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Sedai 02-29-16 10:47 AM

The Expanse
Science fiction TV at its best! Anyone else watching this fantastic show? The finale was top notch.

mack 01-28-17 01:45 AM

Re: The Expanse
Love the show. But then - I kind of like Thomas Jane - now there's a man who embraces his cheese. He has a way of playing that loveable defeated character who does the right thing, at the right time, and finally - for the right reason!

I ignored this show for a year, and when I finally watched it - was seriously hooked. I couldnt wait for the 2nd Season, so I knuckled in and started reading the books. Im through Leviathan Wakes and Caliban's War. Now I see why the fanbase is chomping at the bit for Bobbie to show up. :D

CANNOT WAIT for Season 2 to begin -- although I am intrigued as to how they are going to write the story, because now I see that it doesnt follow the books in a straight line......

Sedai 01-28-17 01:50 AM

Re: The Expanse
Just finished book 4. Book series is excellent!

TheUsualSuspect 01-28-17 01:56 AM

Re: The Expanse
My company supplies to gear for this show. I've heard good things, maybe I should support it by watching it.

mack 01-28-17 01:57 AM

for sho! bring us mo! LOL

MonnoM 01-28-17 02:28 AM

Re: The Expanse
I liked the first season, it really surprised me how good it was. I've been on the fence about reading the books, but seeing you lot praise them so highly makes me wonder what I've been missing. I think I'll buckle down and get book 1 tomorrow.

CosmicRunaway 01-28-17 08:05 AM

Because I really liked season one, I picked up a copy of Leviathan Wakes a month or two ago. Since season two is starting soon I figured I'll wait until that's over to start reading it and gave it to my mom to read first over Christmas (she likes science fiction and would read it way faster than I would). Now she wants to watch the show as well and is a little irritated that I couldn't get the DVD of season 1 out to her before season 2 starts. :lol:

wayno 01-28-17 08:44 AM

Re: The Expanse
Fantastic series, such great concepts and attention to detail. I had intended to rewatch S1 before the new season came out, but I won't let that stop me from the S2 premiere on 1 Feb. I can't wait.

mack 01-30-17 08:27 PM

Re: The Expanse
I saved the last episode of Season 1 --- I think I'll watch that Tuesday night. ;) :D

John McClane 02-01-17 11:17 AM

Time left til launch!!

MadMac 04-02-17 03:54 PM

Re: The Expanse
I was hooked from the pilot episode! Totally Awesome!
Not a big fan of Thomas Jane until he met the crew of the Rocinante.
...and I still can't stand Shohreh Aghdashloo.
I can't figure out who told her she could acted...IMO.

coffeegod 04-03-17 03:00 PM

Re: The Expanse
I loved the first season and am currently debating just buying season 2 instead of waiting. Decisions.

mack 06-06-17 07:12 PM

Re: The Expanse
How are you guys liking the TV version of Bobbie? I am .... less than impressed. I feel like the Bobbie in the books was definitely under PTSD and for sure a fierce woman, but I never read that she was stupid ... the TV Bobbie actually comes across as sullen, slightly juvenile, and very unpleasant. And a little slow on the uptake, actually. I get she's a bruiser, but I never thought it was a requirement that one be a politician to understand deeper plotlines and perceive subtlety. Its a chessboard. You are a piece on it. How do you become a lead officer in the military and fail to comprehend that complexity? I respect the book version of her that got burned and chose other options (happens to the best of us), but at least in the book, you get the impression she does it with more gravitas and equanimity and less babyish pouting/tantrum throwing.

just sayin.

still love the show though! And the TV Bobby is growing on me. They better grow her up fast though.....

Sedai 04-20-18 01:56 PM

Re: The Expanse
Season 3!!

So far, so awesome. Totally nailing the Caliban's War story line so far. This show continues to impress.
@Yoda Are you watching this show?

Yoda 04-20-18 02:10 PM

Re: The Expanse
Not yet, but I have some old ones DVR'd to save me a few bucks if and when I do. I heard someone compare it to some other shows I've seen in a moderately unfavorable sense: as an example of shows with too much plot, essentially.

This is a complaint I'm sympathetic to. I feel like, 7-8 years ago, too many shows went the other way: way more about character relative to films, but I think there's been a pretty big shift, and now there are lots of shows with a ton of narrative momentum, so much that they end up twisting back and forth an awful lot, and you have to be really into them to really appreciate them at all. Fair description of this one?

Sedai 04-20-18 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1891664)
Not yet, but I have some old ones DVR'd to save me a few bucks if and when I do. I heard someone compare it to some other shows I've seen in a moderately unfavorable sense: as an example of shows with too much plot, essentially.

This is a complaint I'm sympathetic to. I feel like, 7-8 years ago, too many shows went the other way: way more about character relative to films, but I think there's been a pretty big shift, and now there are lots of shows with a ton of narrative momentum, so much that they end up twisting back and forth an awful lot, and you have to be really into them to really appreciate them at all. Fair description of this one?

