Terrorist Attacks


You can't win an argument just by being right!
I have no idea what you posted before I came here. I'm going by posts since I've been here!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't always agree with Ashdoc, but he's a good guy and a good MoFo! And entitled to have any opinion he wants as we all are.

And let's cut the crap talk of calling people names when we disagree with them. Ashdoc is no Troll.

But don't you realize when you or others call people "Islamophobes" you are accusing THEM of engaging in the first logical fallacy I outlined?

You've called me that multiple times, but I do not say that "all Muslims are terrorists."
I only have a rational fear (not a phobia) of the fascist political ideology of Islam that drives many Muslims to become terrorists and those that carry out terrorism.
As far as I am concerned, I don't call "people" islamophobes. I am very specific about who I direct that term at. When you make derogatory posts such as ashdoc, I will certainly call you on it. He seems like one and the fact he did not argue about it is very telling. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Also, if you really think fascist muslim ideology is the only or even the dominant force that is driving the radicalization of muslims, you are much more naive than I thought. I'm not going to get deeper into it but let's just say a person walked into your living room and told you you needed to go to middle east and eradicate all muslims in a certain town. You would probably laugh or think they are crazy, kick them out or worse.
Now imagine next day you come home from work and half of your family is hurt, maimed or killed. Upon some investigating, it turns out they were killed by a muslim person. Next thing, the same person from the day before asks and repeats the same thing to you. All of a sudden you might feel a bit more inclined if not completely inclined to go over there.
See, the text is the same, but your circumstance changed dramatically. In fact, the text has been the same for many, many, many years. It's the circumstance that has changed but we just don't want to talk about that because there is a lot of blame to go around for the circumstance and that is a lot more complex issue. It's much easier to just say "the hateful text made them do it" and leave it at that.
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy

You can't win an argument just by being right!
As far as I am concerned, I don't call "people" islamophobes. I am very specific about who I direct that term at. When you make derogatory posts such as ashdoc, I will certainly call you on it. He seems like one and the fact he did not argue about it is very telling. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Also, if you really think fascist muslim ideology is the only or even the dominant force that is driving the radicalization of muslims, you are much more naive than I thought. I'm not going to get deeper into it but let's just say a person walked into your living room and told you you needed to go to middle east and eradicate all muslims in a certain town. You would probably laugh or think they are crazy, kick them out or worse.
Now imagine next day you come home from work and half of your family is hurt, maimed or killed. Upon some investigating, it turns out they were killed by a muslim person. Next thing, the same person from the day before asks and repeats the same thing to you. All of a sudden you might feel a bit more inclined if not completely inclined to go over there.
See, the text is the same, but your circumstance changed dramatically. In fact, the text has been the same for many, many, many years. It's the circumstance that has changed but we just don't want to talk about that because there is a lot of blame to go around for the circumstance and that is a lot more complex issue. It's much easier to just say "the hateful text made them do it" and leave it at that.
He'll now call you an apologist, and ash will call you a terrorist sympathiser, and that other guy will call you delusional. Bloody hell. Wall.Head.Smack.

the fact he did not argue about it is very telling.
i have answered your islamophobia accusation in a post on page 16 of this thread .

He'll now call you an apologist, and ash will call you a terrorist sympathiser, and that other guy will call you delusional. Bloody hell. Wall.Head.Smack.
It's ok. In all honesty, I would not be surprised at all. If only people new half of what is going on in middle east or even a tenth, they might have a different view. The war is such a terrible thing and seeing innocent people hurt in any country is devastating. But it is always the civilians who pay the biggest price, isn't it?

As far as I am concerned, I don't call "people" islamophobes. I am very specific about who I direct that term at. When you make derogatory posts such as ashdoc, I will certainly call you on it. He seems like one and the fact he did not argue about it is very telling. If the shoe fits, wear it.
Also, if you really think fascist muslim ideology is the only or even the dominant force that is driving the radicalization of muslims, you are much more naive than I thought. I'm not going to get deeper into it but let's just say a person walked into your living room and told you you needed to go to middle east and eradicate all muslims in a certain town. You would probably laugh or think they are crazy, kick them out or worse.
Now imagine next day you come home from work and half of your family is hurt, maimed or killed. Upon some investigating, it turns out they were killed by a muslim person. Next thing, the same person from the day before asks and repeats the same thing to you. All of a sudden you might feel a bit more inclined if not completely inclined to go over there.
See, the text is the same, but your circumstance changed dramatically. In fact, the text has been the same for many, many, many years. It's the circumstance that has changed but we just don't want to talk about that because there is a lot of blame to go around for the circumstance and that is a lot more complex issue. It's much easier to just say "the hateful text made them do it" and leave it at that.
There is much truth in what you say. And after being attacked I think every person naturally wants someone to pay - and the worst thing anyone can do is go off half-cocked at someone who just happens to be near them, because if they can't pinpoint the person responsible, then they just want to unload their rage on some stranger (who may be completely innocent).

