The MoFo Top 100 of the 1970s: Countdown

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Holden, you have The Last Detail on there twice.
I need a nap.

Thanks, I'll fix it tomorrow.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Wow, what an awesome countdown!

I haven't been able to be an active MoFo for a while, and I completely missed the eighties list, so I had to make sure I got my ballot in for this one. I'm glad I did, because I've certainly enjoyed checking in on this thread from time to time. Great job, Holden, your time and effort is much appreciated.

I was one of the five MoFos who turned in a "perfect" list, having all 25 of my choices make the top 100. It's kind of a good thing, I guess, but I had a feeling I had compiled a very "obvious" list when I submitted it, and now I know that for a fact. I can't help but feel a bit boring.

Thing is, even though I've seen plenty of movies from the seventies, they've mostly been the highly revered and recommended classics (and mostly American), so there were no out-of-the-box choices for me. If I was at home when the list was announced, I would have made a strong effort to seek out some of the lesser known films, recommended by you folks, because that is what I love about these lists - they encourage me to expand my cinematic knowledge and watch films I otherwise wouldn't have seen - and who knows, my list might have been completely different.

But oh well, can't complain. All my votes made it, and I love all the films I voted for. At least now I have the time to catch up on unseen movies, and hopefully I'll discover some new favourites through the seventies list (and through the eighties, nineties and all the other lists).

My "Perfect" 25:

1. Taxi Driver (3)
2. A Clockwork Orange (7)
3. Star Wars (4)
4. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (22)
5. Apocalypse Now (9)
6. Network (32)
7. The French Connection (31)
8. Chinatown (6)
9. The Godfather (1)
10. Manhattan (52)
11. Dog Day Afternoon (28)
12. The Long Goodbye (19)
13. The Man Who Would Be King (81)
14. All the President´s Men (75)
15. Monty Python & The Holy Grail (13)
16. Aguirre: The Wrath of God (21)
17. The Conversation (18)
18. Straw Dogs (83)
19. The Deer Hunter (38)
20. Mean Streets (77)
21. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (8)
22. The Godfather Part II (10)
23. M*A*S*H (78)
24. Jaws (2)
25. Life of Brian (41)

I'd like to think there should be more foreign-language films on there other than Aguirre, but I haven't seen that many from the seventies. I almost included Solaris, and that was the only other foreign-langauge film that I considered for my list. I really hope we do a foreign-language list at some point.
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

I had some strange premonition that Jaws would win, but happily it seems I was mistaken. Still, two absolutely amazing films to end the countdown. The '70s really were one hell of a decade.

I can't seem to find my list, but as I recall it went like this:

1) Nashville (#43)
2) Network (#32)
3) Taxi Driver (#3)
4) A Woman Under the Influence (#48)
5) The Godfather (#1)
6) The Godfather Part II (#10)
7) Chinatown (#6)
8) Opening Night
9) McCabe & Mrs. Miller (#22)
10) Cries and Whispers (#50)
11) Manhattan (#52)
12) Klute
13) A Clockwork Orange (#7)
14) Jaws (#2)
15) 3 Women
16) Le Cercle Rouge (#60)
17) Scenes From a Marriage
18) Apocalypse Now (#9)
19) Alien (#5)
20) Autumn Sonata (#86)
21) The Long Goodbye (#19)
22) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (#14)
23) Deep Red
24) Dirty Harry (#34)
25) Halloween (#17)

So 20 of my 25 made it - not bad, MoFos.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

My List:

1. The Mirror (1975)
2. Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972)
3. Eraserhead (1977)
4. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974)
5. Cries and Whispers (1972)
6. Stalker (1979)
7. Stroszek (1977)
8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
9. Alien (1979)
10. The Exorcist (1973)
11. The Ascent (1977)
12. Apocalypse Now (1979)
13. The Godfather (1972)
14. The Holy Mountain (1973)
15. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
16. The Tenant (1976)
17. The Conversation (1974)
18. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
19. Badlands (1973)
20. Chinatown (1974)
21. Taxi Driver (1976)
22. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (1972)
23. El Topo (1970)
24. The Devils (1971)
25. Even Dwarfs Started Small (1970)

The Godfather is a predictable victor, but a worthy one. Jaws is a very good movie, but not one for which I have any particular love. People say that Jaws made them afraid to go in the water, but I don't know how to swim, so I was afraid to go in the water anyway.

