Darkrose's Avatar
Last Activity: 03-13-13


Forever and Never
1,223 POSTS


14½ years HERE

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Film (obviously), Reading, Writing, the Arts, ect... Interests
This question should be "Why do you live", and my answer would be "to feel" Occupation
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats
Showing Comments 69 to 71 of 71
  1. 12-30-09
    Thank you very much!!!
  2. 12-28-09
    No, but my father told me I would like it; I have yet to see it. What were your thoughts?
  3. 12-26-09
    I see you have Point of No Return in your top 10 list. Have you ever seen the original French version, La Femme Nikita?
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