Over population and how it will be the end of us


Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's Chinese women who are only allowed to have two children maximum. I don't think anyone needs to increase their numbers rather I would prefer if everyone follows The two kids maximum rule. In fact what ever the statistics are on how many people die every year should be equalised on the amount of kids being born but that's too idealistic.

What would be better is the two kids maximum rule, The world is becoming dangerously over populated as it is. The way I see it when you go to the zoo you're only see about seven lions in an enclosure any more than that will be unhealthy for the Lions.

Just think about if World War I World War II Vietnam Pakistan and all wars never happened if the bubonic plague never happened too. The world would be so over populated that there would be no room for countrysides. But if we don't do the two kids rule now one day it will be too late and war or random selection might be are only options.

This planet like it or not is one big enclosure Just maybe the illuminati Control of the music industry and make it so all the role models are kids look up to are corrupt and advertise a lifestyle that is unhealthy, advertising sex drugs greed and subliminal messaging The population with a collection of unhealthy habits.

America has long fantasised with the idea of dying young or being part of the 27th club like Heath ledger Kurt Cobain or Jimi Hendrix. Young people can't get enough of tragic tells of river Phoenix or James Dean or Marilyn Monroe. Not to say these people didn't earn there fame but their lives seem to be enhanced and romanticised because they died young.

People everywhere flirt with the idea of dying Young at least once in their lives. Much like Jim Morrison who was infatuated with the idea. What is it about the idea that is so appealing maybe it's the world we live in, an over populated world where people scream to be unique amongst a sea of similarity. it's a tragic state of affairs that has grown enormously since the 20th century.

But it's not just the saying better to burn out than fade away it's become more than that in the soul crushing world of social media where young people all around the world are becoming more and more antisocial. Now imagine if the illuminati subliminal message people with a collection of unhealthy lifestyles for a reason? imagine if it is the illuminati that push our fascination towards dying young. That keeps us addicted to social media using our need for human connection and substituting it for dating websites and porn.

But you might ask yourselves what would the illuminati get out of this?? well maybe the illuminati know as well as I do that over population will be man's downfall. That that will be the thing that will ultimately destroys us in the end.

Unhealthy things are constantly sold to us such as sex drugs and alcohol but what if the illuminates Ultimate goal is to sell suicide and that their subliminal messaging of a destructive and unhealthy lifestyle is made to play on man's weaknesses and ultimately to reduce the population to its once utopian state.

If that's there idea I would be against it. But watching this scene from war of the planet of the apes makes me think otherwise. As there are hardly any frontiers to conquer anymore everything seems to be used up and polluted. There Is something more genuine rewarding and beautiful about returning to a more basic world a world is more calm peaceful, in other words utopia

I read recently that the fashion industry is the third most environmentally destructive industry on the planet. Let that sink in. Deforestation and agriculture as well are often undermined in these contexts, even if pollution remains the biggest issue of them all. Interesting topic, thanks for posting.

We are not even remotely in danger of overpopulation right now, and most people claiming otherwise are merely imagining lots of new people, without a corresponding ability to imagine what they might do.

Case in point: your post doesn't actually contain any facts or data supporting the idea. It just sort of assumes it, then spends a half dozen paragraphs speculating about what we should do.

Did this need to be it's own thread? That's what was being discussed in the other one and it was clearly related to the main topic, plus you just copy and pasted your post and added a few paragraphs.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
AI is gonna get us all before overpopulation comes into it.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
America has long fantasised with the idea of dying young or being part of the 27th club like Heath ledger Kurt Cobain or Jimi Hendrix.
Huh? I stopped right there then while scroll as quickly as possible the word Illuminati Hooked my eye like a fishing expedition with a group of neandertahl drunks gone wrong.You're not hoping your OP on a little forum like this is going to go viral a la Pizzagate, are you?

Have you guys seen Bunker Wise's profile banner? I just seen it for the first time. Good grief!
Jesus. Also in his profile comments above one from Yoda:

Warning dictator below if you engage with this individual don't bring up or say the following ???

:-) I didn't really like the last Jedi

^ Banned

:-) I can't wait to introduce my partner to this website

^ Banned

:-) I just happen to disagree with the minority decision on this topic

^ Banned
Shades of Des in the grudge holding...also the overpopulation talk.

AI is gonna get us all before overpopulation comes into it.
Is that "Al" as in "Albert" or "A.I." as in "Artificial Intelligence"?

First problem the world ought to fix is a way to differentiate between capital "i" and lowercase "l".

Have you guys seen Bunker Wise's profile banner? I just seen it for the first time. Good grief!
I wonder if Bunker Wise read the book Inferno by Dan Brown?
Although it's fiction, the projected parts about overpopulation will scare the pants off anyone.