I really have no complaints about this show. There is certainly plenty of character development, that's for sure. The claim that there is quite a bit of plot to keep up with is fair, I guess, but not so much that it becomes bloated or confusing, IMO. There aren't a ton of episodes per season, either, so it's not a huge commitment, either. One of the cool aspects is that a fair amount of the intrigue is political, which is why I think it might be in your wheelhouse. Give it a shot! :)

Yoda 04-20-18 02:42 PM

Re: The Expanse
Good stuff, and (perhaps stupidly) the lower number of episodes is appealing.

I'm still swamped with stuff to watch, but I will still, in fact, give this a try.

Sedai 04-20-18 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1891683)
Good stuff, and (perhaps stupidly) the lower number of episodes is appealing.

I'm still swamped with stuff to watch, but I will still, in fact, give this a try.
Cool, let me know what you think once you get rolling.

Things you will like:

- The realistic approach to life in space/space travel. No standing around drinking Earl Gray while going warp speed here!

- The excellent and again realistic politics between the Earth/Moon faction, The militant Mars faction, and the scrappy Belters, that are sort of the underclass proletariat that lives in the asteroid belt mining resources for the other two factions.

- There's a noirish detective in it.

- The fantastic elements are extremely minimal - more realism there.

ynwtf 04-25-18 03:35 PM

I just got caught up to what's available on Prime last weekend. I apparently finished the first season at some point, but couldn't remember much of it so started back around EP4 as a refresher. Wow. I burned through the rest of S1 and finished S2 on Sunday. This show is great. Only Lost and Battlestar Gallactica (2004) have excited me as much for serial sci-fi. I admit that on first watch I was unimpressed after two episodes. I tried again weeks later and couldn't put it down. I do remember that. Like I said, I made it through the entire season at some point.

IMO, this is far superior to Altered Carbon. I had very high hopes for that one and, while I did enjoy it, AC began to compress in of itself halfway through spending too much time setting up in S.T.A.R. Labs, I mean the VR hotel as an HQ. The Expanse, Season 1, was very refreshing for me and offered a unique science fiction experience that took all the best of its predecessors such as gorgeous environmental shots and the quiet, lonely cold of deep space from BSG; the political drama of Babylon 5, and maybe hints of Farscape with the variety of settings from episode to episode, then made something better. There is something special about this series, and I'm a fan now for it.

I almost bought S3 on Prime just to keep going, but it looked like only 2 episodes have been released. That was not worth the $29 admission fee because I won't have the patience to wait!

I agree with the OP in that the season finale of S1 was simply gorgeous and poetic. It seems very likely now that the writers have had a clear path ahead of them, as seeds were planted at the start of S1 that took an entire season to evolve enough to return to. Now having finished Season 2, I believe there are even more elements that will only begin to show in S3, alluded to early in S1. That long-term arc really excites me and I hope that this show can keep its momentum and recognize when to close its story lines down properly before it gets stale.

Sedai 04-25-18 05:34 PM

Re: The Expanse
Glad to hear you are digging the show! Not sure if you are aware, but the source material for the show is a series of books by James S.A. Corey, which is actually two people writing under the pen name. I have read all but the most recent one, which just came out within the last few months. So far, season 3 has been extremely faithful to the book that covers the same period of time in the story. I am excited to see the events that are just about to happen in the show, as I feel they will pull it all off really well.

New episode tonight!

ynwtf 04-25-18 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 1893720)
Glad to hear you are digging the show! Not sure if you are aware, but the source material for the show is a series of books by James S.A. Corey, which is actually two people writing under the pen name. I have read all but the most recent one, which just came out within the last few months. So far, season 3 has been extremely faithful to the book that covers the same period of time in the story. I am excited to see the events that are just about to happen in the show, as I feel they will pull it all off really well.

New episode tonight!
I did NOT know! Makes total sense though, given how tight the plots have been.

MonnoM 05-11-18 04:59 PM

"The third season of Syfy’s sci-fi series “The Expanse” only kicked off a month ago, but the network has announced today that the currently-airing season will be the last. The last episode of the series will air on Syfy this coming July.

The good news? Deadline reports that Alcon Television Group, which fully finances and produces the critically praised series, plans to shop it to other buyers.

They add, The cancellation decision by Syfy is said to be linked to the nature of its agreement for the series, which only gives the cable network first-run linear rights in the US. That puts an extraordinary amount of emphasis on live, linear viewing which is inherently challenging for sci-fi/genre series which tend to draw the lion share of their audiences from digital/streaming.

We respect Syfy’s decision to end this partnership but given the commercial and critical success of the show, we fully plan to pursue other opportunities for this terrific and original IP,” Alcon Entertainment co-founders and co-CEOs Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson said of the well-reviewed series."

Yoda 05-22-18 10:21 AM

Re: The Expanse

TheUsualSuspect 05-22-18 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1902670)
First line of the article: "Amazon Studios is in talks to revive one of CEO Jeff Bezos' favorite properties."

Ha, damn those headlines.

Sedai 05-22-18 11:11 AM

Re: The Expanse
Let's hope this happens!

One of the best science fiction programs currently on TV.

TheUsualSuspect 05-25-18 10:45 AM

Re: The Expanse
Were sending more gear out to the set for The Expanse. Maybe this means it has been officially saved? Don't quote me to the media though.

