deal)... then I noticed it felt very flimsy & plastic - duct tape's surface always had a plastic like sheen, but this tape felt plastic all over.

Then I noticed I could not see the fiber weave that makes duct tape duct tape (it's got tiny fibers weaved into the body of the tape that gives it it's strength). Upon closer examination I did see an almost microscopic weave pattern on this new duct tape, but it was flimsy; it literally twisted in the wind (and there wasn't much wind).

So I went to put a couple of securing pieces of tape on each end of the cord to hold it in place while I prepped a longer piece to make a neat covering - the securing pieces immediately came up off the concrete surface! As I kept trying to lay down longer pieces it just would not stick at all. (Last year did this all with one piece of tape in one shot.) I kept putting layers on, and while the tape stuck to itself, it would not adhere to the concrete at all, making it totally useless! - while the old duct tape last year stuck the first time and held through the entire holiday season (through rain, wind and snow).

I even checked the roll (thinking maybe someone had put the wrong kind of tape under the "duct tape") but it did indeed say "3M Duct Tape" on the inside of the roll - all the rolls were like this. They've changed duct tape making it virtually unusable for a lot of things you could previously use it for.

My overall annoyance relating to the last post is - why do they keep changing things (claiming they're improving them) but end up making them much worse - or in this case completely useless?

If it aint broken, why do they keep trying to "fix" it? (I know, I know... the manufacturer's are seeking to save money by defrauding the consumers.)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was going to make a funny reply to Captain's tape deboggle

But I'm annoyed at Google images! Damn if it isn't hard to find a photo that I can easily insert into a post these days. Yes...that's what I'm annoyed about