Tentacles... why?


The most loathsome of all goblins
Well, the sea is a very terrifing and mysterious place. I can't even look up kraken without getting scared
There is nothing scarier than the ocean. I've been on a few cruises, and late at night in the middle of the ocean when the lights are out, it's like staring into the abyss. As if some Lovecraftian behemoth could rise from the depths at any moment.

It's also the idea of less control, because we aren't aquatic animals and so we're at a distinct disadvantage in the water. My worst nightmares are always underwater. I remember as a kid being terrified playing the underwater level in Super Mario 64.

Anyone else remember this?

I don't think it's sci-fi or horror where tentacles are prevalent. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

What took you so long? I figured you had a google alert set for tentacles.

The thought that popped in my head is the effect of being bound or wrapped up and essentially paralyzed. Not being able to move and having to experience the horror with no chance of escape.

What took you so long? I figured you had a google alert set for tentacles.
Had to attend to my slave in my basement.

It's probably the potential combination of both grabbing and raping (the phallic thing).

Interestingly, the other night I saw one of the feeble attempts at a LIVE-ACTION Japanese "tentacle rape" movie. If you've seen anime like "Legend of the Overfiend" or "LA Blue Girl", imagine trying to do THAT on about the budget of your average shot-on-vodeo porn movie. Really ridiculous.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
It's probably the potential combination of both grabbing and raping (the phallic thing).

Interestingly, the other night I saw one of the feeble attempts at a LIVE-ACTION Japanese "tentacle rape" movie. If you've seen anime like "Legend of the Overfiend" or "LA Blue Girl", imagine trying to do THAT on about the budget of your average shot-on-vodeo porn movie. Really ridiculous.
Legend of the Overfiend is by far my favorite Japanese Animation [Ok, let us just call it Hentai... though it has a lot more going on that just that].

lol. Tentacle rape Live Action must be as good as Manos the Hands of Fate... but with tentacles.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

The "Morty-est" Morty.
Legend of the Overfiend is by far my favorite Japanese Animation [Ok, let us just call it Hentai... though it has a lot more going on that just that].

lol. Tentacle rape Live Action must be as good as Manos the Hands of Fate... but with tentacles.
is it against the rule if we go to that territory
i mean... you know..... discussing hentai

This is a phenomenon you probably already noticed:

If it's sci-fi or horror it better have tentacles.

A lot of it is probably influenced by HP Lovecraft's cosmic horror writings such as The Call of Cthulu.

I'm sure hentai mention is okay. The graphic depiction or illustration is probably best left at home.

What do u talking about, these clearly greatest pieces of art, ever

An underated muvi tell how thing happen
They are indeed.

I'n referring to this strange need of depicting aliens with tentacles or to have demons/zombies/whatnot with tentacles.

The latest iteration is in Arrival.
lol I just want to be playful specially with yukio

I don't think it's a biggie with hentai mention, except ppl called it tentacle [insert that word mr minio]

This is a phenomenon you probably already noticed:

If it's sci-fi or horror it better have tentacles.

People are suckers for tentacles

Here you go guys, I'm here to make this thread innocent again!

Just don't look him up on Rule 34.

Dear God, please don't look him up on Rule 34.