Sedai 05-25-18 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 1903748)
Were sending more gear out to the set for The Expanse. Maybe this means it has been officially saved? Don't quote me to the media though.

Damn I hope so man! That would make my week.

What exactly do you do for work, Suspect?

TheUsualSuspect 05-25-18 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 1903763)
Damn I hope so man! That would make my week.

What exactly do you do for work, Suspect?

Sim International

I work out of the Lighting & Grip department in Toronto.

So we supply for The Expanse, Star Trek Discovery, Suits, Downsizing, 12 Monkeys, The Strain etc.

Lights, Grip Gear, Cable and Electrical Distribution, Cameras. I work in the cable department.

TheUsualSuspect 05-26-18 09:06 AM

Re: The Expanse
The Expanse has officially been saved by Amazon.

John McClane 05-27-18 04:27 PM

Re: The Expanse
I’m happy it’s saved, but I’m unhapppy about who saved it: Jeff Bezos is dangerous.

John-Connor 07-21-19 03:40 AM

The Expanse Season 4 - Teaser

John-Connor 10-12-19 06:50 AM


ynwtf 11-16-19 05:25 PM

Re: The Expanse
December 13!!!!!

John McClane 11-17-19 10:32 AM

Re: The Expanse
It’s almost here!!!

Hopefully I can get it all watched before my break starts. I need to be focused on my craft and that’s hard to do when TV this good is available. :yup:

ynwtf 12-12-19 09:42 PM

Re: The Expanse
I just hit play on The Expanse, Season 4, Episode ONE!!!!

Nanny nanny boo boo...

Sedai 12-16-19 02:53 PM

Re: The Expanse
I got a chance to watch episodes 1 and 2, which were both top notch. Looks like it has retained the vibe of previous seasons, upped the budget, and now finally Avasarala can swear the way she does in the books. So far, this season is awesome. Looking forward to watching more!

ynwtf 12-16-19 03:16 PM

Re: The Expanse
Binged it this weekend. Stays on par with earlier seasons if just a bit smaller scale. I really enjoyed it and hope AMZ continues.

Sedai 12-16-19 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2052987)
Binged it this weekend. Stays on par with earlier seasons if just a bit smaller scale. I really enjoyed it and hope AMZ continues.

Season 5 already confirmed!

pahaK 12-30-19 07:00 PM

Re: The Expanse
Just finished season 4. There's nothing seriously wrong with it but still, it's the worst season this far. I've heard that the quality of books declines around this spot so maybe it's the source material itself. There were lots of little things that annoyed me and I don't remember faults like them from previous seasons (like Holden saying "look at me" to Amos who's almost killed himself after going blind and the three men boarding at the end). It's still at least close to good but I hope they polish the next season a bit better.

Cobra 12-17-20 10:09 PM

The Expanse
Since people are talking about it so much in the Shoutbox. I think we need a thread for it.

Austruck 12-17-20 10:35 PM

Re: The Expanse
I just started it tonight (am on episode 2 of season 1). We don't have a thread for this series yet??

John McClane 12-18-20 01:11 AM

Sedai 12-18-20 10:46 AM

Re: The Expanse
Merged the threads to keep things tidy!

the samoan lawyer 12-18-20 11:08 AM

Re: The Expanse
This worth getting into? Not watching any series at the moment so I have a slot open.

Sedai 12-18-20 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer (Post 2154399)
This worth getting into? Not watching any series at the moment so I have a slot open.
Easily one of my favorite recent sci-fi series. The first season takes a bit to get going, but the show on the whole is definitely worth a watch. I really enjoy the more realistic approach to life in space, and the focus on intrigue.

Sedai 12-18-20 11:10 AM

Re: The Expanse
@Austruck - thoughts so far?

the samoan lawyer 12-18-20 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2154400)
Easily one of my favorite recent sci-fi series. The first season takes a bit to get going, but the show on the whole is definitely worth a watch. I really enjoy the more realistic approach to life in space, and the focus on intrigue.

This should be enough. I'll try and get this started this weekend, time permitting. Thanks for the reply Sedai.

Sedai 12-18-20 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer (Post 2154406)
This should be enough. I'll try and get this started this weekend, time permitting. Thanks for the reply Sedai.
Pop back in and let us know what you think after you get into it!

the samoan lawyer 12-18-20 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2154411)
Pop back in and let us know what you think after you get into it!

Absolutely will do Seds

Austruck 12-18-20 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2154401)
@Austruck - thoughts so far?
I'm on episode 5 of season 1.

I'm not sure why you said it takes some time to get into things, because I so far feel the opposite. I feel as if it jumped RIGHT in, into a fully formed world with fully realized characters. So, my only concern was that I really had to pay attention in the beginning in order to determine who these characters were, what this world was like. I'm still working some of that out, especially who the good/bad guys are. :) And it's usually better if that's not completely obvious right up front anyway.

Now, the *other* sci-fi series you recommended for me was The 100. I'm on season 3 of that series. The 100 was easier to get into at first, and the characters were clearer and easier to distinguish from each other. The world was even a little easier to figure out.

