igor_is_fugly's Avatar
Last Activity: 04-16-12


"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"


15¾ years HERE

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I'm 19 and of the female variety Biography
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movies, dance, reading, music Interests
philosophiser Occupation
Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 13
  1. 05-16-11
    Hi there I've been off at college, my Film and Psych Majors plus a Dance Minor and part time job have kept me VERY busy. But now it's summer (yay!) and I'm hoping to be able to stop by movieforums more. How have you been?
  2. 05-16-11
    Hey, nice you see you around again! What's new?
  3. 11-26-10
    yet another mofo gone missing... where do u all go?
  4. 08-21-09
    What? You're not my friend?
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