Director of the Month Project

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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@Camo Any plans for next month? I may or may not rewatch Colonel Blimp. I just saw it in the fall and it is quite the time commitment. I do want to give it another go, just don't know if it will be in the next week.

@Camo Any plans for next month? I may or may not rewatch Colonel Blimp. I just saw it in the fall and it is quite the time commitment. I do want to give it another go, just don't know if it will be in the next week.
First of all remember this was out of what it's supposed to be: this was 6 (7 for you including Paisan) it's supposed to be 4 so there's one a week at most.

I had John Cassevettes in mind since i've only seen Woman/Influence and i'd like to rewatch it as well as see more but i'd rather there be people participating so i'd be up for suggestions.

Being realistic, i think this is probably dead and i'll just silently do it myself but i'd love to be proven wrong.

49th Parallel

Through the first 15 minutes or so of this film I thought I was going to feel the same as Camo. It drew me in and I ended up liking it quite a bit. Not amazing by any means but it is a unique idea and each segment has its own charm. I think the time spent at the religious compound was probably my favorite. Especially like how that segment ended.

I agree with Camo about Olivier's accent. The guy is such a pro he still manages to be my favorite character in the film.

Don't agree but it was really stunning, right? Powell & Pressburger have got to have the most consistently gorgeous films record.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Don't agree but it was really stunning, right? Powell & Pressburger have got to have the most consistently gorgeous films record.
Yeah looks amazing in spots

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
First of all remember this was out of what it's supposed to be: this was 6 (7 for you including Paisan) it's supposed to be 4 so there's one a week at most.

I had John Cassevettes in mind since i've only seen Woman/Influence and i'd like to rewatch it as well as see more but i'd rather there be people participating so i'd be up for suggestions.

Being realistic, i think this is probably dead and i'll just silently do it myself but i'd love to be proven wrong.
What am I chopped liver over here

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have a few saved.
There was a glacier shot that was incredible. Serious question, why are trains so damn cinematic? Can you think of a train in a movie that looks bad? It's even the good thing about Polar Express.

can I participate in this thread.

There was a glacier shot that was incredible. Serious question, why are trains so damn cinematic? Can you think of a train in a movie that looks bad? It's even the good thing about Polar Express.
haha, no idea but agreed. Other than the red coat girl the scene that sticks out in my mind most in Schindlers List is a train one.

Any thoughts on who you'd want to do in September? Blue Velvet wants to take part and i'm going to post about it in the shoutbox and chill club. I'm fine with anyone.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Any thoughts on who you'd want to do in September? Blue Velvet wants to take part and i'm going to post about it in the shoutbox and chill club. I'm fine with anyone.
I am cool with Cassavetes. Ask velvet who he/she is interested in. Be nice to get a group of 3 or 4 watching.

I am cool with Cassavetes. Ask velvet who he/she is interested in. Be nice to get a group of 3 or 4 watching.
They suggested Fassbinder. What have you seen from him? I've seen Ali Fear Eats The Soul and The Marriage of Maria Braun. Won't decide right now, hopefully a few others want to join and they may suggest someone.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
They suggested Fassbinder. What have you seen from him? I've seen Ali Fear Eats The Soul and The Marriage of Maria Braun. Won't decide right now, hopefully a few others want to join and they may suggest someone.
Ali for sure. I feel like one other but maybe not. I am down for either. You know I love going through directors.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
On Filmstruck for Cassavetes we have: Shadows, Opening Night, Faces, Woman Under Influence, Chinese Bookie.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
There are like 13 Fassbinder films on there. Heard they are changing the name to Fassstruck.

Best dad joke ever.

I'm more leaning towards Cass (hate spelling his name) and if so i'd want to include Women Under even though i've seen it, watched it in the 5th Hall of Fame whenever that was so it's good that's on Filmstruck. Don't remember it that well, i actually don't think i liked it that much but can't remember why.

Think there's a few members who may want to do this that i'm going to ask so we won't 100% decide right now in case they want to weigh in.