My Favorite Adam Sandler Performances


I know you're not a Sandler fan, Citizen, you never read any of the reviews of his films that I've written and that's OK, I haven't done a Will Ferrell list yet, LOL!
Are you going to have Bulletproof on the list?


Henry Roth, 50 First Dates

Sandler plays a guy who falls in love with a girl (Drew Barrymore) on their first date and later learns that she has issues with her short term memory so he is forced to recreate their first date every day in order to keep seeing her. This film might have been rated higher except I might have gotten tired of it because there was a time when the USA network would run the movie like four times a week.

Trouble with a capital "T"
18. Henry Roth, 50 First Dates

Sandler plays a guy who falls in love with a girl (Drew Barrymore) on their first date and later learns that she has issues with her short term memory so he is forced to recreate their first date every day in order to keep seeing her. This film might have been rated higher except I might have gotten tired of it because there was a time when the USA network would run the movie like four times a week.
That's one that I'm interested in seeing.


Dave Buznik, Anger Management

I have my issues with this movie, but Sandler's performance isn't one of them. Sandler plays a pet clothing designer whose life is turned upside down by a nutty psychiatrist (Jack Nicholson).

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Henry Roth, 50 First Dates

Sandler plays a guy who falls in love with a girl (Drew Barrymore) on their first date and later learns that she has issues with her short term memory so he is forced to recreate their first date every day in order to keep seeing her. This film might have been rated higher except I might have gotten tired of it because there was a time when the USA network would run the movie like four times a week.
This one is up there as a favorite.


Danny, Just Go With it

This film inspired by the 1969 film Cactus Flower cast Sandler as a dentist who asks his assistant (Jennifer Aniston) to pose as his soon to be ex-wife in order to charm a younger beauty (Brooklyn Decker).


Michael Newman, Click

Sandler plays a guy who finds himself in possession of a magical remote control with which he can control his life the same way a remote can control a TV.


Charlie Finerman, Reign Over Me

Sandler was surprisingly solid in this underrated film playing a damaged soul who has never recovered from losing his wife and child at 911 who is reunited with his old college roommate (Don Cheadle).


John Clasky, Spanglish

Sandler was dazzling in this nearly forgotten film playing a devoted husband and father whose wife (Tea Leoni) thinks her husband is having an affair with their new housekeeper (Paz Vega). This is another one of those performances that Sandler-haters should take a look at.


Bobby Boucher, The Waterboy

This movie is kind of silly, but Sandler is very funny as a semi-retarded Mama's Boy whose anger issues turn him into a powerhouse defensive football player.


Sonny Colfax, Big Daddy

Sandler is a lot of fun playing an underemployed bum living off an insurance settlement who tries to make his girlfriend (Kristy Swanson) think he's more responsible by trying to adopt a little boy who was left at his doorstep.


Paul Crewe, The Longest Yard (2005)

Even though I love the original Burt Reynolds classic, I still enjoyed Sandler in this remake as a prison farm inmate asked by the warden to put together a football team to play against his team of guards.


Pip, Airheads

Sandler stole every scene he was in as a member of a rock trio who hold a radio station hostage until they play their demo tape.
I love this movie!

Nice list Gideon. I think that one could get as pretentious about Sandler as people do about High Art or Sophisticated actors and movies. There is immense talent at work here, his standup albums, the Netflix special, "some" of his movies.

Sandler and his movies help studios bankroll the art movies that everyone fawns over. It's kind of like rock n' roll guitar. It's all about tempo and rhythm. An ability to introduce a feeling into the music. Anyone can practice enough to shred, but not everyone can play.

I appreciate you saying this...there's so much snobbery on this board regarding Sandler, and there are some of his movies I hate as well, but for the most part, the guy makes me laugh...I can't deny it.

Ummm...I don't wanna ruin Gideon's list... but I'm not putting my money on it.