I wanted to give my thoughts on Taxi Driver, since it's one of my top-five favorite films (and #2 on my 70's list). I started writing a lengthy post about my love for the film and my ability to relate to Travis Bickle's misanthropic ways, but it made me sound like a complete sociopath; plus the post was on its way to being the longest I've ever written (and I've written a few lengthy posts in my short time here), so I decided to scrap it. One day I'll make a favorite movies list and write extensively about my personal connection with the film, but that day isn't now.

I started lurking on this forum during the 80's Countdown. I'd visit a few times a week and see what the latest entries were. I kept waiting for certain films to show up that never did. When I saw that you guys were going to do a 70's Countdown, I finally decided to become a member because I wanted to help my favorite films get on the list. Since then I've become addicted to this place. The 70's Countdown was an absolute blast. Holden did an amazing job and I loved reading about everyone's personal opinions on the various films.

My Full List:
#1) Apocalypse Now
#2) Taxi Driver
#3) One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
#4) The Last Picture Show
#5) Aguirre, the Wrath of God
#6) Eraserhead
#7) Alien
#8) Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
#9) Nashville
#10) The Holy Mountain
#11) Paper Moon
#12) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
#13) Five Easy Pieces
#14) Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
#15) Nosferatu the Vampyre
#16) Performance
#17) Chinatown
#18) Solaris
#19) Stroszek
#20) High Plains Drifter
#21) The Godfather Part II
#22) Straw Dogs
#23) The Outlaw Josey Wales
#24) Mean Streets
#25) The Last Detail

Films on my list that didn't make the Countdown:

#14) Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (Sam Peckinpah, 1973): After exploring more of his filmography this year, Peckinpah has become one of my favorite directors. As I said in my initial review, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid is an excellent, one-of-a-kind western: a poetic, bloody tale of changing times and dying lifestyles. A few days before compiling my list, it re-aired on Turner Classic Movies, and I watched it again and I loved it even more. This is a film that is only going to climb higher and higher on my favorites list.

#15) Nosferatu the Vampyre (Werner Herzog, 1979): Nosferatu the Vampyre is, in my opinion, the greatest vampire movie ever made. It's also the greatest remake. This is how vampires should be: creepy, terrifying, monstrous. None of that sparkling-in-the-sun Twilight crap or Anne Rice-style sexualization. I've expressed my admiration for Herzog and Kinski a few times on this forum, and it applies to this film as well. Kinski is fantastic as the titular bloodsucker. Herzog pays homage to the great silent classic, but he also does his own thing with it and improves on the original. You'll never see a vampire film that feels more real than Nosferatu the Vampyre.

#16) Performance (Nicolas Roeg & Donald Cammell, 1970): The Rolling Stones is one of my favorite bands, so the presence of Mick Jagger and Anita Pallenberg plays a large role in my enjoyment of Performance. Plus I love weird films, especially ones that deal with identity. (It probably also helps that I first watched this film when I was smoking a lot of weed.) Leading up to the countdown, I noticed a lot of members watching some of Roeg's other films, but this one was rarely mentioned. Personally, I think it's better than Walkabout and The Man Who Fell to Earth. Give it a watch if you haven't seen it.

#19) Stroszek (Werner Herzog, 1977): Another Herzog, my favorite without Kinski. Stroszek is a bleak, depressing film about a man who escapes from mistreatment in Germany to come to America, where dreams come true, only to find the life and landscape just as bleak and unforgiving. Despite the pathos, however, the oddity of the characters and Herzog's approach adds a quirky, off-the-wall sense of humor to the film that's perfectly represented in the memorable ending, where a suicidal ride on a ski-life is juxtaposed with a dancing chicken.

