Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: TONGO


OK, he already had a thread.

Question . . . Why were you back in the grill thread, asking for another one of these? Didn't you do that?

Did you know I'm burning my food???????????????????
Uh, I thought that was years ago, and then you made this one.

When are you going to learn how to use the site?

When are you going to participate in the movie threads?

Will you participate in next year's NFL pick em league?

Why are you such a damn dirty ape?

Uh, I thought that was years ago, and then you made this one.
Nope, you have offered on two different occasions, to be grilled . . .


So you get a Grill A MoFo Thread upon request? Sure Ill share!

Allright Ill play too.

You got your name put back on the list, with that second request. It's alright. We can blame old age for the mistake, buy we get to point the wrinkly finger at you.

As a matter of fact, I made this thread, right after your first request.

When are you going to learn how to use the site?

When are you going to participate in the movie threads?

Will you participate in next year's NFL pick em league?

Why are you such a damn dirty ape?
I thought I knew how to use the site now

Bah, movie threads. TV is where its at for me lately.

I will participate in next years NFL pick em. I was stunned how poorly I did this year in that.

Everyone likes apes

Nope, you have offered on two different occasions, to be grilled . . .



You got your name put back on the list, with that second request. It's alright. We can blame old age for the mistake, buy we get to point the wrinkly finger at you.

As a matter of fact, I made this thread, right after your first request.

Thank you for your eternal patience Lisa

You can't win an argument just by being right!
TV is where its at for me lately.
What are you watching?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Are you Better Call Saul fan, Tongs?

Why isn't King Kong in your TOP 10?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Why isn't King Kong in your TOP 10?
The movie is damn may have a point. I will reevaluate my top 10 and may make changes.

This thread really should have been called Gorilla MoFo: TONGO.

Whats up homie. I hope youve been well, and that is a perfect play on words only MoFo Wiki Man could conceive of.

The movie is damn may have a point. I will reevaluate my top 10 and may make changes.
Agree as long as you're talking about the 30's version!

Agree as long as you're talking about the 30's version!
The Peter Jackson version sir. The classic King Kong is a deserved landmark in cinema, but PJs King Kong was a perfect piece of business in its own right. Hell, I thought it was better than any of the LOTR movies.