Too bad the movie COMPLETELY changed the end from the book - rendering the movie a nice production that is a total waste by changing the ending. No offense to Tom Hanks and company, but it's one of THE WORST book to movie adaptations ever for that one reason alone (since most the movie follows the book pretty closely).

Oh, if only there was a solution for the world as in Inferno (the book not the movie).

Trouble with a capital "T"
I wonder if Bunker Wise read the book Inferno by Dan Brown?
Although it's fiction, the projected parts about overpopulation will scare the pants off anyone.

Too bad the movie COMPLETELY changed the end from the book - rendering the movie a nice production that is a total waste by changing the ending. No offense to Tom Hanks and company, but it's one of THE WORST book to movie adaptations ever for that one reason alone (since most the movie follows the book pretty closely).

Oh, if only there was a solution for the world as in Inferno (the book not the movie).
Inferno the movie is about over population? I didn't know that, I thought it was one of those Da Vinci Code sequels. I seen the first one and that was enough.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Have you guys seen Bunker Wise's profile banner? I just seen it for the first time. Good grief!
What the? So mature, said no-one ever. I was using my phone and it doesnt show up.

I was wondering why his OP was so...so Emo!

Inferno the movie is about over population? I didn't know that, I thought it was one of those Da Vinci Code sequels. I seen the first one and that was enough.
Angels & Demons, The Davinci Code and Inferno are all Dan Brown books and deal with symbolism and religion. Each hold its own story, however the main character is the same.

Angels & Demons and The Davinci Code are the only two I have seen. I have read the book "The Davinci Code" as an ex-co-worker kept recommending it to me as it dealt with the Divine Feminine.

Perhaps its a book @Mr Minio should read!

Inferno the movie is about over population? I didn't know that, I thought it was one of those Da Vinci Code sequels. I seen the first one and that was enough.
Yes, same author (Dan Brown) and same character - what have now become known as the "Robert Langdon mysteries" or "thrillers" - that's the part Tom Hanks plays in the movies (kind of an Indiana Jones type, but whereas Jones is an archaeology professor, Langdon is a professor of religious iconology and "symbology.")

Without spoilers, the book Inferno is much the same running around and sorting out of clues while escaping villains like the other Da Vinci Code books, but the clincher is in the ending (which the movie changes - imagine, if you will, that they just eliminated the ending of The Sixth Sense - you'd wonder what the point of the movie was - that's what they did with the Inferno movie).

Part of the plot is that the "villain" apparently has a "solution" for overpopulation.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I read Inferno but dont really remember much about it.

Yes, same author (Dan Brown) and same character - what have now become known as the "Robert Langdon mysteries" or "thrillers" - that's the part Tom Hanks plays in the movies (kind of an Indiana Jones type, but whereas Jones is an archaeology professor, Langdon is a professor of religious iconology and "symbology.")

Without spoilers, the book Inferno is much the same running around and sorting out of clues while escaping villains like the other Da Vinci Code books, but the clincher is in the ending (which the movie changes - imagine, if you will, that they just eliminated the ending of The Sixth Sense - you'd wonder what the point of the movie was - that's what they did with the Inferno movie).

Part of the plot is that the "villain" apparently has a "solution" for overpopulation.
B*tchslaps @Captain Steel

Angels & Demons, The Davinci Code and Inferno are all Dan Brown books and deal with symbolism and religion. Each hold its own story, however the main character is the same.

Angels & Demons and The Davinci Code are the only two I have seen. I have read the book "The Davinci Code" as an ex-co-worker kept recommending it to me as it dealt with the Divine Feminine.

Perhaps its a book @Mr Minio should read!
All the books are so detailed that they don't end up translating well to movies - you'd need like a 10 hour movie to do them justice.

One Dan Brown book I really liked (that I thought WOULD make a good movie) was Deception Point which is one of the few that are NOT part of the Langdon series. It's kind of a science fiction (but then it's a bit deceiving, as alluded to by the title).

All the books are so detailed that they don't end up translating well to movies - you'd need like a 10 hour movie to do them justice.

One Dan Brown book I really liked (that I thought WOULD make a good movie) was Deception Point which is one of the few that are NOT part of the Langdon series. It's kind of a science fiction (but then it's a bit deceiving, as alluded to by the title).
Oh I enjoyed Angels & Demons and even liked the movie, which was different slightly of course..

I have many books that talk about the Divine Feminine and The Messianic Marriage and the Illuminati and such... I'm a woman who believes every woman is a Goddess but as far as the rest... Not so much into the Illuminati and such. Plus, Im not a christian.

Trouble with a capital "T"
All the books are so detailed that they don't end up translating well to movies - you'd need like a 10 hour movie to do them justice.
I say that all the time too. You just can't cram a large concept novel into a two hour movie. That's what David Lynch did with Dune and why most don't like it. Though I do.

I don't believe I remember if you're a fan of Dune the novel? or Dune (1984)?