Your Top 10 LEAST Favorite Movies


AKA: Your Top 10 Most Hated Movies

Be nice, and bear in mind that your least favorites may be others' favorites (I know some of mine are)!

*Review links are encouraged!*

Also bear in mind I am WELL AWARE that there are worse movies. But I haven't seen those.

My CURRENT Top 10 Least Favorite Movies (from most least to least least):
1. The Chumscrubber
2. The Hunger Games
3. My Bloody Valentine 3D
4. Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners: Murder Speculation (Second Half)
5. Kara no Kyoukai/Garden of Sinners: Oblivion Recording
6. Beyond The Black Rainbow
7. Maniac (2012)
9. Buried
10. Prometheus
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
1. A Countess from Hong Kong
2. Not Reconciled
3. Gertrud
4. Young Mr Lincoln
5. Out 1
6. Casa de Lava
7. Parade
8. Les Vampires
9. An Affair to Remember
10. Only Angels Have Wings

1. A Countess from Hong Kong
2. Not Reconciled
3. Gertrud
4. Young Mr Lincoln
5. Out 1
6. Casa de Lava
7. Parade
8. Les Vampires
9. An Affair to Remember
10. Only Angels Have Wings
Don't. Know. Any of those.

You have Eraserhead at the same place on your least favourites as i do my favourites

2.The Animal
3.Keith Lemon The FIlm
4.Charlies Angels (sorry HK)
5.No Retreat, No Surrender
6.The Exorcist 2
7.Meet The Spartans
8.Gone Fishin
9.Number 23

Most of these i saw when i was around ten, funny thing is i still own most of them. I'm forgetting a lot as well as i used to watch a lot of crap as a kid.

9.Number 23
I can understand why people wouldn't like these movies (these are the only ones on your list I've seen), but what pushes them over the edge for you?

I thought Number 23 was pretty harmless.

I haven't seen The Number 23 in years, i just remember it really annoying me at the time.

Dune was just this big overblown piece of boring crap. I was really gutted as well coz i remember Guap saying it is the best bad movie, kind of like people enjoying The Room. I found it torturous to sit through, especially considering its length.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked Dune, but I'm sure it's because I had read the book first and was a huge fan of the book, so the movie was like a visual guide to fill in what I had read. If I had seen the movie without reading and loving the novel first, I might not have cared about the movie.

Don't know about the order, but this is definitely some of the WORST movies I've ever sat through...

1. Meet the Spartans
2. V/H/S 3: Viral
3. Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie's sequel to the remake of the original)
4. Urban Legend 3: Bloody Mary
5. Police Academy 6: Under Siege
6. Lake Placid 2
7. Lake Placid 3
8. Anaconda: The Offspring
9. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
10. Cube 2: Hypercube
11. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
12. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

and yes, that's 12... whatever...

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's weird i thought most fans of the book hated the film.
They do..and they're weird I do think the shorter theatrical version of Dune is better than the extended version.

Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie's sequel to the remake of the original)
This was really bad i agree.

Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
This is actually the only Halloween i haven't seen.

Originally Posted by Camo
That's weird i thought most fans of the book hated the film.
That's what I thought.

Originally Posted by MoveMeditation
1. Meet the Spartans
*laughs* Oh, I'm staying FAR away from that one.

Originally Posted by MovieMeditation
10. Cube 2: Hypercube
Is it fair to say you chose this you'd seen Cube already? Not that Cube 2 is necessarily that bad on it's own?

It's a recent one, but The Visit is the first film I've ever seen that I found offensively bad.

And I'm not even necessarily an M Night hater. I owe the dude a lot, I was a huge fan of his as a kid and he's one of the main reasons I got into filmmaking. I've never paid attention to the backlash he received, always hoped for a comeback. But, The Visit is definitely not his comeback, despite being touted as such.

Don't know about the order, but this is definitely some of the WORST movies I've ever sat through...

1. Meet the Spartans
2. V/H/S 3: Viral
3. Halloween 2 (Rob Zombie's sequel to the remake of the original)
4. Urban Legend 3: Bloody Mary
5. Police Academy 6: Under Siege
6. Lake Placid 2
7. Lake Placid 3
8. Anaconda: The Offspring
9. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
10. Cube 2: Hypercube
11. Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
12. Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers


And it's placed higher that the miserable sixth Halloween.

Proof that Michael Myers is way cooler than Freddy.

And it's placed higher that the miserable sixth Halloween.

Proof that Michael Myers is way cooler than Freddy.