The Buffy Re-Watch Club


Just finished Angel. I don't really have that much to say about this episode. I always really liked the Angelus backstory, save a horrendous Irish accent in future episodes . Darla was a good character and somehow i'm just noticing that it's Rita from Dexter . Still she has nothing on a certain Victorian crackpot , i never use the word crackpot but it's the only way to describe her . Overall a good episode, i remember going on a Buffy marathon after watching this the first time to find out more about Angel/Angelus. I liked the ending with the cross and the way the invitation will be used later.

Not looking forward to the next ep but i'll watch it tomorrow. As Godoggo said the rest of the episodes are good, especially Nightmares imo.

I remember seeing the first episode of Dexter with friends. We were all big Buffy/Angel fans and when Rita came onscreen there was a beat or two of disbelief before all giving each other a look, as if to confirm it, then crying out "DARLA!!"
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I remember seeing the first episode of Dexter with friends. We were all big Buffy/Angel fans and when Rita came onscreen there was a beat or two of disbelief before all giving each other a look, as if to confirm it, then crying out "DARLA!!"
For me it was the other way round i watched Dexter first and after seeing Darla in Buffy, somehowi never made the connection

Chappie doesn't like the real world
If/when we watch Angel you should watch that too. Once again the first episode isn't as good as later seasons, but it's a good show. I have a feeling Seanc may like that one better. It's a little more actiony; a little more noir-supernatural.

If/when we watch Angel you should watch that too. Once again the first episode isn't as good as later seasons, but it's a good show. I have a feeling Seanc may like that one better. It's a little more actiony; a little more noir-supernatural.
If you do then count me in. That's if everyone is still interested, because assuming we stick to the schedule of two a week this will take 72 weeks

Once again the first episode isn't as good as later seasons, but it's a good show.
I really like the first episode of Angel. It lets you know, right off the bat, that this isn't just Buffy with Angel in the Buffy role. It's its own beast and the end of that first episode makes sure you're aware of that.

I have a feeling Seanc may like that one better. It's a little more actiony; a little more noir-supernatural.
I think Seanc would like it more, too. Certainly more than Buffy upto around season 4 or 5, simply beacause that's after high school. If Buffy was for the transition from teens to twenty, teenager to adult, then Angel is definitely late 20's/30's, having made mistakes and dealing with the consequences of them and atoning when you can.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Can we just talk about the first three seasons of Dexter. Just Kidding.

I liked Puppet Show well enough. My favorite scenes continue to be between the main cast. Seems like I can always do without the action and villain of the week.

The Scoobies (as they became known) are the pull of Buffy. It comes from the writing, I know, but they have such great chemistry together and each and any pairing of them offers something a little different from the others. It's as if they form other characters, so it's a bit like having 10 or 15 characters you love rather than just 5. And those pairing develop throughout the series as much as the other characters. So the Buffy/Xander dynamic, for example, is a very different animal by season 7 than it is now. However, where Buffy excels, IMO, is that that same relationship is very different come season 4 or 5, let alone the end.

I hope you can stick with and and fall in love with it as some of us do, because it'll reward you like few other programmes.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I really like the first episode of Angel. It lets you know, right off the bat, that this isn't just Buffy with Angel in the Buffy role. It's its own beast and the end of that first episode makes sure you're aware of that.
Yeah, Angel is not Buffy with different characters (well some same characters) and it is far more grown up. I love both.

I think Seanc would like it more, too. Certainly more than Buffy upto around season 4 or 5, simply beacause that's after high school. If Buffy was for the transition from teens to twenty, teenager to adult, then Angel is definitely late 20's/30's, having made mistakes and dealing with the consequences of them and atoning when you can.
I know quite a few people that like Angel that don't like Buffy that much at all. Could be the case for Seanc.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If I become too much of a downer you guys let me know. I am def going to keep watching through season 2 since that is when you say it picks up. I don't have to post after every episode though if I am killing the vibe. I have heard so many good things about this show through the years, I really hope it grows on me.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
If I become too much of a downer you guys let me know. I am def going to keep watching through season 2 since that is when you say it picks up. I don't have to post after every episode though if I am killing the vibe. I have heard so many good things about this show through the years, I really hope it grows on me.
No, not at all. I didn't mean to insinuate that. I want you to post wether you like it or not. I always want people to like things that I like a lot, but it doesn't bother me at all if they don't Really I was just considering the things that you said about Buffy and it occurred to me that Angel might be a better fit. Your not killing any vibe. Post away.

