Justice League


I don't want any of these movies to fail, but if this movie goes like it seems at the box office...it might get them to put the brakes on these franchises as a whole and figure it out. I shouldn't be looking forward to an Aquaman movie more than anything (complete with dread of watching all that "possible" underwater footage). Add to that, Flash shouldn't be the high point of a JL movie.

Welcome to the human race...
I saw it yesterday. It does play like a pretty blatant attempt to win back the crowd by delivering a halfway-functional "fun" blockbuster and, well, it kind of works. Takes a while to really get going and I barely got a laugh out of it, but I ultimately didn't hate it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I saw it yesterday. It does play like a pretty blatant attempt to win back the crowd by delivering a halfway-functional "fun" blockbuster and, well, it kind of works. Takes a while to really get going and I barely got a laugh out of it, but I ultimately didn't hate it.
Thus I'll hate it.

I already hate it... no Martian Manhunter, no Green Lantern, Flash is some kid, you got a token Teen Titan tin man transformer that looks like a toy, Aquaman pretending he's Namor (the original cool sea king, scrawny Israeli Wonder Woman.

Maybe since Suicide Squad sent a bunch of powerless criminals who could throw a boomerang or use an oversized carnival hammer up as defense against actual all-powerful gods, then maybe they'll sent the Justice League to combat the living terror that is FUNKY FLASHMAN!

You know what would be cool - if all the action scenes were color-themed CGI that looked like 3-D video games rather than real life - never saw anything like that before!

I don't know if it is good or bad that HBO is pumping SS and BvS this weekend.

I personally think both are ok movies. One better than the other, but fine. I don't think AoU catches as much sheet as BvS, while the latter is probably a better movie.

Now if we are to believe that Jake Gyllenhaal could be the next Wayne, instead of the Joker. I can rail against that.

I don't know if it is good or bad that HBO is pumping SS and BvS this weekend.

I personally think both are ok movies. One better than the other, but fine. I don't think AoU catches as much sheet as BvS, while the latter is probably a better movie.
Theatrical or Ultimate? Guessing the theatrical......

I'm pretty sure it was the theatrical, I don't remember any flamethrower action.

For me, Ultron was as bad as Doomsday. Ultron was probably worse because of all the puff and inconsequential stuff he was involved in. At least Doomsday just shows up and Hulk smash.

In all unfairness, AoU gets compared to the first Avengers, which it is considerably less than.

I'm pretty sure it was the theatrical, I don't remember any flamethrower action.

For me, Ultron was as bad as Doomsday. Ultron was probably worse because of all the puff and inconsequential stuff he was involved in. At least Doomsday just shows up and Hulk smash.

In all unfairness, AoU gets compared to the first Avengers, which it is considerably less than.
I like Spader so I had no problem with Ultron. Apparently there was pressure on Whedon to keep AoU to a certain length (sounds familiar) and there were parts of it that I felt could/should of been longer. I think I'll have the same feeling later for JL (like I did after seeing BvS TC)

Whedon's DC of AoU, Snyder's 4 hour BvS and Ayer's original cut of SS will always be like the holy grail to me, I expect JL to be similar

In the real people I know department. Those who went to the Thursday night screenings seem to be impressed with it.

This might just do nobody any good.
I’m going to skip this. I think that’s the first superhero movie I’ll miss since Winter Soldier (a movie regretted not checking out upon release). Some friends are going, tho.

They hated Suicide Squad but defend Batman v Superman. I’ll be curious to hear what they think but, yeah, I’m probably not watching this until it’s on HBO later next year.

I’m probably not watching this until it’s on HBO later next year.

I'm seriously gonna justify keeping HBO for this reason.

It's not amazing but I enjoyed it, McGuffinwolf wasn't as bad as I was expecting, mo-cap would've been better perhaps.
The top lip was bad, like CGI Scorpion King in Mummy Returns bad IMO


This was completely "meh" in most every way possible. Not offensively bad but certainly not good either. Everything came across as shallow and the CGI bad guy is the absolute worst. Why on earth did they need to go all CGI and not use an actor?

I do totally agree with studio execs that forced them to keep the run time under two hours. Since everyone NOT Wonder Woman in this cinematic universe is terribly one dimensional, adding thirty minutes or more of mindless prattle would have been a terrible idea. Basically, there is no developing characters this shallow to start with... might as well go all video game cut scene action. As for Wonder Woman, THAT is the true ace the WB has going for them. Not the character so much as the actress they stumbled upon to play her. Talk about finding absolute gold. Gal Gadot hypnotizes and captivates on screen no matter what she is doing. Add action to her natural beauty and charm and you literally can't get enough of her in to the story. I'm sure they realize that the focus should be on her from here forward.

Of the new characters, only Cyborg has any hint of depth at all. Both Flash and Aquaman are cardboard wastes so far. So, the DCEU is truly stuck in the shallow end of the pool but maybe Wonder Woman can single-handedly tow the universe to deeper and more interesting waters.

An unfortunate disappointment. Felt like it was trying way too hard to imitate The Avengers, which is bad enough on it's own and worse because I don't like The Avengers. I hated the forced humor and the heroes all lacked any real charisma. Batfleck, who was perhaps my favorite interpretation of The Bat in Batman V Superman, was awful in this one and totally different from that previous entry. DC, you can do better than this. Get those guts back.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
An unfortunate disappointment. Felt like it was trying way too hard to imitate The Avengers, which is bad enough on it's own and worse because I don't like The Avengers. I hated the forced humor and the heroes all lacked any real charisma. Batfleck, who was perhaps my favorite interpretation of The Bat in Batman V Superman, was awful in this one and totally different from that previous entry. DC, you can do better than this. Get those guts back.
Yeah, just got back. What a piece of garbage. They maybe should have thought about a writer.

Yeah, just got back. What a piece of garbage. They maybe should have thought about a writer.
You take the kids? If so, what did they think?

Welcome to the human race...
Not sure how much of the problem is to do with writing so much as editing - this was originally slated to be 170 minutes before Snyder stepped aside so who knows how much has been lost simply by trying to make it short enough to get more screenings into a day.

Not sure how much of the problem is to do with writing so much as editing - this was originally slated to be 170 minutes before Snyder stepped aside so who knows how much has been lost simply by trying to make it short enough to get more screenings into a day.
So much from the trailers wasn't in the movie, I think ALL of Cavill's scenes were reshot

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I realised that the trailer scene where Alfred says "let's hope you're not too late" to an unseen character didn't show up and now I guess we'll never know who he was talking to (maybe Lois?)