And I will agree that sure there are many causes of radicalization in the modern world, there are combinations of oppression, economic invalidation, suppression, poverty, lack of education, unemployment, seducing the disenfranchised with tales of glory as a warrior of Allah. Tempting them with killings and revenge that their creator won't hold them accountable for and promising them all the sex they could desire with anybody... no age too young. These and many others are factors that can push someone into a life of Islamic Fundamentalism.

But for the most part these things apply to our current time. Most of these factors weren't really necessary centuries ago when the motivation was more guided toward joining the baddest dudes around who slaughter anyone who gets in their way, who will take and use any women they want, who will take and use little girls (even the Prophet is into that). And if anyone gives us any guff we slaughter their village, hang their mens' heads on pikes as we rape their daughters in front of the family. Then we gather up the gold and move to the next town where we tell them THIS we do for the new god, the one god, the Prophet's god.. so submit now to Allah (ie. submit to us) or die. And if we meet any resistance, we Leave piles of severed heads behind us to teach them who's side Allah is on.

Point is, Islam has a long historical basis in barbarity, in utilizing overwhelming numbers, in intimidation through savagery, using sexual assault and the most unspeakable tortures - it has these things as a foundation and those earlier things we mentioned were simply some modern tools (or prods, it you will) to coax Muslim men back to this fundamental foundation.

He'll now call you an apologist, and ash will call you a terrorist sympathiser, and that other guy will call you delusional. Bloody hell. Wall.Head.Smack.
no , it is just that you people live in regions that are largely nonmuslim and are pretty naive about your assumptions of islam . i live in a country that has many muslims and have had the opportunity to study them closely for years . i know better because my experiences have been more close and for a prolonged period , not just on some trip or vacation .

secondly , the liberals have got a hold on western media and they simply sanitise the news ; that is they prevent any act of violence by muslims from getting into the news . of course , something as major as a terrorist attack cant be hidden . but other acts are suppressed . this allows you people to live in a world of your own , oblivious to the rising tide of islamism . even the census reports do not show the full extent of increasing muslim population .

various tricks are used by the liberal media to prevent a backlash of christians on muslims . for example , the pakistanis any act of violence in UK are simply called asians in order not to stigmatise a religion or nation .

so i wont call d chatterley as anything . i wont call him names .

actually the same thing appiles to you , but your support for pakistani causes is something that you have not explained as yet .

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It's ok. In all honesty, I would not be surprised at all. If only people new half of what is going on in middle east or even a tenth, they might have a different view. The war is such a terrible thing and seeing innocent people hurt in any country is devastating. But it is always the civilians who pay the biggest price, isn't it?
I know. I saw it myself when I was in a war zone. Dreadful stuff.

I dont think D is lambasting you. She's a very laid back poster from what I've seen over the years I've known her. That second comment was a general comment about people, not you as an individual.

Time we all shared a peace pipe and think of the people who were murdered and their grieving loved ones.
I agree with all you said except one thing. I'm a guy.
I guess I never really let it be known over on the AHS board.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I agree with all you said except one thing. I'm a guy.
I guess I never really let it be known over on the AHS board.
Secretive little devil. That's cool I luv ya.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I'm just glad this problem is not specific in nature, just general.

U.S., U.K. begin electronics ban on flights from several Muslim-majority countries

Oh, and while victims are important, let's not forget to specify religion of person who clicked to start crowdfunding campaign.

London attack: Muslim raises over $30,000 for victims

i have answered your islamophobia accusation in a post on page 16 of this thread .
You basically said your islamophobia is justified. I don't think that counts as a denial. I understand that from where you are coming from, the Muslims have committed plenty of atrocities. But what I don't agree with you is that you painting all Muslims as such. There are Muslims In the USA, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bosnia, and all over the world who are vastly different from each other on a cultural basis. A lot of them are more liberal than others and saying they are all barbaric and violent is incorrect.
I could have done the same thing and said all Muslims are peaceful and loving people. They are not and that is the difference in our arguments.
The bigger problem I have is you trying to perpetrate hatred using a photo of a young Muslim girl. That is a very blatant and inflammatory attempt in trying to incite hatred and propagandizing the stereotypes about Muslims that you have.
Statements like that are very dangerous and could cause harm to innocent people such as the girl you mentioned as pointed out in the article in the second link by the @Movie Max poster bellow:
I'm just glad this problem is not specific in nature, just general.

U.S., U.K. begin electronics ban on flights from several Muslim-majority countries

Oh, and while victims are important, let's not forget to specify religion of person who clicked to start crowdfunding campaign.

London attack: Muslim raises over $30,000 for victims

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The bigger problem I have is you trying to perpetrate hatred using a photo of a young Muslim girl. That is a very blatant and inflammatory attempt in trying to incite hatred and propagandizing the stereotypes about Muslims that you have.
The vilification and ASSumptions that young woman received because of what she was wearing was mind boggling, but no surprise in this current state. People are so quick to judge without having the facts.