But so far, I can see that The Expanse is going to be the better series. It feels a lot more like Battlestar Galactica (in a good way), with a gritty, realistic world and complex characters.

There's one thing that BG had that I'm not necessarily sensing from The Expanse, though. BG started out with a very clear goal in mind: Find Earth. Get to Earth. Even in The 100, the goal was kinda to find Earth and see if it's okay to stay there (along with a lot of teenage Lord of the Flies). (I'd argue, though, that by where I am in season 3 of The 100, that long-term goal seems to have come and gone, leaving a strange amalgam of The Island of Dr. Moreau and Battle for the Planet of the Apes or something. :D )

I'm not sure what the long-term, overarching goal is in The Expanse (unless I just missed it early on while I was keeping everything/everyone straight in my head). The description for every episode of this season is this: "The disappearance of rich-girl-turned-political-activist Julie Mao links the lives of Ceres detective Joe Miller, accidental ship captain James Holden, and U.N. politician Chrisjen Avasarala. Amidst political tension between Earth, Mars, and the Belt, they unravel the single greatest conspiracy of all time."

So I guess THAT is the overarching storyline.

Also, anyone who loves the feel and ambiance of Bladerunner will love this show for its style and look alone. Add on some excellent casting and pretty terrific effects (oh, that guy who lost his head, yikes!), and you've got an impressive show so far.

I'll keep you posted if my opinion changes, but so far, it gets two thumbs-up from me.

Austruck 12-18-20 02:09 PM

Re: The Expanse
Oh, and now that there is a merged thread, I might go back and read the previous pages here... although I'm hesitant to read spoilers since I'm still so early on.

Sedai 12-18-20 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2154508)
Oh, and now that there is a merged thread, I might go back and read the previous pages here... although I'm hesitant to read spoilers since I'm still so early on.
I don't recall all the content in the thread, so tread carefully!

As to your previous post...

It's funny, because I think the show hits the ground running, as well, but a couple of my friends have griped about the first season being slow, so I thought I would post the caveat in an effort to keep Lawyer watching if it doesn't click right away.

I have trouble comparing The 100 to The Expanse, as they are pretty different animals. The Expanse is a much more serious and grounded format, while The 100 is ore fantastical in some ways, even if it aims to be hard sci fi. I will say that maybe The 100 hits more emotional highs along the way, with the expanse being more on the clinical side in its examination of its characters. This latest season ups The Expanse's game in that regard though...

The BSG comparison is more in the same wheelhouse, and I would only add that The Expanse, at least so far, hasn't tacked on a gimmick like the whole 'who is a cylon?" thing we dealt with throughout BSG.

There is a temporary tonal shift in The Expanse that take some viewers a bit by surprise, but it only lasts for several episodes, so if you find yourself raising an eyebrow when it occurs, just push through.

Austruck 12-18-20 04:29 PM

Re: The Expanse
Thanks! I'll skip reading earlier posts here for now, then. I tend to binge series quickly, so I'll catch up soon enough. :) It's still early going, so I'm having a FEW issues figuring out what/who the OPA are. Jared Harris in another great role as Anderson Dawes. Gosh, that guy can play just about any sort of part. <3

Apologies for the odd comparison to The 100. It's mostly because they're both fictional worlds, both recently recommended by YOU, HERE, and I'm bopping back and forth between them myself. I needed to take a break from The 100 for a while as they kept adding more on-the-ground factions I hardly cared about. :D

Back to season 1, episode 5!

Sedai 01-05-21 06:17 PM

Re: The Expanse
I demand updates! ;) :D

John McClane 01-05-21 09:56 PM

I honestly can’t think of any sci-fi show that is like The Expanse. It is a juggernaut unto its own, and this is the show that future sci-fi will be compared.

@Austruck - Outer Planets Alliance (OPA) started as a union labor/advocacy group for anyone not from Earth or Mars. In season one, they are loosely viewed as a terrorist organization by Earth and Mars.

But this is all you need to better understand the OPA: “The more you share, the more your bowl will be plentiful.”

Think low key communism for air, water, and food.*

EDIT: it’s also better to think of this show as political sci-fi. No goals. Just straight up world building and what happens happens. That undefined goal is precisely why this series is so good.

John McClane 01-05-21 11:02 PM

Ok, holy crap, this deserves a double post: Amos’ character development tonight was insane. Omg, I am floored. I am still goose fleshing.

Holy crap! HOLY CRAP!

Sedai 01-06-21 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2162688)
Ok, holy crap, this deserves a double post: Amos’ character development tonight was insane. Omg, I am floored. I am still goose fleshing.

Holy crap! HOLY CRAP!

I haven't seen the latest episode, but this is what I was alluding to a week or two ago. The writing re: Amos this season is just off the charts awesome. This show is the bomb.

xSookieStackhouse 01-06-21 10:30 AM

Re: The Expanse
i never watched the series but i heard one of my favorite people is in this show so i dont know if i watched it or not cause i loved her on shadowhunters

John McClane 01-07-21 12:31 PM

Re: The Expanse
@Sedai: Did you get a chance to watch that latest episode last night? Interested to hear what you think.

