
[quote=Gideon58;1970929]$200 a day plus expenses is correct, your turn.[/QUOTE

I hope those expenses included medical bills b/c poor ole easygoing Jim seemed to get jumped and beat up in most every episode.

Seems he recovered nicely for the next week though

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't know where GBG is, so I'm going to post another question:
I'm sorry I disappeared again, but I was sitting up with a very sick rabbit the last couple of days, and we didn't know until today that the bunny was going to be okay.

Here's a repost of your question so it doesn't get lost because of my reply:

What actress played Lou Ann Poovie, Jim Nabor's girlfriend on Gomer Pyle, USMC

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
How is your rabbit, gbgoodies?

She's doing much better. She stopped eating for a couple of days. At first we thought she was just upset because we weren't giving her spring mix, (which we had to stop giving her because of the recall), but when she refused to eat a piece of papaya, we knew something was very wrong. (Papaya is her favorite treat.)

The doctor said that most likely she had a blockage, but it could also have been a tumor. Fortunately the meds seemed to have cleared the blockage because she's eating again, and she's happy.

Thanks for asking.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This game is dying again so I'm going to go ahead and post another question:

What was the name of the character played by Eva Gabor on Green Acres?
I love that show. Eva Gabor played Lisa Douglas.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seeing how I know I'm right. The next question is:

In Star Trek the original series, how many times is it implied that Captain Kirk had sex with a woman during the course of the episode? I'm not talking about past history or backstory.

Every episode? lol He was quite the randy sailor, as I remember.

Well, I' m assuming he got to 'know' , biblically speaking, every woman he kissed. Except Uhura, which was considered a big deal kiss at the time.

And maybe NOT the woman he truly loved, the social worker from a past era in earth who he had to.....ah......let go b/c it would have changed history if he saved her. Sigh. That one still pulls at the heartstrings.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Every episode? lol He was quite the randy sailor, as I remember.

. Well, I' m assuming he got to know, biblically speaking, every wioman he kissed. Except Uhura, which was considered a big deal kiss at the time.
He might have kissed a lot of space girls but as far as bedding them (as eluded to in the show) not that many.

And maybe NOT the woman truly loved, the social worker from a last era who he had to.....ah......let go b/c it would a changed history if he saved her. Sigh , That one still pulls at the heartstrings.
City on the Edge Forever with Joan Collins as social worker Edith Keeler, that's a good show! He did kiss her and did fall in love with her but the episode never showed anything else.

Hmmmmm.... then I don't know. How many?

I do think that Mr. Spock had slept with two women- the one
from ( another time machine ep) the caveman era and the one in the planet with the spores that freed his Vulcan inhibitions.

Poor Dr. McCoy hardly got much action at all - except long ago with that horrid Nancy creature. He shoulda been on a doctor show, then he would have had plenty of girlfriends.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Seeing how I know I'm right. The next question is:

In Star Trek the original series, how many times is it implied that Captain Kirk had sex with a woman during the course of the episode? I'm not talking about past history or backstory.

That's not something I ever kept track of, but I would guess it's a low number. These are the ones that I can remember off the top of my head:

We know about Carol Marcus because they had a son together, but that was from the movie, not in an episode.

And there's Edith Keeler from "City on the Edge of Forever". They may have slept together, but I don't think that was confirmed. However it may have been implied.

And there's Ruth from "Shore Leave", but that was back in their academy days, not in an episode.

From the episode "Court Martial", we know about the other attorney, Areel Shaw, but again, that didn't happen in the episode.

In "The Paradise Syndrome" he got Miramanee pregnant, so that's confirmed.

I don't think he ever got that far with Rayna in "Requiem For Methuselah".

There was Deela in "Wink of an Eye". I think we see them after the fact, when he's putting his shoes on while sitting on the bed, so that would be implied.

I don't think he did anything with Elaan in "Elaan of Troyius".

I'm not sure about Odona in "The Mark of Gideon", but I don't think anything was confirmed. Plus it would have been hard with all those faces staring at them.

I think he mentioned dating Janice Lester in "Turnabout Intruder", but as far as I remember, there was nothing in the actual episode.

So in the actual episodes, I would guess maybe three times it was implied.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Hmmmmm.... then I don't know. How many?

I do think that Mr. Spock had slept with two women- the one
from ( another time machine ep) the caveman era and the one in the planet with the spores that freed his Vulcan inhibitions.

Poor Dr. McCoy hardly got much action at all - except long ago with that horrid Nancy creature. He shoulda been on a doctor show, then he would have had plenty of girlfriends.

In the episode "For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky", Dr. McCoy married Natira.