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Last Activity: 02-04-19


Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
2,909 POSTS


11½ years HERE

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Showing Comments 25 to 28 of 29
  1. 05-13-15
    Hey Bluedeed. I was planning on watching that video analyzing Playtime you've been posting. Just wondering if you think I should watch it before or after I watch Playtime? I'm guessing after, but its just in case.
  2. 05-03-15
    Hi, I saw you derailing a Mayweather thread with a factually incorrect post - so I corrected it here - hopefully to save you the trouble of embarrassing yourself in any real life social situation that you may have one day.

    Just FYI, what's "accepted" on the DailyKos message board isn't what's accepted in real life informal situations.
  3. 03-30-15
    For some reason your avatar looks like a sheep on a sofa.
  4. 11-06-13
    At one point i would like to hear your thoughts on Days of Heaven! Great top 10
Hill of Freedom   4/13/15
If someone were to choose to watch the film as a playful and awkward vacation, Hill of Freedom would be a fun

Closed Curtain   2/07/15
I think this is probably Panahi's greatest film, one of the greatest Iranian films, and one of the greatest fi

Silver Linings Playbook   1/13/13
Two people freely expressing their immature thoughts isnt sad or romantic, its just immature, at least the way

Life of Pi   12/20/12
Lee almost had it, and the film is still good, and one of the best shot films of the year, but he falters too

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