#20) High Plains Drifter (Clint Eastwood, 1973): High Plains Drifter feels like another entry in the Man With No Name trilogy, but with a supernatural bent. I love westerns anyway, especially when Eastwood is in the lead role, and High Plains Drifter is one of the best. Some striking imagery, too, especially when the town is painted red. Very surprised this didn't make the countdown.

#25) The Last Detail (Hal Ashby, 1973): Also very surprised this didn't make the countdown. I knew Randy Quaid from the National Lampoon movies and Independence Day, so it was initially surprising to see how good he is when not playing a caricature. Of course, the biggest draw is Jack Nicholson. I love movies that have a hang-out atmosphere, and The Last Detail has that, with Nicholson and Otis Young trying to show Quaid's character a good time before he's sent to a naval prison. But the gravity of Quaid's situation adds a real sadness and emotional depth to the proceedings.

Other favorites from the decade that didn't make my list or the countdown: Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore; Alice in the Cities; Amarcord; The Amityville Horror; California Split; Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry; Duck, You Sucker!; The Last House on the Left; New York, New York; Patton; The Shootist; Straight Time; Westworld

Here's my list... I might be mistaken, but Amityville [Horror] didn't make the list?
Uh, no. Not even close. It had only thirteen points. One other person besides you voted for it. A pair wasn't nearly good enough.

Not even that pair.

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I started lurking on this forum during the 80's Countdown. I'd visit a few times a week and see what the latest entries were. I kept waiting for certain films to show up that never did. When I saw that you guys were going to do a 70's Countdown, I finally decided to become a member because I wanted to help my favorite films get on the list. Since then I've become addicted to this place. The 70's Countdown was an absolute blast.
Yeah, besides being fun and just the general lure of movie fans to lists, the best part for me is seeing so many cinematic palates broaden a bit. Even if you don't wind up loving or even liking a lot of these movies that are new to you, it gives everyone a broader base of knowledge, and in some cases it does create new instant favorites and open up new directors or styles that may have been previously neglected in viewing habits and histories.

We're glad you're likewise addicted to the joint, and though it is too late to do anything about it as far as these lists, I hope you can help get more people to check out Werner Herzog, and for them to get into him until he is as popular around here as Tarkovsky.

Holden did an amazing job and I loved reading about everyone's personal opinions on the various films.

And this is #101 to #215. By the time we get down to the twenty-five pointers, there are actual ties that cannot be broken, so I have listed them together (sometimes as many as six titles)