Sedai 01-07-21 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by John McClane (Post 2163343)
@Sedai: Did you get a chance to watch that latest episode last night? Interested to hear what you think.
I did! I am crushed at work, but will try to pop in here and post some thoughts asap!

GulfportDoc 01-07-21 01:44 PM

I became interested in the series from reading all of your comments, so we started with season 1, and have watched the first 2 eps. I was surprised at the high level of special effects, especially in a TV series. The story is mildly interesting, although I really haven't developed interest in any of the characters.

I suspect the series is very attractive to space opera/Star Wars/Trekkie enthusiasts. Seems like @CitizenRules ought to be following this one. I know he's a big Star Trek fan.

ynwtf 01-07-21 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2163381)
I became interested in the series from reading all of your comments, so we started with season 1, and have watched the first 2 eps. I was surprised at the high level of special effects, especially in a TV series. The story is mildly interesting, although I really haven't developed interest in any of the characters.

I suspect the series is very attractive to space opera/Star Wars/Trekkie enthusiasts. Seems like @CitizenRules ought to be following this one. I know he's a big Star Trek fan.
Pretty much my first impressions. After maybe the third or fourth episode I was hooked. I admit I had to restart it half a year or more later to get into it. Since, I've binged each season that's come except this last one. End of year obligations and such are the only reasons I've not done that yet.

ynwtf 01-07-21 02:22 PM

^I feel uncontrollably obligated to mention that every time I see someone post a comment, being on the fence with this show. Sorry for the reruns ;)

Sedai 01-07-21 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2163381)
I became interested in the series from reading all of your comments, so we started with season 1, and have watched the first 2 eps. I was surprised at the high level of special effects, especially in a TV series. The story is mildly interesting, although I really haven't developed interest in any of the characters.

I suspect the series is very attractive to space opera/Star Wars/Trekkie enthusiasts. Seems like @CitizenRules ought to be following this one. I know he's a big Star Trek fan.
It's much more of a political intrigue focused show than the Trek stuff, even if Trek series such as DS9 had some political intrigue throughout.

It takes a bit of time to start developing the characters, but it does develop them, and especially lately, it does so extremely well.

Gets my vote for the best sci-fi show going currently. Give it some time, or at least a few more episodes, to see if you warm to it more.

@John McClane - The latest episode was excellent. I am glad they spent a good portion of the episode focusing on Amos et al., even if it sacrificed time with some of the other characters to do so. I am a big fan of both Amos and Peaches in the novel series, and am so glad they are being done justice in the show. I am trying to think of a more complex character than Amos in really any show currently running, and I can't really come up with one.

Sedai 01-08-21 12:15 PM

Re: The Expanse
*Waits patiently for @Austruck to check in with her progress...*

Austruck 01-08-21 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2163781)
*Waits patiently for @Austruck to check in with her progress...*
Sorry! I'm still on season 1, episode 6. I'm stuck with a huge proofreading project for the next few days more, and then I can binge-watch stuff again. I know if I tell myself, "Just one episode..." that I'll end up bingeing this and will get behind on my work!

I'm also avoiding this thread because it goes so far beyond where I currently am in the series! Soon!! I'll catch up soon!

Austruck 01-10-21 11:46 PM

Re: The Expanse
I'm finishing up season 1, episode 9 (although I should be working!).

This show gives me mixed vibes: the Miller stuff feels like Blade Runner. The rest feels very Battlestar Galactica. Not a bad combination, really. Still not reading any more of this thread until I catch up, though...

Sedai 01-14-21 05:47 PM

Re: The Expanse
This latest season is cementing The Expanse as the best thing to happen to science fiction in a long time. It exposes other shows' shortcomings by being almost unassailable in its quality. It's complete dedication to realism in its approach to life in space and its extrapolation of realistic future political machinations elevate to new heights in television sci-fi. The Expanse puts a clown suit on pretty much everything else in recent memory. Once the show finds its legs (mid season two, maybe), the actors lock into their roles, and you start to become aware of what a talented and diverse bunch they are. Life in space is given a realism unlike any other show in history. Space is portrayed as vast, lonely, and extremely dangerous. The people that live in the Mars colonies have trouble walking and moving on Earth, as their bodies have trouble adjusting to the gravity here. And the people that live in the belt, out in space itself, can't even go to Earth, as the gravity causes extreme pain or even death.

One reviewer I like to watch said, and I paraphrase... "The Expanse is smart, mature, well-written, shot brilliantly, and perfectly portrayed by a large cast of extremely talented actors, who invest their characters with genuine depth, emotion, and gravitas. It makes an absolute mockery out of the usual shallow, pretentious garbage that passes for sci-fi today, such as Star Trek Discovery."

He's right, and I think that may even apply to historical well-received and good shows, like Star Trek:TNG and BSG. It exposes Star Trek for its silly deus-ex machina driven contrivances, and BSG for its over-reliance on gimmickry such as The Plan and Who are the Cylons? The Expanse doesn't need any of that stuff.

