What movie remakes/reboots would you like to see?


I for one, would love to see a Starship troopers remake, and I mean a good one. But who would be a good director? I was thinking maybe Steven Spielberg? now what about the cast? I haven't put much thought into this, but someone like Mark Wahlberg could fill Rico's spot.He's just one of my favorite actors, and a very good one at that, I think he could be great for that role, just my opinion.Maybe Natalie Portman (maybe not the best pick here) can fill Denise Richards role as Carmen Ibanez, and of course Neil Patrick Harris has to stay, haha. What do you guys think? Who would be a good director and cast? Also what other old movies would you like to see a remake of? Who do you think would be a good cast for the movie?

My top preference is always for a reboot of Doctor Who, and although a TV series seems to be its best format, I think the advantages of a film-scale budget could only be an improvement. Doctor Who is unusual in that you can almost reboot the series within its own format, especially in its convention of changing the lead actor while the character remains the same person. I see a lot of untapped potential with the show, and I think being a Saturday night "entertainment" programme tends to shackle the franchise, if you can call it that.

I'd also like to see Dune get a third outing, and in non-franchise films, I'd like to see a new version of A Christmas Carol and Moby-Dick.

My top preference is always for a reboot of Doctor Who, and although a TV series seems to be its best format, I think the advantages of a film-scale budget could only be an improvement. Doctor Who is unusual in that you can almost reboot the series within its own format, especially in its convention of changing the lead actor while the character remains the same person. I see a lot of untapped potential with the show, and I think being a Saturday night "entertainment" programme tends to shackle the franchise, if you can call it that.

I'd also like to see Dune get a third outing, and in non-franchise films, I'd like to see a new version of A Christmas Carol and Moby-Dick.
In The Heart Of The Sea was a very good movie, if you haven't seen it yet. It's a Moby Dick movie. A Doctor Who would be great as well, Honestly I would love a remake of Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, the second bill and ted wasn't too great, to me anyway.

In The Heart Of The Sea was a very good movie, if you haven't seen it yet. It's a Moby Dick movie.
Yeah, I believe it's about the Whale Ship Essex – Martin Sheen was in a TV drama about it a few years ago. I think I've been a bit dismissive about this film and should probably give it a go.

A Doctor Who would be great as well, Honestly I would love a remake of Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, the second bill and ted wasn't too great, to me anyway.
I just loved all the bits with Death.

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With all the 80's reboots these days I've always said Short Circuit would be very fitting for the world we live in today. But I swear I heard a reboot/sequel was actually happening. So maybe one can hope.

Also, it's not quite a proper reboot, but I'd love to see a Back to the Future IV that focuses on young Biff, 80's Biff and old man Biff teaming up to go on some adventure. Maybe try and change their future or something again since Lloyd and Fox aren't able to carry the franchise on much. Tell me that's not a solid idea!
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Honestly I want them to reboot "the Last Airbender" with Peter Jackson directing it.

Jackson is a master of making fantasy movies and I think he would do wonders with this.

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I've never been a big fan of Hollywood doing reboots, but if I really had to mention, it would be the Dollars trilogy.

I think I said this in an identical thread, but The Stuff.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I also wanted to see a remake of Breakfast at Tiffany's that stuck a little closer to Truman Capote's novel, where the character of Holly Golightly is a straight up prostitute and the Paul Varjak character is gay.

I wouldn't mind seeing a reboot of the Bond franchise that actually began with a plan on how to proceed forward rather than the short-sighted and somewhat scatter-shot reboot that they undertook with Casino Royale.

Interesting news today that Ridley Scott might be doing a film of The Prisoner. I've not seen the series; or the Jim Caviezel version; and I haven't heard the new audio production, but it certainly keeps coming back in people's imagination.

I wouldn't mind seeing a reboot of the Bond franchise that actually began with a plan on how to proceed forward rather than the short-sighted and somewhat scatter-shot reboot that they undertook with Casino Royale.
Who would you suggest to play Bond?

Who would you suggest to play Bond?
Knowing Sony they'll probably alter to some 20- something year old to appeal to the younger demographic and increase his staying power, still Daniel Craig is looking a little worst for wear these days.

Knowing Sony they'll probably alter to some 20- something year old to appeal to the younger demographic and increase his staying power, still Daniel Craig is looking a little worst for wear these days.
Less that he "looks worse for wear", I wouldn't cast him simply because he's sick to death of the character. He's publicly slammed James Bond repeatedly in interviews, he just doesn't want to play him anymore.

Not only that, but Daniel Craig's personal dislike of the character is also revealing about James Bond's modern portrayal overall. I'm not talking about his age, they just got to make him a likable guy again.

There's a lot more of this with a lot less charisma.

I'd like to see Star Trek remade as an actual prequel to the original crew's 5 year mission, and have it either dismiss, undo or just not acknowledge any J.J. Abrams movies!

The Shawshank Redemption reboot
Just curious - If you're serious, why would you want to see this remade (or rebooted) when it's a great movie as it is?
Plus it's a period piece that spans a few decades - could CGI somehow make a prison in the 1950's look more authentic than what was presented in the movie?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I for one, would love to see a Starship troopers remake, and I mean a good one. But who would be a good director? I was thinking maybe Steven Spielberg?

Are you kidding?!
Starship Troopers is perfect as it is....and you want Steven Spielberg to make a reboot, OMG! Sacrilege.

I'm not old, you're just 12.

I'd also like to see Dune get a third outing
Agreed! I would LOVE to see a new Dune flick, with up to date FX, and a good director at the helm, especially if it stuck to the novel more than any of the other versions did. I'd love to see it filmed a lot like the latest Mad Max film, that sort of desolation but also the vibrant colors.

There were rumors that Guillermo Del Toro was interested in remaking Pet Sematary...THIS is something I'd pay to see.
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I've made this joke before (but it's not really a joke)...
I'd like to see the X-Men remade, but in the new version it's a much smaller cast and has Professor Xavier open his school in upstate New York's Westchester county, starting with just five students named Scott, Hank, Warren, Bobby & Jean.

Meanwhile, down in Florida there is some strange trouble occurring with missiles at a military base.

And somewhere up in Canada, government agents are doing something weird involving bonding metal to a very unique man's bones,

Plus it's a period piece that spans a few decades - could CGI somehow make a prison in the 1950's look more authentic than what was presented in the movie?
For what it's worth, you don't have to want to see something presented in CG to want to see a story retold.

I can think of many movies that I wish were done differently which a remake could address.