101. Murder by Death (64)
102. Coffy (64)
103. Patton (63)
104. Duel (63)
105. Sleeper (63)
106. High Plains Drifter (62)
107. Black Christmas (62)
108. Sorcerer (61)
109. Wake in Fright (60)
110. Celine & Julie Go Boating (58)
111. Get Carter (57)
112. Klute (57)
113. Claire's Knee (56)
114. Sisters (56)
115. Stroszek (55)
116. The Spy Who Loved Me (55)
117. Dersu Uzala (55)
118. Rollerball (55)
119. Phantom of the Paradise (54)
120. Tale of Tales (52)
121. Frenzy (51)
122. Amarcord (51)
123. The Three Musketeers (50)
124. Smokey & the Bandit (49)
125. Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (49)
126. 3 Women (48)
127. Charlotte's Web (48)
128. The Day of the Jackal (47)
129. The Last Detail (46)
130. The Heartbreak Kid (46)
131. Love & Death (45)
132. Phantasm (45)
133. Nosferatu the Vampyre (44)
134. Killer of Sheep (44)
135. Fiddler on the Roof (44)
136. Watership Down (43)
137. Disney's Robin Hood (43)
138. Tora! Tora! Tora! (42)
139. Two-Lane Blacktop (42)
140. Pink Flamingos (41)
141. El Topo (40)
142. Play It Again, Sam (40)
143. Play Misty for Me (38)
144. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (38)
145. The Champ (38)
146. The Last Waltz (37)
147. Scenes from a Marriage (37)
148. Macbeth (36)
149. Escape from Alcatraz (36)
150. Le Boucher (36)
151. Scum (36)
152. Foxy Brown (35)
153. Papillon (34)
154. Bedknobs & Broomsticks (34)
155. Alice in the Cities (34)
156. Silent Running (34)
157. Time After Time (34)
158. The Duellists (33)
159. The Goodbye Girl (33)
160. Lone Wolf & Cub: Baby Cart in Peril (33)
161. Slap Shot (32)
162. Performance (32)
163. World on a Wire (32)
164. The Castle of Cagliostro (32)
165. Duck, You Sucker! (32)
166. Murmur of the Heart (32)
167. The French Connection II (31)
168. Carnal Knowledge (31)
169. Silver Streak (31)
170. Jaws 2 (31)
171. The Man Who Fell to Earth (31)
172. Who Can Kill a Child? (31)
173. Deep Red (29)
174. Catch-22 (29)
175. Hypothesis of a Stolen Painting (29)
176. Three Days of the Condor (28)
177. Live and Let Die (28)
178. Death Race 2000 (28)
179. The Passenger (27)
180. The Night Stalker (27)
181. The Poseidon Adventure (27)
182. Midnight Express (24)
183. The Ascent (24)
184. Allegro Non Troppo (24)
185. High Anxiety (24)
186. Charley Varrick (24)
187. Next Stop, Greenwich Village (25)
188. Mikey + Nicky (25)
189. The Blind Woman's Curse (25)
189. Che? (25)
189. Woodstock (25)
190. Drunken Master (24)
191. Jesus Christ Superstar (24)
192. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (24)
193. The Black Stallion (24)
194. The Mechanic (24)
195. California Split (24)
195. House of Whipcord (24)
195. Red Psalm (24)
195. Welfare (24)
196. Images (23)
197. Night Moves (23)
198. Thunderbolt & Lightfoot (23)
198. The Way We Were (23)
199. The Ballad of Orin (23)
199. King Kong (23)
199. Rica (23)
200. Zombi 2 (22)
201. Edvard Munch (22)
202. That Obscure Object of Desire (22)
203. Straight Time (22)
204. Caliber 9 (22)
204. The Mother and the Whore (22)
204. Soylent Green (22)
204. We Won't Grow Old Together (22)
205. Brewster McCloud (21)
206. Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (21)
207. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (21)
207. The Wanderers (21)
208. The American Friend (21)
208. From the Clouds to the Resistance (21)
208. Galaxy Express 999 (21)
208. Real Life (21)
209. Opening Night (20)
210. Norma Rae (20)
211. 1776 (20)
211. Escape to Witch Mountain (20)
211. The Fifth Seal (20)
211. The Great Train Robbery (20)
211. O Lucky Man! (20)
211. The Odd Angry Shot (20)
212. Pumping Iron (19)
213. The China Syndrome (19)
214. Moonraker (19)
215. Bang the Drum Slowly (19)
215. The Deep (19)
215. The Four Musketeers (19)
215. Punishment Park (19)
215. The Sugarland Express (19)
215. The Swedish Story (19)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm surprised that Star Trek: The Motion Picture got any votes. I'm a Star Trek fan, and I wouldn't vote for that movie. The only Star Trek movie worse than Star Trek: The Motion Picture is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.

Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (24)
Edvard Munch (22)
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (21)
So I wasn't the only person to vote for these. Excellent.
The Mother and the Whore (22)
I was the only person to vote for this though.

You know what? Screw it. Since I am so close to the end, anyway, here is the ENTIRE list, with their point totals, correctly numbered, tie broken wherever possible, and at the bottom when there were actual ties, they are listed alphabetically under a single number....