Last night, as I watched yet another absolutely stellar episode chock full of engaging character development and political intrigue, I realized that almost the entire episode had been focused on character, with hardly any plot events, and yet I was on the edge of my seat and just glued to the screen. This show has multiple characters that qualify as some of the most complex and well-developed characters I have seen in a TV show. Then almost as if the show had read my mind, events spun out of control, with an amazing space battle and some jaw-dropping dramatic turns sending my wife and I into fits. The episode faded to black and my wife exclaimed "NOOOOOOOOOO - I need to see what happens!!!"

Best sci-fi show, hands down. I reiterate that it does take some time and unpacking to get going, but it is well worth it.

Corax 01-14-21 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2166463)
This latest season is cementing The Expanse as the best thing to happen to science fiction in a long time. It exposes other shows' shortcomings by being almost unassailable in its quality. It's complete dedication to realism in its approach to life in space and its extrapolation of realistic future political machinations elevate to new heights in television sci-fi. The Expanse puts a clown suit on pretty much everything else in recent memory. Once the show finds its legs (mid season two, maybe), the actors lock into their roles, and you start to become aware of what a talented and diverse bunch they are. Life in space is given a realism unlike any other show in history. Space is portrayed as vast, lonely, and extremely dangerous. The people that live in the Mars colonies have trouble walking and moving on Earth, as their bodies have trouble adjusting to the gravity here. And the people that live in the belt, out in space itself, can't even go to Earth, as the gravity causes extreme pain or even death.

One reviewer I like to watch said, and I paraphrase... "The Expanse is smart, mature, well-written, shot brilliantly, and perfectly portrayed by a large cast of extremely talented actors, who invest their characters with genuine depth, emotion, and gravitas. It makes an absolute mockery out of the usual shallow, pretentious garbage that passes for sci-fi today, such as Star Trek Discovery."

He's right, and I think that may even apply to historical well-received and good shows, like Star Trek:TNG and BSG. It exposes Star Trek for its silly deus-ex machina driven contrivances, and BSG for its over-reliance on gimmickry such as The Plan and Who are the Cylons? The Expanse doesn't need any of that stuff.

Last night, as I watched yet another absolutely stellar episode chock full of engaging character development and political intrigue, I realized that almost the entire episode had been focused on character, with hardly any plot events, and yet I was on the edge of my seat and just glued to the screen. This show has multiple characters that qualify as some of the most complex and well-developed characters I have seen in a TV show. Then almost as if the show had read my mind, events spun out of control, with an amazing space battle and some jaw-dropping dramatic turns sending my wife and I into fits. The episode faded to black and my wife exclaimed "NOOOOOOOOOO - I need to see what happens!!!"

Best sci-fi show, hands down. I reiterate that it does take some time and unpacking to get going, but it is well worth it.

Some very pretty visuals in the FX shots as well.

It does strain credulity in that our featured players are always at the center of the most important events for the human race and I can only take so much baby-talk pseudo-Jamaican belter-speak, Boss Manggg.

Sedai 01-14-21 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Corax (Post 2166470)
It does strain credulity in that our featured players are always at the center of the most important events for the human race and I can only take so much baby-talk pseudo-Jamaican belter-speak, Boss Manggg.
Spoken like a tru Innah! ;)

ynwtf 01-14-21 06:05 PM

Re: The Expanse
I thought I commented on the Blade Runner bit already. I guess I got distracted and closed the browser before I finished. Figures. Yeah. Season 1 was the mystery hook that might make the run more relatable/approachable by those not so into sci-fi stuff. It's a decent missing person mystery. That narrative crutch starts to fade moving into Season 2 when the ...well ...the universe opens up. As Sedai noted, you should be properly invested by mid-Season 2. If you're into it at the moment at all, please do continue. I think you will be pleasantly surprised in the coming development.

In comparisons to Battlestar Gallactica, The Expanse takes that "real feel" of space to the next level. BSG mounted camera points of view to ships, giving us the perspective and physics of non-Starwars physics of space. There are clearly nods to that throughout The Expanse. Aside from hearing turret fire in the vacuum of space, BSG also did a great job of showing how cold, vast, and lonely space is. But where BSG seemed to focus on mysticism and interpersonal relationships between crew and enemies, The Expanse widens our interests from the individual to very large group dynamics. I mean the political play between WORLDs (belters included). Arguably, broader than say Game of Thrones. I mean, GoT was mostly focused on a few individuals too. Ego was the motive. Sure, The Expanse development has to be simplified and an individual face has to placed in lieu of the nameless masses, but the show really does create a "world" that is bigger than a world's perspective. More of what I think BSG was starting with in the mini-series and part of Season 1, but drifted from as Baltar needed more sex. kinda joking. kinda not.

I love me some BSG though, so don't think I'm knocking it (or ST: TNG) as that heathen, Sedai, did earlier.

ynwtf 01-14-21 06:06 PM

Re: The Expanse
lol at that crew being in the middle of everything. Yeah. Fair point. The accent, though annoying in season 1, seems to feel very well established now. I catch myself speaking it from time to time =\

Corax 01-14-21 06:28 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2166472)
Spoken like a tru Innah! ;)

And you speak like a true outer, or should I say terrorist?

Tell Inaros that Earth is not going to take this lying down.

John McClane 01-14-21 08:00 PM

Ok, I just realized no one has mentioned this yet.