I don't like Sopranos all that much so just because people are crazy about something doesn't mean it's for everyone.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It was nothing you said godoggo, it just occured to me I might be being too negative since the rest of you seem to love it so much. I may like Angel better. He has been the most compelling character to me so far. I am still not sure if that is just because he is so shrouded in mystery at this point though. Time will tell. Now that I know you dislike Sopranos I will feel free to get more harsh.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
The Puppet Show I love this episode for so many reasons. Firstly, it's funny and creepy. Dummies are creepy. Ever seen Magic ? Secondly, Cordelia singing The Greatest Love of All. It's horrible. Thirdly, this is the episode where I think I really started to think Buffy was something special. I was kind of iffy until this episode. Finally, the introduction to Principle Snyder. It's so very hard to talk about him without talking ahead. I want to say so many things that I can't. Let's leave it at the arrival of Principal Snyder is the arrival of Buffy becoming good. Really good. Plus, he is so much fun to hate.

Well, I almost watched that one on time. We should be on Nightmares now. People have mentioned it a lot already, so I'm expecting a lot of talk.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
seanc, don't let us give you a wiggins. The first time through, what you've seen so far is really just getting off the ground.

Sorry for the delay, I've been out of town. Caught up today and then some. The Puppet Show is fun for introducing Princip (he takes the Pal out of principal) Snyder. Nightmares does a great job of weaving together classic recurring nightmares with a pretty good central story. These two are still stand alone monster-of-the-week, but they seem so much tighter than say, Witch - better jokes, better editing, more fun.

Re the 72 week thing, if we add Angel when it comes up in the timeline, it still runs a season after Buffy ends, so we're looking at a year and about 7 months. How would you all feel about adding an episode per week? It works fine for me, but I imagine some of you have school or other commitments, so I'm just throwing it out there.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

I was thinking the same SD. The only other suggestion I have, which well let it work along the same timeline, is to drop Buffy to once a week and have Angel take up the other. Personally, I'm fine with adding Angel, but I don't have anything like the time restraints of others.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I was originally thinking HK's way of dropping an episode of Buffy a week to make room for Angel, but I'm fine with watching three episodes a week. Really, that's two hours total so it's just like watching a movie a week. It would keep this from being drawn out too long. We will see what everyone else thinks. I'm hoping to pick up some more members for the second season. There might be people who just didn't want to bother watching the first season again.

I watched Nightmares last night. I had forgotten about the part where Buffy's father basically tells her he doesn't love her. I'm surprised I forgot about that part because a long time ago I watched it with a friend and she said that part was very well written. She is a child of divorce and I am not so it had more impact on her. It does give us more details about Buffy and how she internalizes things a lot. We also see that becoming a vampire is her worst fear. It's a good episode.

Next, starting today, is Out of Sight, Out of Mind. It guests stars Clea DuVall, whom I adore, but you don't see her very much.

I like Clea DuVall, too. She seemed to be everywhere in the late 90's and, you're right, you don't see much of her. I love this episode. I think that, along with The Pack and Witch, it's my favourite of the first season. It's OK, I know I'm weird.

I watched Angel and I Robot, You Jane. I know you all go for it, but I don't really care much for Angel (the episode, of course). It's not that I don't like it or that it's bad or anything, it just doesn't really appeal to me greatly. I think my favourite bit is with Darla going to Buffy's and her at Angels apartment. That the best scene in the episode, IMO.

I actually prefer I Robot, You Jane. It's a bit silly, but then, so am I. It also introduces Jenny and her playful flirting with Giles, as well as giving us a modern Giles, if you will, without being an Anti-Giles. I like Willow-centric episodes, but this one is a little goofy.

I love the old tech, though. It seems that between the 50's and the 90's, you could tell which decade you were in simply by looking out your window. The cars, the clothes, the music, the architecture, the ads, the shops, the packaging, everything. It's all seems very much of its time. Since the late 90's though, it seems to've homogenised. Fashion now moves so quickly that you can wear anything and not look out of place, music is everywhere, the cars have almost been perfected to optimise the combination of safety needs, fuel consumption and style. But the tech. It moves and improves so quickly that ten years looks prehistoric, let alone fifteen. Go back five years and you won't see an iPad in a film or on tv. Because they didn't exist. Go back 20 years and Ross has a pager in Friends and everyone thinks it's great. He doesn't have his own phone, despite having a good job, he has a pager.

The clothes look a little like today, but without the sleek styling, but the tech. It's truly prehistoric. That's where the nostalgia is now.

Sorry about that, I seem to've gone a little off piste.