Scarlett Johansson and her withdrawl of Trans role


A few too many people starting using it to mean freedom from personal responsibility for whatever speech they ended up giving.

Anyway, I thought Chypmunk's point was that it would make more sense to defer to the people most directly affected by this whole situation (i.e. actual trans people) rather than have the conversation be dominated on both sides by cis people as even the well-meaning cis people only have so much authority on the matter (if any).
We'd hardly discuss anything on internet forums if this was the guidance.

A system of cells interlinked

This is how Trump became president.

He didn't get my vote. However, if you are inferring that some Trump votes emerged due to a knee-jerk reaction against far-left authoritarianism, I am inclined to agree with you.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Welcome to the human race...
We'd hardly discuss anything on internet forums if this was the guidance.
Depends on the subject, obviously.

He didn't get my vote. However, if you are inferring that some Trump votes emerged due to a knee-jerk reaction against far-left authoritarianism, I am inclined to agree with you.
All I'm saying is that if you ask me who's better at demonstrating authoritarian outrage between the marginalised group seeking improved representation in the public and the people who insist that this group's rejection of unsatisfactory representation is purely performative outrage for its own sake that may ultimately lead to actual fascism, then I'm going to have go with the latter.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I was just injecting a little irony as is my wont.
Sorry, would say it won't happen again but that's rather unlikely

If only transgender actors can play transgender roles, then do they agree that only cisgender actors can play cisgender roles? Wouldn’t this seriously limit their scope as an actor?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

If only transgender actors can play transgender roles, then do they agree that only cisgender actors can play cisgender roles? Wouldn’t this seriously limit their scope as an actor?
As far as I can tell, there are different rules for one group or another depending on whether or not they're a minority group, or otherwise deemed a protected class by some non-specific, mostly self-chosen group of activists and advocates.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If only transgender actors can play transgender roles, then do they agree that only cisgender actors can play cisgender roles? Wouldn’t this seriously limit their scope as an actor?
I wonder how other actors feel about this controversy?

A fair number of Hollywood type actors are liberal & activist, and normally would support transgender issues....But actors cherish the ability to play all types of roles, so I bet this causes a conflict in many actors.

I don't follow social media, and I don't follow news does anyone know of big name actors coming out in support of the idea that only transgender actors can play a transgender character?

How are we supposed to distinguish between a whitewashed cast / academy "patting themselves on the back" and genuinely good acting performances?

This whole thing is a mess.

It didn't help that they were reframing the story as less the story of a transgender man and more as the story of a female cross-dresser, effectively erasing the transgender element in the process.
I disagree that it would erase the transgender element even if that is the case and that experiences can be similar for a cross dresser or transgender.. this character most likely was a cross dresser before they was trans, maybe film makers choose to keep in this time frame for artistic license to get across a specific view point personal to them.. in any case I'll wait until the finished project before I say it comes from a place of "fundamental ignorance"

the issue is don't benefit from our stories if you aren't going to let us be part of your industry.
I find that a puzzling comment. Are you saying every movie telling a story needs to include an actor with a connection to the story / community / episode it is portraying?

No. I'm saying don't pat yourself on the back for telling a trans story then don't treat trans people well as a whole.
Who was not treating trans people well in this scenario? The production company? Scarlett Johansson? I really don't get it.All they did was announce a film wasn't it? Apologies if I've missed a huge part of he story here.

It's also partly to people making out this is a demand for only trans people to play trans roles. The only reason it is an issue is trans roles are the only roles trans people are ever considered for and most of the time they are passed over for a cis person, they have 1% of the opportunity (seriously doubt even 1% of roles are trans but just say that) and they are lucky if they are getting those 50% of the time. So to flip this to "oh well should cis people only play cis roles?" is ridiculous coz that's a non-issue, and only cis people do play cis roles already.
I was careful not to make that comparison. I made the crude Jodie Foster example insetad.

Hollywood. What were trans people in films prior to them becoming a hot button issue in the past five years or so? Cruel jokes, people vomiting because they found out she was a man, Thai ladyboys. They were a source of hatred and ridicule, abnormal worthless jokes, Hollywood are partly responsible for colouring a lot of young peoples negative views of trans people. So now when the narrative has shifted towards the positive and Hollywood want in on the ground floor with cis people in their roles? You wouldn't find that offensive.

Any "positive" portrayals of trans people that were few and far between were always framed entirely from the cis persons point of view as if they were the important parts of the story. Hollywood have a horrible track record with trans portrayals.
So punish one contemporary film, it's producers and cast for Hollywood's previoius behaviour? Seems fair.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
the idea that only transgender actors can play a transgender character?
That's not even the issue, the issue is don't benefit from our stories if you aren't going to let us be part of your industry...
I don't believe there's active discrimination against hiring transgender people in the movie industry. If anything it's probably encouraged as movie makers are trying to have a diversified cast these days. Movie people are by and large very liberal and open minded, more so than the average person. Gay rights and gay marriage was supported by many well known actors and actresses. So I don't see them actively seeking to shut out transgender actors, just because they're transgender.