How about that intro and the theme music? As soon as I typed that my imagination started playing it in my head and I goose fleshed. Just like I do at the start of every episode.

So, so good. This show has ruined me for just about everything else.

John McClane 01-14-21 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Corax (Post 2166470)
It does strain credulity in that our featured players are always at the center of the most important events for the human race and I can only take so much baby-talk pseudo-Jamaican belter-speak, Boss Manggg.
In the first two seasons it is not so outlandish because they have a warship. No free crew in the outer belt has a warship, so by sheer ownership of a warship they get to be a part of everything. Because no one is going to say “no thanks, we don’t want your warship” or “we don’t have to listen to you”. Warships have their perks.

Austruck 01-14-21 09:01 PM

Re: The Expanse
Still scrolling past any new comments until I catch up...

I'm near the tail end of season 2. My huge proofreading project is finally done so I'll have lots of time to binge my way through and catch up now. :) In fact, I have episode 9 of season 2 on, on my second monitor right now as I type this. Back to it! :) I'm finally getting a feel for who belongs to what. :D

Austruck 01-14-21 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2164800)
I'm finishing up season 1, episode 9 (although I should be working!).

This show gives me mixed vibes: the Miller stuff feels like Blade Runner. The rest feels very Battlestar Galactica. Not a bad combination, really. Still not reading any more of this thread until I catch up, though...
Oh, I need to amend this. While Joe Miller was still alive and not burned up on Venus, I would have probably added a sort of Firefly vibe too, minus more than half of the humor. :D

Austruck 01-15-21 12:22 PM

3 Attachment(s)
That protomolecule monster...

reminds me a little bit of a blue version of this green guy:

Sedai 01-21-21 04:45 PM

Re: The Expanse
@GulfportDoc - Have you watched any more of this series?
@Austruck - And you?

Last night's episode was another fantastic piece of storytelling. This thing is just full steam ahead at this point, right @John McClane?

John McClane 01-21-21 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai (Post 2169276)
Last night's episode was another fantastic piece of storytelling. This thing is just full steam ahead at this point, right @John McClane?
Yeah, that episode really pissed me off. I wanted more of Amos and Peaches, but now that I think about it they actually had right much of the episode. Damn, I didn't realize just how much story they packed into it now that I think about it.

I have been double and triple watching every episode this season, so I will watch it again soon (I always catch it on Tuesday night since they put them up early).

But yo, right now I am knee deep into that Showtime show Your Honor, and not really thinking about The Expanse.

Austruck 01-26-21 06:28 PM

Re: The Expanse
Scrolling past everyone else's posts...

I just started season 4!

Season 3 was a wild ride!

John McClane 01-26-21 08:28 PM

Thank you for the reminder. New episode tonight. :D

Austruck 01-26-21 08:39 PM

Re: The Expanse
If I time things right, season 5 will all be aired by the time I get that far. :D

Austruck 01-27-21 01:41 AM

Re: The Expanse
Question: Have they done all five seasons one episode released at a time? Or is this a new-ish thing?

Sedai 01-28-21 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2171430)
Question: Have they done all five seasons one episode released at a time? Or is this a new-ish thing?
When it was on Sci-fi channel, it was weekly, for sure. Trying to recall if the first season on Amazon was weekly or if they just dumped it all out at once.

John McClane 01-28-21 02:35 PM

Re: The Expanse
@Austruck / @Sedai: Season 4 was dropped in its entirety on Amazon. They hadn't started the slow release model with any of their shows at that time.

So season 5 is the first slow release.

Austruck 01-28-21 03:02 PM

Re: The Expanse
Ah, I didn't even realize it had been on SyFy first. Still, I wonder why Amazon is doing a weekly release since most of their customers (I assume) purchase Amazon Prime on a yearly subscription basis. Or... maybe they don't? (It's a lot cheaper when subscribing for a full year at once.)

I'm on season 4, episode 7. Good thing I don't have much of a real life these days. I'll be caught up soon at this rate. :D

Sedai 01-28-21 03:34 PM

Re: The Expanse
Not sure what @John McClane thinks, but since the show hit Amazon, it has just taken off into the stratosphere as far as the quality of the writing is concerned. Not that it was bad before, but man, so good now!

John McClane 01-28-21 03:59 PM

Re: The Expanse
@Austruck: The slow burn release is, and I'm purely speculating here, a better model for gauging interest (i.e. if people keep coming back every week then it is a winner). Since none of these companies release viewing numbers we are left in the dark, but I think they are doing it to see when to pull the plug on a show or not. I know with The Expanse next season is the last but that's primarily because it is a niche genre, it is expensive, and the books do a 30 year time jump that would be difficult for them to pull off with the current actors. The writers have mentioned that they were struggling with how to handle it, but I suspect we will see a major deviation from the source material in next season in order to neatly wrap up everybody's plot lines.

@Sedai: Yup, I have been with this show from the first episode premiere on SyFy (it was lonely being the only one raving about it back then, but glad to see I'm not left out in the cold anymore ;)) and the writing has definitely skyrocketed in quality since moving to Amazon. Pun fully intended. :D

When SyFy pulled the plug on it in season 3 the writing dropped off quite a bit because they wanted to leave an ending that would work in case no one ponied up to pick up the show. They had been shopping around for awhile because it had just gotten too expensive for them to continue it, which I totally understand. With that said, even with the drop off in writing, it was still infinitely better than any other show on television at that time.