1. The Godfather (1213)
2. Jaws (1140)
3. Taxi Driver (1034)
4. Star Wars (1010)
5. Alien (947)
6. Chinatown (895)
7. A Clockwork Orange (870)
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (856)
9. Apocalypse Now (856)
10. The Godfather Part II (728)
11. Rocky (542)
12. The Exorcist (540)
13. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (444)
14. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (381)
15. Young Frankenstein (360)
16. Barry Lyndon (349)
17. Halloween (348)
18. The Conversation (347)
19. The Long Goodbye (337)
20. Stalker (321)
21. Aguirre, the Wrath of God (320)
22. McCabe & Mrs. Miller (298)
23. Superman: The Movie (285)
24. Enter the Dragon (282)
25. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (279)
26. Eraserhead (279)
27. Harold & Maude (275)
28. Dog Day Afternoon (274)
29. Days of Heaven (258)
30. Annie Hall (256)
31. The French Connection (250)
32. Network (250)
33. Blazing Saddles (238)
34. Dirty Harry (233)
35. Dawn of the Dead (226)
36. Carrie (221)
37. The Warriors (210)
38. The Deer Hunter (205)
39. Solaris (203)
40. Cabaret (199)
41. Monty Python’s Life of Brian (196)
42. American Graffiti (189)
43. Nashville (184)
44. Kramer vs. Kramer (183)
45. The Mirror (183)
46. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (178)
47. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (174)
48. A Woman Under the Influence (174)
49. The Outlaw Josey Wales (168)
50. Cries & Whispers (165)
51. Deliverance (159)
52. Manhattan (158)
53. Five Easy Pieces (151)
54. The Jerk (149)
55. Serpico (146)
56. Picnic at Hanging Rock (139)
57. The Sting (138)
58. Badlands (134)
59. Grease (130)
60. Le Cercle Rouge (130)
61. Little Big Man (128)
62. The Spirit of the Beehive (125)
63. Rocky II (121)
64. The Last Picture Show (120)
65. Suspiria (120)
66. National Lampoon’s Animal House (116)
67. Walkabout (115)
68. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (114)
69. The Muppet Movie (113)
70. Mad Max (108)
71. The Conformist (105)
72. Don’t Look Now (103)
73. Marathon Man (103)
74. Paper Moon (101)
75. All the President’s Men (100)
76. Hausu (100)
77. Mean Streets (99)
78. MASH (98)
79. The Wicker Man (95)
80. Assault on Precinct 13I (94)
81. The Man Who Would Be King (94)
82. F for Fake (91)
83. Straw Dogs (89)
84. The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (89)
85. Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (86)
86. Autumn Sonata (85)
87. Saturday Night Fever (83)
88. The Tenant (81)
89. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (79)
90. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (77)
91. Sleuth (73)
92. Jeremiah Johnson (73)
93. The Holy Mountain (71)
94. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (70)
95. Breaking Away (68)
96. All That Jazz (68)
97. Fantastic Planet (67)
98. Being There (65)
99. The Omen (64)
100. Logan’s Run (64)
101. Murder by Death (64)
102. Coffy (64)
103. Patton (63)
104. Duel (63)
105. Sleeper (63)
106. High Plains Drifter (62)
107. Black Christmas (62)
108. Sorcerer (61)
109. Wake in Fright (60)
110. Celine & Julie Go Boating (58)
111. Get Carter (57)
112. Klute (57)
113. Claire's Knee (56)
114. Sisters (56)
115. Stroszek (55)
116. The Spy Who Loved Me (55)
117. Dersu Uzala (55)
118. Rollerball (55)
119. Phantom of the Paradise (54)
120. Tale of Tales (52)
121. Frenzy (51)
122. Amarcord (51)
123. The Three Musketeers (50)
124. Smokey & the Bandit (49)
125. Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (49)
126. 3 Women (48)
127. Charlotte's Web (48)
128. The Day of the Jackal (47)
129. The Last Detail (46)
130. The Heartbreak Kid (46)
131. Love & Death (45)
132. Phantasm (45)
133. Nosferatu the Vampyre (44)
134. Killer of Sheep (44)