If it was a case of active discrimination, then I would be saying it was wrong, but I don't think it's discrimination. I think it's a case of sour grapes by an unknown transgender actor who would like to be handed the staring role in a major motion picture.

A system of cells interlinked
That's not even the issue, the issue is don't benefit from our stories if you aren't going to let us be part of your industry. Cast trans people in cis roles, even things up then maybe trans people won't feel so offended by cis megastars being praised for telling their stories.

Wonder how Scar Jo would feel doing a RomCom with a Trans man playing her Cis love interest?
What is this "our stories" business? Wasn't Rub and Tug going to be about Dante "Tex" Gill? Sounds like it was his story to me. Shouldn't Tex Gill play the part? Otherwise, someone else is just benefiting from "his story", right? Sound dumb? That's because it is. Actors play these little things called roles, in which they *gasp* pretend to be someone else. Weird! Requiring actors to share the exact qualities of the roles they play borders on the absurd.

You ever hear the old saying: "You can't understand someone until you walk a mile in their shoes?"

It's kind of hard to walk any distance in someone's shoes if they gun you down as soon as you try them on. Then again, if I walk a mile in someone shoes, I don't care what they think about me - they are a mile away and I have their shoes.

Plus it's up to them to bow out or not, i've seen people use the word "rules", there's no rules they can go on with the film if they want but trans people shouldn't have to shut up if they have a problem with it just like anyone else on the planet who has a problem with something.
Absolutely not. But it would be terrible if young filmmakers are put off making films because they can't find a 15 year old bisexual man for the part they need so give up making the film for fear of offending someone. Or is it only Trans characters this applies to? I'm still none the wiser.


Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Agree with a lot of what Camo said, particularly about how Hollywood largely adopts causes after it's safe. But I disagree with these parts:

It'd be like a make a wish kid being told he can't throw out the first pitch at a baseball game because Barack Obama became available.
I think there's an important difference here, which is that people's livelihoods and artistic visions are involved. The director who can't cast who they want--either because they genuinely want that person or because it'll help their art reach more people--is a significant causality in these culture disputes. And I don't think this... a fair or reasonable response. "Tough luck, but you've got it easy compared to this group, so your film isn't your own any more." Particularly when the mere act of trying to make this film at all is probably already doing more for trans people than 99% of us. Which ties into this:

That's not even the issue, the issue is don't benefit from our stories if you aren't going to let us be part of your industry.
No group owns fictional stories about it. And it seems obvious to me that it's helpful to the trans community to have sympathetic films (of which I'm assuming this would be one) made about them, even if none of them personally help make it. This isn't Motown, where people are co-opting someone's unique talent and getting rich off of it.

Plus it's up to them to bow out or not, i've seen people use the word "rules", there's no rules they can go on with the film if they want but trans people shouldn't have to shut up if they have a problem with it just like anyone else on the planet who has a problem with something.
Of course. But trans people saying "I don't like this" is obviously not the bulk of the response or the pressure. It's some of that, dramatically amplified by non-trans people complaining on their behalf and egged on by the usual cadre of paint-by-numbers editorials. And obviously it's reached a point where certain things are functionally disqualifying even if there are no written "rules."

If people want to say this doesn't count because there's no real rules, they can't turn around and make the opposite point when pointing out how few trans actors are cast, because I'm pretty sure there are no real rules about that, either. So either you recognize de facto rules via cultural norms, or not.

He could of tried looking for a trans person, he didn't even audition any. Your kinda twisting the story to make him sound more sympathetic.

I think bisexuals have decent representation in Hollywood and are portrayed fairer and more catered to them rather than straight/cis people so it's not as big of an issue. Couldn't hurt to cast them though.
Why would he have looked for another actor if he thought he had the perfect actor for the role?

A system of cells interlinked
That was just to the earlier post implying trans people didn't complain about Dallas Buyers Club when they did.

It's a good thing no one is saying that then. First of all "trans" isn't a quality, that's part of the problem in all this like i said:

The whole issue with this is trans people are being shut out off both trans and cis roles, trans roles are the opportunities they have and they aren't even being auditioned for prominent ones.

It's also pretty offensive when someone mocks your shoes then wants to walk in them as soon as they become popular.
Thought this chain of convo was about Rub and Tug, as the thread title would suggest. Didn't realize it had diverged to include Dallas Buyers Club. My bad there.

Who mocked the shoes? Did Scarlett? I am not following here...