Sedai 01-28-21 04:27 PM

Re: The Expanse
I love how the show focuses on character development a good portion of the time, while still moving the narrative forward at a good pace, also stopping from time to time to have a little moment of contemplation for this character or that. That last thing happened again last night, I am sure you know the scene I am talking about!.

Austruck 01-28-21 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay... a question about season 4, episode 7 (which I'm watching right now)...

In one scene, Avasarala's husband is teaching a literature class on Ulysses. The class is interrupted by his wife, so he dismisses everyone from class so he can talk to her. He dismisses them with instructions to keep reading because it'll be on the test... "... as well as Preston, Wordsworth, and Logan."

Surely that's a fun nod to William S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan, right? Right?

Austruck 01-28-21 05:13 PM

Re: The Expanse
Also, somebody needs to tell Avasarala to stop coloring her hair a completely pitch black color. It's becoming a distraction. :D

Sedai 01-28-21 05:25 PM

Ha!! Nice catch. I did not notice that... Seems an odd reference for the show, though... However, Bill and Ted tossed around name drops from literature and history, so I presume he meant the actual scholars from history, although I don't know exactly who he meant.

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2172193)
Okay... a question about season 4, episode 7 (which I'm watching right now)...

In one scene, Avasarala's husband is teaching a literature class on Ulysses. The class is interrupted by his wife, so he dismisses everyone from class so he can talk to her. He dismisses them with instructions to keep reading because it'll be on the test... "... as well as Preston, Wordsworth, and Logan."

Surely that's a fun nod to William S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan, right? Right?

Austruck 01-28-21 06:51 PM

Re: The Expanse
I asked myself that right away: Were there a real Preston and Logan famous enough in literature to be included alongside Homer and Wordsworth in a class centuries in the future? I don't think so. It almost has to be a nod, doesn't it?

Austruck 01-29-21 01:54 AM

Re: The Expanse
Starting season 5!!

Also, side note: I love Amos. :D

Austruck 01-31-21 02:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm caught up!

QUESTION about episode 9 (the current one): If Naomi is such a whiz with all this stuff on ships, why doesn't she just defuse the ship as a bomb? That seems a lot easier than everything they just showed her doing with the repeating message broadcast. No?



Austruck 01-31-21 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by GulfportDoc (Post 2163381)
I suspect the series is very attractive to space opera/Star Wars/Trekkie enthusiasts. Seems like @CitizenRules ought to be following this one. I know he's a big Star Trek fan.
I'm actually not a fan of those sorts of shows. People like @Sedai keep getting me hooked on this crap! :D :D Battlestar Galactica, The 100, The Expanse... All this sci-fi stuff is probably why I also watch This Is Us religiously: as a counterbalance. :D

Austruck 01-31-21 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2171361)
If I time things right, season 5 will all be aired by the time I get that far. :D
(sigh) I caught up yesterday, so I was off by about three days. Ugh, I had forgotten how much I hate waiting for weekly episode drops. :D

ALSO... that Belter accent... and accents in general...

Frankly, since I binged nearly five seasons in a matter of weeks, I could much more easily see a progression of that accent. In every Belter it becomes more pronounced as the episodes and seasons go on. I noticed it especially with Naomi, who is almost purely a British accent in the first season. By the end of season 5 where we are now, she's talking like a Belter who lived in London for a few years. :)

Anderson Dawes's accent was a nice mixture I could handle, but again, if these people are multi-generation Belters, they likely wouldn't have traces of British accents at all anymore.

Now, PERHAPS in Naomi's case, the accent change is because she went back to her Belter folk and one's accents might naturally go back to what one grew up with. That's a plausible storyline explanation, and that's fine. But I suspect it's just the actress not being as consistent with the accent.

Kinda like if you compare the earliest representations/drawings of character from The Simpsons to the much more cartoony and stylized versions that later became the standard...

And, honestly, why is Bobbie Draper the ONLY Martian or ONLY PERSON in this entire story universe with an Australian accent??

Also also... if we continue to write about these episodes going forward, can we name them with season and episode numbers? I finally went back and read earlier posts, and so many say "That last episode was amazing!" without telling me WHICH episode it was. That's gonna get impossible to figure out as the series rolls into another season. Just my two cents on that! :)

Austruck 01-31-21 04:31 PM

Re: The Expanse
@Sedai... you've read the books then? I have them on my Amazon wishlist now but was going to ask the group if anyone had already read them. Did you start the books before the series came out?

John McClane 01-31-21 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Austruck (Post 2173344)
I'm caught up!

QUESTION about episode 9 (the current one): If Naomi is such a whiz with all this stuff on ships, why doesn't she just defuse the ship as a bomb? That seems a lot easier than everything they just showed her doing with the repeating message broadcast. No?
Um, she just survived a hard vacuum transfer between ships. The last thing you’re going to do is start messing around with disarming a bomb.

I’m sure her vision is shot. Plus, she has no tools.

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