135. Fiddler on the Roof (44)
136. Watership Down (43)
137. Disney's Robin Hood (43)
138. Tora! Tora! Tora! (42)
139. Two-Lane Blacktop (42)
140. Pink Flamingos (41)
141. El Topo (40)
142. Play It Again, Sam (40)
143. Play Misty for Me (38)
144. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (38)
145. The Champ (38)
146. The Last Waltz (37)
147. Scenes from a Marriage (37)
148. Macbeth (36)
149. Escape from Alcatraz (36)
150. Le Boucher (36)
151. Scum (36)
152. Foxy Brown (35)
153. Papillon (34)
154. Bedknobs & Broomsticks (34)
155. Alice in the Cities (34)
156. Silent Running (34)
157. Time After Time (34)
158. The Duellists (33)
159. The Goodbye Girl (33)
160. Lone Wolf & Cub: Baby Cart in Peril (33)
161. Slap Shot (32)
162. Performance (32)
163. World on a Wire (32)
164. The Castle of Cagliostro (32)
165. Duck, You Sucker! (32)
166. Murmur of the Heart (32)
167. The French Connection II (31)
168. Carnal Knowledge (31)
169. Silver Streak (31)
170. Jaws 2 (31)
171. The Man Who Fell to Earth (31)
172. Who Can Kill a Child? (31)
173. Deep Red (29)
174. Catch-22 (29)
175. Hypothesis of a Stolen Painting (29)
176. Three Days of the Condor (28)
177. Live and Let Die (28)
178. Death Race 2000 (28)
179. The Passenger (27)
180. The Night Stalker (27)
181. The Poseidon Adventure (27)
182. Midnight Express (26)
183. The Ascent (26)
184. Allegro Non Troppo (26)
185. High Anxiety (26)
186. Charley Varrick (26)
187. Next Stop, Greenwich Village (25)
188. Mikey+Nicky (25)
189. The Blind Woman's Curse (25)
189. Che?
189. Woodstock
190. Drunken Master (24)
191. Jesus Christ Superstar (24)
192. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (24)
193. The Black Stallion (24)
194. The Mechanic (24)
195. California Split (24)
195. House of Whipcord
195. Red Psalm
195. Welfare
196. Images (23)
197. Night Moves (23)
198. Thunderbolt & Lightfoot (23)
198. The Way We Were
199. The Ballad of Orin (23)
199. King Kong
199. Rica
200. Zombi 2 (22)
201. Edvard Munch (22)
202. That Obscure Object of Desire (22)
203. Straight Time (22)
204. Caliber 9 (22)
204. The Mother and the Whore
204. Soylent Green
204. We Won't Grow Old Together
205. Brewster McCloud (21)
206. Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (21)
207. Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (21)
207. The Wanderers
208. The American Friend (21)
208. From the Clouds to the Resistance
208. Galaxy Express 999
208. Real Life
209. Opening Night (20)
210. Norma Rae (20)
211. 1776 (20)
211. Escape to Witch Mountain
211. The Fifth Seal
211. The Great Train Robbery
211. O Lucky Man!
211. The Odd Angry Shot
212. Pumping Iron (19)
213. The China Syndrome (19)
214. Moonraker (19)
215. Bang the Drum Slowly (19)
215. The Deep
215. The Four Musketeers
215. Punishment Park
215. The Sugarland Express
215. The Swedish Story
216. The Bad News Bears (18)
217. A Boy and His Dog (18)
218. Cross of Iron (18)
219. The Beguiled (18)
220. Bed & Board (18)
220. Coming Home
220. Dirty Ho
220. Fist of Fury
220. Le Mans
220. The Man Who Sleeps
220. Over the Edge
220. Start the Revolution Without Me
220. When A Stranger Calls
221. Disney's The Rescuers (17)
222. Westworld (17)
223. My Name is Nobody (17)
224. What's Up, Doc? (17)
225. Cuadecuc, Vampir (17)
225. The Omega Man
225. Turkish Delight
226. Amar Akbar Anthony (16)
226. Harry & Tonto
225. Hot Rock
225. Karate Bullfighter
225. The Night Strangler
225. Soldier of Orange
225. Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
227. Silent Movie (15)
228. Disney's The Aristocats (15)
229. The Abominable Dr. Phibes (15)
229. The Chess Players
229. Cita Violenta
229. The Electric Horseman
229. The Panic in Needle Park
229. Quadrophenia
229. They Might Be Giants