You basically said your islamophobia is justified. I don't think that counts as a denial. I understand that from where you are coming from, the Muslims have committed plenty of atrocities. But what I don't agree with you is that you painting all Muslims as such. There are Muslims In the USA, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bosnia, and all over the world who are vastly different from each other on a cultural basis. A lot of them are more liberal than others and saying they are all barbaric and violent is incorrect.
I could have done the same thing and said all Muslims are peaceful and loving people. They are not and that is the difference in our arguments.
The bigger problem I have is you trying to perpetrate hatred using a photo of a young Muslim girl. That is a very blatant and inflammatory attempt in trying to incite hatred and propagandizing the stereotypes about Muslims that you have.
Statements like that are very dangerous and could cause harm to innocent people such as the girl you mentioned as pointed out in the article in the second link by the @Movie Max poster bellow:
amazing that you mentioned nigerian muslims in your list of liberals . nigeria has been plagued by the boko haram terrorist group which is same as the ISIS and has created havoc in that country .

indonesia---do you know that indonesia was a hindu ( my religion ) country once ? except in the island of bali , that hindu religion was destroyed by muslims completely in the indonesian archepelago . today hindu majority bali is the most liberal place in indonesia , which is why foreigners prefer that place for vacations .

muslims in USA are less than one percent and not in such numbers as to make an impact . as for as where they are gathering in numbers ( like in europe ) , we are seeing what is happening .

islamophobia is a term invented by the muslim appeasement lobby in order to crush the voice of anyone who tries to warn about islamic terrorism . people like you ( who live in safer places ) now fling that accusation at anyone who raises his voice against islamic terror . as your mentioning nigeria in the list of liberal muslim places shows , much of the flinging of accusations comes from half knowledge .

The vilification and ASSumptions that young woman received because of what she was wearing was mind boggling, but no surprise in this current state. People are so quick to judge without having the facts.
Biased, yes. Mind boggling, no - considering what London and Europe have endured.

"but no surprise in this current state" is a correct observation after all the attacks and exposed terror plots in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Russia, and elsewhere as the increasing separation between Muslims and the countries that many of them refuse to assimilate into grows.
While at the same time Muslim populations within Europe increase geometrically, the number of Islamic controlled zones where non-Muslims are unwelcome and law-enforcement & emergency responders are too intimidated to enter grow in number and size, where mass rapes of European women by Muslim men continue to rise, and the influx of Islamists & radicalized Muslims (be they immigrants, refugees or those seeking asylum) who want to attack the inhabitants of the new places they call "home" grows.

I'm not defending the assumptions made about the photo - I agree with those who say it is pure bias because it has no context (one could easily comment that the western-European-looking white guy on the left is just standing with his hands in his pockets and thus white European-looking people were unwilling to help).

amazing that you mentioned nigerian muslims in your list of liberals . nigeria has been plagued by the boko haram terrorist group which is same as the ISIS and has created havoc in that country .
Excuse me, I never said the list of countries were liberal. I just picked them because of cultural differences. Nowhere did I mention that one is more or less liberal than the other.

islamophobia is a term invented by the muslim appeasement lobby in order to crush the voice of anyone who tries to warn about islamic terrorism .
Oh really??

people like you ( who live in safer places ) now fling that accusation at anyone who raises his voice against islamic terror .
Wow, now you are really pulling facts out of your a$$. Nowhere did I condone islamic terror by accusing you or anyone speaking against it.
I accused you based on the inflamatory photo of the Muslim girl that you posted, a post you still fail to address because you know you were wrong.

read about nigeria's boko haram group to correct your half knowledge .
Really? Now you are going to bring up this one Islamic extremist group which should be eradicated and identify it with the whole country? You do realize Nigeria is a very diverse country with many different Muslim, Christian, Hindu and other groups, right?
Boko Haram is weakening and will hopefully cease to exist soon. But of course, your focus was never on the extreme islamists only, was it?

Speaking of extremists, how would you like if someone based their opinion of your whole country on some Hindu minority extremist group? Apparently you have some similar problems in your country as well.
I would never paint with such a wide brush, but you go ahead.


Not sure if you were referring to one of Boko Haram's leaders or its founder, but you referred to the group as "him" and "his group" a couple times.

Just a point of fact for anyone's info, the name of the group isn't a proper name, but in English it means "Western education is forbidden".

"The group's official name is Wilayat Gharb Afriqiya, to designate it as a branch or "province" of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).[15][33] Prior to Abubakar Shekau's pledge of allegiance to ISIL, the group's official name was Jamā'atu Ahli is-Sunnah lid-Da'wati wal-Jihād جماعة أهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد, meaning "People Committed to the Prophet's Teachings for Propagation and Jihad".[34]"
