what sports do you watch?


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Olympic sports mostly

I haven't watched it in a while, but I love watching the Ice Skating.

Torvill & Dean - Is there anything on ice more beautiful than this?

Scott Hamilton - Does anyone have more fun on ice than him?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
These guys, Bht. My knees hurt

Most interesting man in the world
Hey it's cool you like dance as well. I saw some amazing Irish dancing recently so will find it and post for you. Hard not soft shoe, like riverdance, but young people doing it on the street. really great to watch.

He did a year of college over there and got into college football as well as rugby, now he's living there. Funny bugger keeps sending me football photos and he's always dressed in the miami colours, with a beer in hand.
I like anything authentic whether its "cool" or not I LOVED a couple of Irish
dancing videos on youtube a few years ago,but they were removed... one of them
was a Irish dancing school that had like 9 girls dancing at the same time on stage
*they all had like dark red/burgundy outfits,the girls ranged from like 6 - 17,
they were dancing in a straight horizontal line from youngest to oldest
they looked so cute (I do remember the video said it was a Irish dancing school for girls from Canada)
it looked like they were performing like at a shopping center,the video looked like
it was captured with like a smartphone camera

I like watching Celtic Woman perform as well

Football (soccer) tho recently not as intense as before especially for EPL. used to love barca since i was young but semi converted to arsenal as i grew into M, kinda.

There times i enjoyed watching badminton stuff also

I will watch a few games of football during the World Cup, basketball games during the Summer Olympics especially the womens basketball, a lot of the Winter Olympics especially the ice skating and really enjoy watching the Tour de France cycling. Apart from that I rarely watch sports on the television.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Football and basketball mainly. I'll dabble in other stuff from time to time.

I usually like watching baseball, but it dies down around August for me and then I never have a rooting interest in the playoffs.

Gbgoodies, if you are a Mets fan, I m betting that you are loyal soul. I prefer them to the Yanks myself, though I have lost some fervor over the decades.

Omg Thanks!!Dani8 for posting the step dancers ( thanks also for the Celtic woman) I have loved step dancing many years even befotr it was popular- also Irish music. And Appalachian clog dancing, a form of step dancing I believe. And I love the type of music seen in the movie Songcatcher.

Well we strayed a little from sports but no matter- I don t actually dance myself (when it comes to left feet, I have two or three of them) but love to watch the skill-whether it was Daryl hitting that unexpected, thrilling homer at the bottom of the ninth- or seeing these fine dancers here.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Gbgoodies, if you are a Mets fan, I m betting that you are loyal soul. I prefer them to the Yanks myself, though I have lost some fervor over the decades.

I've been a loyal Mets fan since I was 3 years old, and a Yankee hater almost as long. Mets fans are Mets fans through the good and the bad, but Yankees fans are fickle. It's kind of annoying to watch the Yankees fans jump ship and become temporary Mets fans when the Mets do better than the Yankees.

1. World's Strongest Man
2. MMA (early days, not the stuff that is on today)
3. Obstacle course competition shows
4. eSports (almost entirely from an academic and analytical point-of-view)

Football and basketball mainly. I'll dabble in other stuff from time to time.

I usually like watching baseball, but it dies down around August for me and then I never have a rooting interest in the playoffs.
Who are your basketball team, Raul?

I've been a loyal Mets fan since I was 3 years old, and a Yankee hater almost as long. Mets fans are Mets fans through the good and the bad, but Yankees fans are fickle. It's kind of annoying to watch the Yankees fans jump ship and become temporary Mets fans when the Mets do better than the Yankees.
Ive always respected TRUE Mets fans and Jets fans. Yankees fans are loud mouth spoiled brats and Giants fans arent much better.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Ive always respected TRUE Mets fans and Jets fans. Yankees fans are loud mouth spoiled brats and Giants fans arent much better.

As a general rule of thumb, Mets fans are usually also fans of the Jets and the Islanders, and Yankees fans are usually fans of the Giants and the Rangers. And yes, we can usually tell what teams most people are fans of around here by their attitudes.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Gbgoodies, if you are a Mets fan, I m betting that you are loyal soul. I prefer them to the Yanks myself, though I have lost some fervor over the decades.

Omg Thanks!!Dani8 for posting the step dancers ( thanks also for the Celtic woman) I have loved step dancing many years even befotr it was popular- also Irish music. And Appalachian clog dancing, a form of step dancing I believe. And I love the type of music seen in the movie Songcatcher.

Well we strayed a little from sports but no matter- I don t actually dance myself (when it comes to left feet, I have two or three of them) but love to watch the skill-whether it was Daryl hitting that unexpected, thrilling homer at the bottom of the ninth- or seeing these fine dancers here.
Hey Lady, just on that note (Ha pun unintended) you might like the celtic drums. These guys are insane.

Gets the blood boiling.

Yow! Wild fun! Thanks for posting that, Dani8

And now m, to go off on another track (and another pun) entirely, you reminded me of one of the best drum solos I ever heard- Tony Royster Jr - Take the A Train

Oops -apologies -song is Caravan ( I don t know how I derailed on that name &#128527

You can't win an argument just by being right!
He's High! Great stuff.

I had to turn it off though - whoever is operating the lights needs a punch in the head.

Right now I'm watching @cricket.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Most interesting man in the world
bull riding just came to mind,always wanted to try it

is magic considered a sport?
there might be others.. I need to think..

you definitely wont catch me watching something dumb
like nascar or ping pong..