229. The Whole Shootin' Match
230. The Gauntlet (14)
231. Bugsy Malone (14)
231. Cockfighter
231. Deep End
231. The Frisco Kid
231. Johnny Got His Gun
231. The Tin Drum
232. The Amityville Horror (13)
233. The Car (13)
233. The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
233. The Illumination
233. Juvenile Court
233. Lady Snowblood
233. Under the Blossoming Cherry Tree
233. Up in Smoke
234. Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant (12)
234. Empire of Passion
234. Interiors
234. Lenny
234. The Pink Panther Strikes Again
234. The Ruling Class
234. The Serpent's Egg
234. Sounder
234. Tommy
234. Wanda
235. Scarecrow (11)
236. The Devils (11)
236. The Seven-Ups
237. The Boys in the Band (11)
237. Convoy
237. Hot Stuff
237. Kelly's Heroes
237. Love in the Afternoon
237. Othon
237. Panda! Go Panda!
237. Successive Slidings of Pleasure
238. Death Wish (10)
239. The Traveling Players (10)
239. Wise Blood
240. The 36th Chamber of Shoalin (11)
240. Across 110th Street
240. ...And Justice for All
240. Bleak Moments
240. The Brood
240. The Cowboys
240. The Hills Have Eyes
240. The Life & Times of Judge Roy Bean
240. Pictures of the Old World
240. Slaughterhouse-Five
240. Trafic
241. Caligula (9)
242. Cría Cuervos (9)
242. Day for Night
242. Death in Venice
242. The Decameron
242. The King of Marvin Gardens
242. The Little Prince
242. The Missouri Breaks
242. The Towering Inferno
243. A Bridge Too Far (8)
243. Even Dwarfs Started Small
244. The Last House on the Left (8)
245. The Bird with Crystal Plumage (8)
245. The Gates of Heaven
245. Ice
245. A Man Called Horse
245. The Silent Partner
245. Supervixens
245. Third Part of the Night
245. Thursday's Game
245. Vengeance is Mine
246. Family Plot (7)
247. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore (7)
247. Deathtrap
247. The Shootist
247. The Sunshine Boys
248. The Eagle Has Landed (6)
248. Force 10 from Navarone
248. Last Tango in Paris
248. The Streetfighter
249. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (5)
249. The Devil, Probably
249. The Enforcer
249. Fox & His Friends
249. The Friends of Eddie Coyle
249. The Kentucky Fried Movie
249. The Marriage of Maria Braun
249. Moses & Aaron
249. The Turning Point
249. Un Flic
249. Under the Flag of the Rising Sun
250. Capricorn One (4)
250. Daughters of Darkness
250. Distant Thunder
250. Emperor of the North
250. The End
250. Freaky Friday
250. The Getaway
250. Heaven Can Wait
250. Joe
250. Magnificent Butcher
250. New York, New York
250. Perceval le Gallios
250. The Phantom of Liberty
250. Rock N Roll High School
250. Storm Boy
250. Sunday Too Far Away
250. Tristana
250. Vanishing Point
251. 10 (3)
251. Blue Fin
251. Buffet Froid
251. Electra Glide in Blue
251. Hard Times
251. Ici et Alleurs
251. Julia
251. The Man with the Golden Gun
251. Minnie & Moskowitz
251. The Outfit
251. The Parallax View
251. Payday
251. Tess
251. Theatre of Blood
252. Beware of a Holy Whore (2)
252. The Ceremony
252. Colossus: The Forbin Project
252. The Great MacArthy
252. Hair
252. The Hired Hand
252. An Unmarried Woman
252. The Way of the Dragon
252. Where the Red Fern Grows
252. The Year of the Hare
253. The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1)
253. The Concert for Bangledesh
253. The Crazies
253. Diamonds Are Forever
253. Every Which Way But Loose
253. Farewell, My Lovely
253. Fat City
253. The Fury
253. Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
253. Le Grande Bouffe
253. The Lords of Flatbush
253. Love at First Bite
253. Meatballs
253. Robin & Marian
253. Summer City
253. A Touch of Zen

That should account for every title, from #1 to the fifteen films tied at #253!

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